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January 15, 2025
January 2025 - Time (again!) for UFOs from Grandma's Red Needle


Here we go again! UFOs / WIPs 2025! 
I know I'm one week early, but I also know there's no chance I'll get any of these UFOs / WIPs finished before 2025! 
I've been a slug the last couple of years, finished only a few. 
The list does not differ much from January 2024, just added a few more! Haha! 

1) New York Beauty
Progress 2024: blocks pieced together, thread basted, ready for quilting
2) PSQ 36-patches
Progress: more blocks added 
3) Wedding Ring quilt
Progress: Zero!
4) Scrappy Christmas ...

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December 23, 2024
Our Early Christmas is Done from Quilts....etc.

The girls and I with Honey supervising got a lot of cookies and coffee cake made on Saturday.  We had been so busy baking and the heat of the oven going that we never realized until evening that our heat pump had stopped working.  When the temperature all of a sudden started to go down […]

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March 8, 2024
Sentinelles update from Bizarre Quilter

These Australian sentinelles were lino printed onto hand dyed fabric by artist Dijanne Cevaal.

I bought them years ago when I was still living in a caravan. Blush. That must be 10 years ago. Far too late to join the stitched creations by other stitchers which travelled around in an international exhibition. 

But, I have these out, and the stitchingis finally done.

Next, to think about fabric to go with them. I've had one picked out for years, and it inspired the thread choices. Its possible I will need 2 or 3 fabrics though. Wanting 2 or 3 posh ...

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January 6, 2024
January 2024 - Time (again!) for UFOs from Grandma's Red Needle


So, here we go again; UFO's 2024
I was a slug last year! Out of 18 UFO's (quilts), I finished only one! And that was an Advent Calendar. I also finished two small cross stitched wall hangings
Did I make more UFO's to add to the list in 2023? Of course I did! 
Thanks to the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2023), I can add 4 UFO's to the list! Plus some scrappy blocks I started and a Patriotic Table Runner I had forgotten about. That makes it a total of 23 UFO ...

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October 6, 2023
Batiks from Quilts....etc.

As I was looking at my batiks wondering what colors the next NYB block would be I thought I needed to search through my boxes for more of them for variety of color.  I got started on the brown box and started pulling and then the purples, yellows etc. and from what I had gotten […]

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August 22, 2023
right on time . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

You would not think that I'd have much to share, seeing as I just posted four days ago ... but, surprise! I have another photo-laden post, with a variety of content! 

Thursday evening was our guild's last meeting of the guild year ... our birthday party, so to speak. It was decorated beautifully!
There's always a shot of the outgoing board.  You'll notice me at the very top, right. I won't be on the 2023-24 board; my plate is rather full right now.
The quilt behind us is our 2024 Fanfare Quilt Show opportunity (raffle) quilt.  Isn ...

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February 23, 2023
Basket Blocks, Over the River and Cyclone Freddy from Grandma's Red Needle

 Thank you everyone for your input on the basket blocks (previous post)! It really helps getting others opinion. 
I've been pondering what to do and in the end I decided to rip off the outer rectangles and replace them with Moda Marbles / neutrals.

This is how they looked like...

.... and how they look now. IMO, the rectangles were too busy. Now they actually look like baskets, don't they?! :)

A few more. The colors on the right one looks a bit washed out, brighter in real. 

This is my favorite so far. The colors are blue/greyish, really beautiful ...

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February 20, 2023
Batting & Quilting from Quilts....etc.

I got one bag of the scrap batting that I showed yesterday squared away and hope to get the pressing tape on it today.  I knew I had some of the pressing tape but had to really look for it! It was hidden among all the treasures stashed here and there. The one section that […]

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January 26, 2023
A Little Progress on This and That from Grandma's Red Needle

 'Nina' returned home Monday! Nothing wrong, just a good cleaning. She's happy now, I can hear it!  A lot of dust accumulated of course, after the last service, about 5 years ago. (Shame on me for not doing it earlier! Have to improve on that!) 

While 'Nina' has been at the Spa, no sewing has been done of course since I don't have a spare machine. The last days I've made a couple of blue blocks, that will be for the Saturday RSC post. 

I enjoy working on 'Over the River...' stitchery. It took some stitches before ...

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January 18, 2023
While waiting for 'Nina'.... from Grandma's Red Needle return from the Spa....

The Scrappy Pineapple Quilt (UFO #3) is thread basted

Snowman Wall Hanging (UFO #18) is thread basted

I have another UFO (the NYB quilt) to be sandwiched. Two pieces of the backing fabric has to be pieced together

I borrowed MIL's vintage Singer. We are not sure how old the machine is, she bought it in 1956, the year she got married. Actually it was a gift from her late husband. 

We have tried all day trying to set the thread tension right. MIL came to rescue, but no way is it possible to ...

