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  • stabilizer
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February 21, 2025
Sorting stabilizers from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's time to put my money where my mouth is. I've been harping about decluttering and organizing, but I found a mess yesterday that needs to be dealt with. 

I had collected all my stabilizers in one place, sorted them by type, and purchased large tubs to store them. 

Let's be clear that they need to be separated from batting (fleece), fusible webs, and interfacing. The "underground" world of sewing is mysterious. All four categories are needed to make our projects look amazing, but you never see them. 

I recently wrote some articles for QUILTsocial on a ...

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November 26, 2023
How much stabilizer is too much? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We are down to the wire! While some people may enjoy packing and going away, I don't! It just becomes a mad dash to see if everything can get done because there is a DROPDEAD deadline - the airplane won't wait for me! 

As I checked off the mental checklist this morning, I felt like the Christmas Poem - The Night Before Christmas. 

The presentations for this morning - DONE

Follow-up e-mails to class - DONE

Customer e-mails - DONE

Sample suitcase packed and weighed - DONE - (just eked under 50 lbs)

And the list goes on. 

I think the only left is to ...

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June 28, 2021
FLOURISH QAL: Supplies from Nestlings By Robin

 We are only 3 days away 
from this fun and inspiring quilt along!
So Exciting!!

Last time we talked FABRICS!
If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE
We will wait...
Ok, now that you are back, 
let's talk supplies.
Some of my favorite supplies!
My swirly twirly designs
are back for this project
as well but I wrote the
whole pattern for 
fusible applique' and 
that is what we will 
focus on throughout
the QAL.

 *Still love the Magic sizing 
for PRESSING my seams.
*You see my favorite 
Bohin pencil is back.
That will ...

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  • stabilizer
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