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February 1, 2021
Have you ever pushed something off? from Pat Sloan's Blog

I hope you can relate to this today.

Blue and Mint Wreath Holiday Postcard

*** Do you do this too? ***

It's WAY too early to feel this way, but I was putting off talking about my word of the year, working to convince myself I'd write about it later.

Sometimes it feels hard to think about things right now. I have pandemic brain. So many months of this .. AND.. winter... February Winter... 

So I pulled on my big girl panties .. let's get to it!

*** I'll tell you other things about it on my video today ***

Right now my word 'Do' needs a friend ...

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January 16, 2021
Word of the Year 2021 from Quilt Paint Create

Every choice we make in life is an experiment. – Charles Duhigg

My word for 2021 is choose.

I find too often I am living life on autopilot. I want to make intentional decisions about what I do with my time, what I include in my life and how I take care of myself.

Routine has a place in life, but it shouldn’t be the default. I find great value in questioning everything. I started as a small child and never did stop. Along the way I made some unconventional choices, and I’ve never regretted them.

With this COVID ...

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January 12, 2021
First Finish of the New Year from Ellyn's Place


Last night I put the finishing stitches on the binding of my 2021 Word of the Year quilt.  You can read my thoughts on the word believe here.  I thought a magic wand was the perfect item to represent my word this year.

All of the fabrics are Moda Grunge and the finished quilt measures 18" x 20".  I used a bunch of different techniques in this one tiny quilt.... foundation paper piecing for the letters, my own funky dresden technique for the end of the wand, needle turn appliqué recently learned from my friend Martha for the stick, big ...

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January 4, 2021
My Word for the Year from Appalachian Quilts

Every year I pick my 'word for the year'.  A lot of people participate in this.  As a wise pastor has said, "you will move in the direction of your focus".  Think about it - if you are driving down the road and start to look at something in your peripheral, all of a sudden you are driving toward it.

My word for 2020 was Embrace.  I wanted to focus on embracing the circumstances and people surrounding me rather than hoping for something else.  Given the current atmosphere, you can only guess how hard that could have been.  Surprisingly, it wasn ...

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December 31, 2020
To Do or Do Not... My word of the year & a giveaway! from Pat Sloan's Blog

Happy New Year!!!!!!! On the first of the year I do things I want to be doing all year. Like quilting, exercising, travel(hopefully by end of 2021), eating great food, visiting family and  living my Word of the year. 

And to make this fun, I have a giveaway at the end!

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** 2020 - holy moley I'm glad that's done! ** 

On this Happy New Year's Day, January 1, 2021, I'm thrilled to turnover the calendar. I know nothing actually changes. Covid is not gone, my wrists are not healed 100%, but mentally I get a fresh start ...

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June 20, 2020
Round up of FREE Flag patterns & UFO commitment from Pat Sloan's Blog

Pat sloan UFO busting


My word of the Year is to 'Be Intentional'

While mulling over our calendar for July, I decided that the focus will be on UFOs (UnFinished Objects).  One thing I need to really focus on is how many of these projects that are started do I want to finish.  And then I have to 'Intentionally' make that happen. July is the month!

I know a few of you do not have UFOs (what???) and I know a few of you would rather sew something new during the month. Luckily there are several sew along going on for July ...

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April 21, 2020
a bookmark with purpose from Charm About You

Having already made my mum a similar bookmark, I decided to make one for myself. Given the current situation and the fact we are staying at home, it has made me focus on small things but also the bigger picture. I'm grateful for so much right now and have found it helpful to think about what I would like to achieve in this time. Not to 'hustle' or have unrealistic expectations of a million things I could do or learn or create. Rather what is important, can I prioritise the things I put off but really want to do ...

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April 11, 2020
Something FREE & Springy.. A Cottage Garden + a bit more... from Pat Sloan's Blog

*** Taking our Pulse ***

How are you friend? 

I thought it was worth repeating today my 'Let It Go!' Daily challenge. Because it's good to take a pause and be sure we are on the right track with things. Not getting to crazy.  It's good to hit the reset button too and just breath a bit.  

Life is upside down for so many right now.... actually for most of us. Even if your area has few virus cases, you are still needing to change most of how you operate in order to not transmit and to be safe. 

So ...

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March 24, 2020
My Balance wall hanging is done! from The Crafty Quilter

Hi friends. I have finished my BALANCE wall hanging which portrays my 2020 Word of the Year in a creative way. I’m really happy with the way it turned out.

BALANCE Wall Hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter

I have been working on this, off and on, since January. It was the free motion quilting around the letters that had me stalled for a while. Once I dug my heels in, it only took me two days to finish it.

BALANCE Wall Hanging made and designed by Julie Cefalu @ The Crafty Quilter

I made this wall hanging to represent my Word of the Year in a way that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve been dabbling ...

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March 13, 2020
Do you want a peek? A Saturday Coffee Date from Pat Sloan's Blog

If you are reading this in an email, CLICK THE TITLE or the SEE MORE at the end to come to my website to watch my video!