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January 6, 2023
And, Just Like That... from From the Strawberry Patch...

... Christmas is over and, as of today, packed up and put away again until next time! I always wait until Epiphany, Three Kings Day, to take it all down. January 6 was my grandmother's birthday; she's be 120 years old today. She was the one who impressed upon me the importance of leaving Christmas for the full twelve days. When we lived in Puerto Rico we experienced first-hand the true

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And, Just Like That... from From the Strawberry Patch...

... Christmas is over and, as of today, packed up and put away again until next time! I always wait until Epiphany, Three Kings Day, to take it all down. January 6 was my grandmother's birthday; she's be 120 years old today. She was the one who impressed upon me the importance of leaving Christmas for the full twelve days. When we lived in Puerto Rico we experienced first-hand the true

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January 2, 2022
one day in . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

I love the new year . . . the roll out of new resolutions, new challenges, a new word, and a fresh opportunity to get it right.  A clean slate, so to speak!  Mind you, I do not do resolutions, but I do enjoy selecting a word to focus on for the coming year. This year my word is . . .
Yup, aware. That works on a lot levels.  Yesterday, it was important for me to be weather aware.

When your temps get up to eighty degrees ahead of a cold front, chances are good severe weather will follow.  It was a balmy, windy ...

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December 19, 2021
counting down . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Happy, happy, joy, joy!!  Christmas is . . . 
Whoa! I think I've got a handle on it this year . . . our last day of work was last Thursday, which has given me more than a week of off-time to make sure I'm prepared!

Not a lot going on here that I could show.  Ellie spent the weekend with us, though, and she had a lovely finish!
I'm so proud of her! Her first time using the sewing machine, too. She did a fabulous job and enjoyed the process.  I think she was a little astounded that 1) she actually made ...

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November 21, 2021
all the things . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

What a great weekend! Thursday evening kicked it off (I am so grateful that our office is closed on Fridays) with our monthly guild meeting.  We had a good turnout.
Our program featured our Comfy Quilts Committee, along with one of the services that receives our quilts.  There was also a nicely stocked free to a good home table.  I dropped off a stack of magazines and grabbed some pretty fabrics that caught my eye!

Speaking of fabric, Diann of Little Penguin Quilts had shared a cute stitchery she was working on, and it was framed with the cutest pumpkin ...

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November 15, 2021
a repeat stitcher . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

What a great weekend I enjoyed in Hendersonville, TN!  We went up early Thursday morning for a Lifeway Women's Leadership event.  Three days packed full of fabulous speakers, great teaching, encouragement, fellowship and fun.  But whew!  I was worn out.  Hence my slow stitching post didn't get written for yesterday, and that's a shame, because I have some fun stitchy stuff to share!  So Monday it is.  ;)

Ellie (oldest granddaughter) had shown some interest in embroidery.  For Christmas two years ago I gifted her with a sampler kit that I put together for her.  Once we started ...

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October 31, 2021
trick or treat . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

. . . and Happy Halloween!  I am participating in the Trick or Treat blog hop, offered by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching!!  If you haven't visited her blog yet, head over there and definitely check it out.  She's got a list of participating blogs, and at each blog you'll find a clue to the mystery Halloween phrase!  You'll find my clue at the bottom of this post!

You know how there's spooky fun and spooky scary?  For the most part, I'm definitely a fan of spooky fun! When I was trying to figure out something new to ...

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October 27, 2021
Birdies blocks from Espritpatch

 While emptying a set of draws before our move, I found another long abandonned UFO, my blocks for the Birdie Stitches blocks by Corey Yoder or Coriander Quilts from.... 2011. Yes I know that's 10 years ago. I did quite well with the stitching since I completed 10 of the 12 blocks. The last one was nearly done too but not quite... 

And I had left out block 11 (from November) because it had a turkey for Thanksgiving and I wanted something else more European, which I never got around to do.
I had also cut some of the ...

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October 26, 2021
october's here . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Got an update on June this week; she saw her shadow . . .
. . . four more weeks in the cast. But this time she got a pretty bright blue one!  And a side trip to the San Diego zoo!  Sweet girl.  She's handling it all very well.  She is getting a little antsy.  She misses her gymnastics!

Also got an update on this sweet kiddo . . . 
Pictured here celebrating getting two parts in The Nutcracker! One is a solo dance (one of the gift toys in the early scene of the Christmas party) and the second is a group dance as one of ...

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December 13, 2020
Christmas Stitchery from Quilts....etc.

The Christmas Stitchery that Melanie made for us last year is now a quilted piece and it looks really nice – a little wrinkly but that will relax out in a couple days I’m sure. I will be cutting strips getting things ready for my final blocks for the pineapple quilt over the next couple […]

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