Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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March 13, 2025
I will not be defeated! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'll share the story of the long lost connection in a minute, first I have to explain what new path I've gone down. As you know, I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I have no issues with technology working or not working at the moment (knock on wood). My problem is understanding various file formats and how they work and do different things in various graphic programs. 

In one instance, a vector file is required, while a raster file is needed somewhere else. Do you understand those terms and what they are all about? And what ...

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August 28, 2024
Doing things alone is a good thing! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There are several things I have learned over the years in setting expectations for how things turn out. 

  1. You can over-plan! You spend so much time planning the event that when it actually happens, it's melodramatic and a let-down. The event occurs in a flash, and there's no time to enjoy it, especially if you're constantly watching to see that everything happens as planned. I suppose part of the event is the planning, but that's not me. I like to wing things! 
  2. You can do anything alone! I do not know why doing things alone has ...

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July 25, 2024
Be prepared!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh, I did not throw that dead skunk into a neighbor's yard!!! I have a large woodlot (my forest) behind my house, and the skunk will decompose and return to the land in a safe and friendly environment! I do NOT dispose of garbage over the fence. I should have been clearer on that, but I assumed (and we all know what happens with that) that everyone who is a regular reader knows I have a natural woodlot behind me. 

Someone said it would smell. I've seen and smelted enough dead animals in that forest—we've lived ...

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July 1, 2024
Clearing up the little jobs - one at a time from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Slow and steady! Therapeutic! I hope others feel that because after the Virtual Retreat, I think a "few" people have been organizing their sewing spaces. I heard people having been refolding their fabrics so they fit nicely on the shelves, scraps have been pitched, patterns are being reevaluated, and a whole lot more. 

Doesn't it feel good? I swear, the more that I slow down and actually accomplish those niggly little tasks, the more I want to do them and actually get something done instead of shoving it to the side. 

Let's take a look at what is ...

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August 17, 2023
is it the thought that counts . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

So I know it was just last week when I stated that Mondays were good for blogging days. I was doing so well with two Mondays in a row . . . and then this past Monday hit.  I had every intention of posting.  I even knew what pics I'd share and what I'd say . . . but life.  You feel me, right?  And then Tuesday was a chemo day.
Look at Todd smiling for the camera! Tuesday night was tough and Wednesday I stayed home with him, so here it is on Thursday and I'm playing catch-up. Harrumph. Thursdays just feel ...

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January 12, 2023
I was SCAMMED from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK --- so I can see how people get scammed. In addition to my scratch lotto ticket, I found a Lotto Max ticket, and well -- I might as well take that with me to see if it's a winner. YES -- I know I can have the app on my phone, but I haven't reinstalled it since I got the new phone, and I rarely buy tickets. 

I get to the mall and scan the Lotto Max ticket, which is a WINNER. $10!! There were two employees at the kiosk, and one of them was busy, so this woman popped ...

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January 5, 2023
What habits do you want to learn? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh --- running short on time this morning; I'll deal with the comments tomorrow. I love comments, so thanks for sending them along. 

We all know that you must be careful when searching the internet as sometimes you don't necessarily get what you want. At least my secondary search was CLEAN but unexpected. 

I was searching for the power tower, so I could figure out where to buy it. This is what I wanted. I love the bilingualism in the photo. The measurements on the left are in inches, and those on the right are in millimeters. A true ...

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December 4, 2022
Christmas Tea Party – Cooking, Sewing and Crafting from From My Carolina Home

This year was our neighborhood group’s turn to host the guild’s Holiday party, and we have been working on it for months. We set the theme last spring and began looking for the materials we needed. Settle in for a long and picture heavy post, as I catch you up on all the prep and secret projects, and show you the final result. We had a wonderful time, and the guild was delighted.

The first thing we decided was to make it an afternoon tea rather than a meal. We decided to make teacup pincushions for all the ...

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October 21, 2022
New Starts from From the Strawberry Patch...

My second new quilt start happened this week with yet another block-of-the-month class. This one is based on a pattern called "Cream and Sugar" by It's Sew Emma. I've decided to adopt the lower-contrast neutral palette as illustrated; I think it will be pretty and a nice way for me to experiment with value, it will be fun. One of the class participants expressed that she thought beige quilts were

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New Starts from From the Strawberry Patch...

My second new quilt start happened this week with yet another block-of-the-month class. This one is based on a pattern called "Cream and Sugar" by It's Sew Emma. I've decided to adopt the lower-contrast neutral palette as illustrated; I think it will be pretty and a nice way for me to experiment with value, it will be fun. One of the class participants expressed that she thought beige quilts were

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August 2, 2022
sweet, sweet, sweet . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Lots of lovely little tidbits from the past week.  First up, my daughter-in-love, has created a *sweet* home business called "Madelyn Mae's Bake Shop".  She makes the loveliest, tastiest cookies! How do I know they're tasty, you may ask?  Because she sent me some!
Tea cups, tea pots, and quilt squares! And in purples, no less!  It was a fun snail mail package to receive! She's so talented!

