I made shirt strings a while back aiming for a string x quilt for leftover pieces of shirts. This weekend I spent some time cutting fabric for the sides.
I cut the strips 1 1/2 x 10 1/2. I am making a 7 x 9 setting.
I made shirt strings a while back aiming for a string x quilt for leftover pieces of shirts. This weekend I spent some time cutting fabric for the sides.
I cut the strips 1 1/2 x 10 1/2. I am making a 7 x 9 setting.
I overdid the yellow waffle stamp blocks , but, that gets me to a larger number already done for the whole quilt. These are very easy to do and a bit addictive.
One of the Ufos I wanted to do for yellow at rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy, was Bonnie Hunter blue skies from her book string fling. I made the string blocks during a string basket cleaning in 2016. I was string piecing anything in the book I might want to make while I was playing with strings. Last month, I assembled zucherwatte with pink. After reading that I ...
read moreWhat do you do when making a block makes more small scraps?
Last weekend, I worked at my treadle, and, finished my shirt string piecing. I am working toward Bonnie Hunter's geese on a string quilt in her book string frenzy. After the blocks were finished, I went back to the book, and realized I had made a mistake. In one part, Bonnie says to cut phone book papers 7 1/4 inches. In a different part, she says to cut them diagonally. I didn't read that part, apparently.
I used to set aside the weekend for sewing string and crumbs at my treadle. But, after finishing 2 wonky courthouse tops, my living room was a disaster of a mess. I was trying to give up string quilting, but, alas, I miss it. And, I will begin again with the same promises I make to myself, that I will always clean up as I go. haha -I had cut papers for Bonnie Hunter's geese on a string in early Spring. I am making more shirt strings and crumbs as I cut for other projects, and they looked so ...
read moreI started this quilt as part of the rainbow scrap challenge in 2018. I made blocks according to the rainbow color of the month. By year end, I had all the blocks finished. I made string blocks, and, sliced them for the "tree" part of the block. By following the scrap challenge, it was never overwhelming to work on it.
I'm afraid I have lost my ability to chat and sew. I pretty much have a determined to get through this face right now. Hubby is recovering, and needs a bit of attention, and, I am tired most of the time. It isn't easy "resting". I am grateful for the timing of his back surgery. It gives us something to do, while we are hearing the news. If his surgery had been any later, It wouldn't have happened. Elective surgeries have been cancelled.
I had a friend from guild give a scrap bag to me. It was ...
Slowly, I have been making Bonnie Hunter's wonky log cabin quilt using my strings and crumbs bins. Her pattern calls for 120 blocks and I have one done already that size, but this one, I have started putting it together with 72 blocks. I want to see if 8 x 9 looks like a decent size. I am sewing into blocks of 4.
I have this pile of scraps, on the floor, near the treadle sewing machine, again. I wanted to get it sewn up and gone before the end of the weekend. I don't think it will make the room feel Christmasy at all.
I have started another wonky courthouse steps from Bonnie Hunter. I think I could make 10 with my collection of strings and crumbs. My first one isn't quilted yet.
I don't like instagram, but everyone else does. The new quiltville mystery quilt, frolic, will be linking up on instagram instead of blog today. When I look at instagram, I feel like I am looking at someone's vacation slides - boring. There is no substance or information to make it interesting.
I did find myself unmotivated to even start this mystery. This will be my 19th quiltville mystery quilt. I have a page of all of them here. I am glad I broke into it. I have clue one finished. I had all the blue strips already in the ...
The next step for the Bonnie Hunter sand castles quilt, is cutting the sets for the center block.
I had several strips set aside, but, I miscalculated, and, I couldn't get the whole set. I need to forage some more through my 2 1/2 inch bin to find more strips to cut. It won't be hard to find enough. sigh...
I have been slowly working on bonnie hunter's sandcastles for most of this year. I spent the most time making 512 -4 patch blocks. The first step I took, was sewing the string blocks. I decided that I would cut them now and add the sashing strip.
I have been working on this string block quilt for a long time. It was interrupted by my back surgery. I restarted it as soon as I was comfortable to treadle again. So far it has all been done on the treadle.
There are lots of strings in this quilt. I have it to the top stage and need to decide on borders. I am glad to be far enough along that I can clean up the mess. A string quilt tends to be very messy.