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January 30, 2025
Basic Quilting Tools and Supplies from Patchwork Posse

There are so many quilting tools out there—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! Walk into any fabric store, and the aisles are packed with fun gadgets and must-haves. But when it comes down to it, a few basic tools will become your go-to favorites.

These are the tools you reach for every time you sew. They travel with you to retreats, sewing days, and quilt groups. They stay right by your machine, on your table, or within arm’s reach—always ready for action!

In this article, I’ll walk you through the essential quilting tools every beginner needs ...

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Stars of Peace QAL: Fabric and Supplies from Nestlings By Robin


We are only 3 days away 
from this fun and inspiring quilt along!
So Exciting!!
If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add up your pieces to total ...

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January 27, 2025
Stars of Peace QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you ...

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February 1, 2022
Winter Games QAL: Blizzard Supplies from Nestlings By Robin

 We are 3 days out from the start
of the Winter Olympics 2022 in
Beijing China!
Time to support our athletes
that have trained tirelessly
for this one moment!!
I am excited to see your 
fabric selections.
You saw mine HERE.
Please show progress 
over in my

If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE
We will wait...
Ok, now that you are back, 
let's talk supplies.

Winter Games

Still love the Magic sizing 
for PRESSING all my seams
nice and flat.
*You see my favorite 
Bohin pencil is back.
That ...

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April 10, 2020
Back in the Painting Saddle Again from From Edge 2 Edge

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be told by my governor that I should shelter in place. That means that I can play and I don't have to listen to that inner nag that tells me 'You have to get all your work and errands done before you can have fun creating art'. Now I can tell her to shut up, I am not allowed outside where other people are.
I haven't worked with my ProChem PROfab paints in a LONG time so I thought that I would do a couple of practice pieces and ...

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