And I know autumn is on its way, because I've started to feel the pull of all things pumpkin . . .
Picked up this sweet Benartex metallic pumpkin panel.  I ...

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October 28, 2020
random bits . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Can I tell you something?  Since I changed my comments to 'comment moderation, always' I sometimes forget to publish them to my blog.  Am I the only one?!?  Please tell me I'm not! LOL!

My son sent me this photo on Monday evening . . .
Frightening, no?  The tallest building (the Mazda Building) is where his company's suite of offices is.  He's been working remotely since March, so he's not there.  But they did have a group that was working onsite, and they were evacuated. I'm so glad they moved to Murrieta; before they made the move ...

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September 27, 2020
stitchin' along . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

One more stitchery finished . . .
I was really pleased with this simple stitchery! I finished it out like I've done several in the recent past.  I put it in a bamboo hoop, backed it with felt, and trimmed the rim out.  I took this one to work to enjoy!
Speaking of enjoying things at work, my special order of chai tea, by Samovar, finally arrived!  I enjoyed a nice cuppa Thursday afternoon, along with a shortbread cookie!
SEC football season started up today ... hip, hip, hooray!  Our church is having a Tailgate Party outside tomorrow after services.  
Todd made his ...

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September 20, 2020
pumpkins and acorns . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

So far, so good!  I headed out Thursday, along with some of the other Essential staff wives, for a retreat/conference in Dallas, Georgia; Cultivate 2020.

It was a LOT of fun!  I love road trips in and of themselves, but this retreat was really intended to pamper and encourage the participants and a great job was done of it!

I mean, wow!  Our lunch Friday was served in high—tea time—style! Each of us got our own tiered tray, that then went home with us. We went home with a ton of swag, including the gorgeous (and yummy ...

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September 16, 2020
happy wednesday . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

I'm going to start with the big news, right off the bat . . .
One.  Hundred.  Days.  

Can you believe it?!?  How much stitching do you have to do in order to be ready for it? That's the million dollar question, isn't it?  LOL!

Late Sunday afternoon I finally sat down to stitch, but got distracted by a new TeaTime Holidays magazine . . .
Yeah, more Christmas! Though the first tea party they share is a Thanksgiving one! It justified having the pumpkin blondie with my mug of pumpkin spice tea.

I combated Monday work blues by 'fallifying" my office space ...

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August 6, 2020
Tea & Crumpets from Nestlings By Robin

August brings 
September AQ magazines
to mailboxes all over:)
Soon to be found on 
shop shelves near you.
Within the pages you
will find my cheerful
Tea & Crumpets.

This piece was originally
done in a completely 
different colorway
and in the end we
went with brights!

Before I can order fabrics,
I have to do a test block...
Luckily I had some 
brights laying around 
to play with.

I know paper piecing intimidates
some of you but I would encourage
everyone to have another go at it.
Organization is KEY!
See all the tidy piles and I ...

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May 14, 2020
pandemic pass . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Evidently, that's just what I did.  Took a pass on blogging during the height of the pandemic. I have no good excuse for it, either!  Except how you know when you miss something one week ... and it makes it a little easier to miss it the next week ... until the week comes and it's hard to do it because you've missed so much?

Yeah.  That.

I *have* been busy (for the last seven plus weeks).  Lemme 'splain . . .

I made some masks (click here for the tutorial):

I made quilt tops and finished quilts:
(Temecula mini is finished ...

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February 5, 2020
a flimsy and some whimsey . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Is anyone else struggling with spammers (one in particular) of late?  I hate putting my comments on moderation, but I'm so tired of the spam, I had to go there for the time being. On a happier note, this is post 1,400!  Not that it means anything to anyone but me (and I've been blogging since 2003, which averages to 82 posts a year?!) ... perseverance!  LOL!

I finished my class flimsy . . .
I'm so in love with this.  The top finished out at a respectable 60" square.  It'll make a nice lap quilt.  I'm going ...

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February 1, 2020
Hot Tea Month in the Rear View Mirror from Hooked on Quilting

As has been said many times before this, all good things must come to an end, and so ends our National Hot Tea Month. I’m trying to wrap my mind around that realization actually. How could a whole month come and go, while I feel as if I’ve been left somewhere back at the end of December (actually more like May, but I kinda hate to admit that)? I truly do not like this winged time that I seem to be experiencing in the latter half my life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about, and discovering, new ...

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January 30, 2020
A Tea That’s My Favourite Colour! from Hooked on Quilting

When looking for something new to try back before Christmas that was caffeine free, I ran across Indigo Punch from Harney & Sons. The photo on their website was as appealing as the description of the blend. Put a purple tea in front of me and it’s quite doubtful that I’ll resist it.
Pic-HS-Indigo Punch Loose
This tea is a blend of butterfly pea flower, fragrant apple pieces and rosehips, bright lemongrass, lemon peel, and vivid raspberry. A natural honey flavour has also been included in the blend, but that didn’t stop me from adding more honey to my cup of ...

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