** Saturday Coffee Date ** 

I'm been having so much fun with the daily challenges!  this might be one of my favorites so far.. I need to finish this project this year! 

This is going to double as my 'word of the year' month review.

  • I've been doing Yoga almost ever day since the middle of January.  Only missed about 5 days! 
  • I'm 'Being  Intentional' with my challenges each day, it's ...

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February 21, 2020
Twenty twenty, Imagine and Beauty from Terificreations's Weblog

Twenty twenty is off to an amazing start in ways that I’m looking forward to sharing over the next several months. What I can share with you now is that I’m teaching at International Quilt Festival in Houston, I have two classes Beginner Machine Quilting and The Weight of Color (a drawing style class). As… Continue reading Twenty twenty, Imagine and Beauty

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February 1, 2020
Being Intentional.. what does that mean? from Pat Sloan's Blog

2 being intentional

** February Update for My Word of the Year ** 

Have you picked a word of the year, made a new years resolution, made decisions that you wanted to stick, and then... slowly.. as the days and weeks go by you forget about them?  

Me too.

This year I selected Intentional as my word and I really didn't know why. I didn't have a clear thought on how that would look or be for me. But as the days of January went on I realized this is an amazing word because I can Intentionally do the things that are important ...

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intention from Ellyn's Place

I mentioned in an earlier post that my word for 2020 is Intention. One tradition I have is making a quilt with my word on it each year. Here is my quilt for this year...

This is my tenth word and quilt. All of my quilts are the same size (18x20") and I plan to hang them up near the ceiling around the walls of my studio. In fact, that is one thing I INTEND to do this year!

I'm happy with this quilt. I think it reflects who I am, or maybe who I am evolving into? I ...

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January 14, 2020
2019 Word of the Year, and Goals from Terificreations's Weblog

Don’t say this sky’s the limit when there are footsteps on the moon This morning I woke up thinking about the goal’s I’d originally set for 2019. There were several specific goals that I’d really hoped to achieve. Hoped being the operative word. This led to thinking about goals I’ve had on/off over the last… Continue reading 2019 Word of the Year, and Goals

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January 10, 2020
Word of the Year from 120 Blocks

I have never before had a word of the year. I’ve seen other people with words of the year, but I never really got into that. Maybe I did once or twice but those were words I forced myself to … Continue reading

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2020 Word of the Year from Quilt Paint Create

Tough going back to work this week after having so much time off during the holidays. I find I’m a little behind in posting.
I struggled a bit picking a word this year. I had a picture of the concept in my mind but not the word that fit it. Last year my word was ENJOY, which helped me define the things I want in my life. This year’s word needed to describe the process of embracing those things and including them in daily life.
That word is CREATE.
No matter what the word, I always find it ...

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January 6, 2020
word of the year 2020 from Charm About You

As is now my custom, at the start of the year I chose one little word. I do this rather than make resolutions because quite honestly my resolutions would probably be the same every year! Instead, picking a word allows me to encapsulate my intentions for the year ahead. Focusing on a word gives me drive to achieve my goals and I can reflect on it daily. 

Should you be interested, you can read about my previous picks and feel free to adopt any of the following words for your 'one little word' if they speak to you:

2019 ~ Fortitude ...

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Happy New Year from Ellyn's Place

Hello friends! Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a bit. I could make all kinds of excuses but I won't! Life just got busy and blogging didn't feel like a huge priority for a while. There was lots of family time, including celebrating the graduation of our youngest daughter, Ally, from Texas State University!

It was fun to have the whole gang together to celebrate Ally!
And now, here we are at the beginning of a new Decade!  Many of you know that I always choose a word of the year. This is actually ...

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January 2, 2020
Do you pick a Word? Do a look back? Want something FUN? + a giveaway! from Pat Sloan's Blog

Happy New Year!!!!!!! On the first of the year I do things I want to be doing all year. Like quilting, exercising, travel, eating great food, visiting family and  living my Word of the year. 

And to make this fun, I have a giveaway at the end!

Pat sloan 2010 to 2019sm

** 2010 to 2019 ** 

On this Happy New Year's Day, January 1, 2020 I've got

  • A one picture a year look back
  • A one picture a month from Instagram
  • My Word of the year
  • A fun new 'Adventure'. I love starting something new and I hope you'll join me!
  • And at ...

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January 1, 2020
My Word of the Year for 2020 – Focus on the Light! from The Free Motion Quilting Project

Happy New Year and welcome to 2020! In this Hello My Quilting Friends Podcast episode I’m sharing my new word of the year as well as lots of news from around the house. Enjoy watching and seeing lots of beautiful projects as well as my first painting!

You can also listen to the podcast or download it to your computer using this player:

Quick links from this Word of the Year 2020 Podcast:

Click Here to check out Leah Day’s Goddess Quilts – I included a few minutes from this new book to explain my new word of the ...

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