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March 2, 2025
Pink Socks and Blackberries from Romany Quilting

My pink socks have been a long drawn out project.  I received this lovely skein of sock wool from my daughter for Christmas 2023.

 Christmas gift from Nicky

I didn't cast these on till mid way through the year and the socks traveled with us down to the South Island in August when we went to celebrate my son Michaels's 60th birthday.  The trip across Cook Strait takes three hours so after something to eat in the cafe there is always time for a little knitting.

Knitting onboard the ferry

As I always seem to have more than ...

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February 9, 2025
Slow Stitching and Knitting from Romany Quilting

It's about time I worked on my purple clam shell quilt again, goodness knows when I last got it out of the bag.  This project came with me to a monthly craft group I recently joined.  We can take anything we like to work on,  there was knitting and crochet happening, needle felting and one lady was setting up a hand loom, that looked rather tricky to me.  After doing big stitch hand quilting around all the clam shells, I'm now up to the borders.  I won't tell you just how old this project is, but believe ...

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December 29, 2024
Christmas Socks and Goodies from Romany Quilting

 My girls assure me that they love my hand knitted socks, so that's what they got for Christmas again this year.  Three pair of 4ply socks, one each for them, plus a couple of other small gifts too.  They probably don't realise how long they take me to knit, but I started early, and had them done with time to spare.

Three pairs of socks

The pink ones are for my daughter Nicky, and I can't remember what brand this wool was.  The middle pair was for Emma, made with Happy Feet yarn.  And the last pair ...

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November 3, 2024
My birthday socks finished, and gift from Romany Quilting

 I have finally finished this pair of socks for me.  This 4ply sock wool is branded Happy Feet, no colour named, just a number, and I received it as a birthday gift last year from Sew Wot friend Mary.    As most of you know, I knit my socks flat, two at a time, and packed the finished socks in my knitting bag on our recent caravan trip planning to get side seam stitched up.  That never happened, and I finally completed this task once we returned back home.  It's about time I finished them.

Although it is now Spring ...

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October 28, 2024
Still traveling from Romany Quilting

I'm obviously much to busy to do too much knitting while we are on our road trip.  The only thing I've worked on is my pair of pink socks, mostly knitted while traveling in the car.  This pretty yarn was a gift from my daughter Nicky last Christmas, so I'd like to get them finished soon.  They are coming along, I think I'm just about up to the heels by now.   In case you don't know, I knit my socks flat, two at a time.

My pink socks

Not only have I packed my pink ...

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September 24, 2024
More Safari Travels from Romany Quilting

 Akitio on the coast was our next stop  This is a sheep and beef farming district and the small town has a school, volunteer fire brigade, a motor camp and a freedom camping area by the beach, and not much  else.

We found ourselves a site with  plenty of room here for our group.  Water, rubbish bins and a toilet block was available, but unfortunately the weather was not kind to us at all.  The beach was covered in driftwood and bigger logs, no doubt washed ashore after a storm.  

Akitio Beach

It was just one night here, so we ...

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September 4, 2024
Heading Home from Romany Quilting

 Our last night in the South Island was quite a worry.  A storm came rolling in as the day wore on, and was fully fledged by night time.  We could swear that the thunder was right over head, and each noisy clap spooked Gemma.  She ran around the van looking for a hiding place, hunkering down on the carpet at the foot of the bed, with the overhanging duvet giving her the illusion of cover.  Lightening cracked around us, torrential rain came down, and the caravan was buffeted all night by strong wind gusts.  Dear oh dear, what would our ...

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July 23, 2024
Oh Murphy! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Poor Murphy had a good news/bad news kind of day. I'll tell you the quilting stuff first and then what happened. 

We had Monday Sewing, and I love our conversations. Between the group, we know EVERYTHING! Plus, we get to learn about tools (both old and new), and everyone has a different view of them. It's all good. OK—I confess that I'm VERY opinionated about many things. I'm also the first one to compliment someone on their skills, but sometimes, they also have some very bizarre ideas, and what is that all about? 

I ...

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June 16, 2024
Happy Birthday Socks from Romany Quilting

 Now they have been received, I can show the birthday socks knitted for my long term friend from my schooldays, Merilyn.  These were rather special as I used Merilyn's double knit cream home spun wool which she had sent to me, plus a commercial sock yarn.  These two yarns knitted up to triple knit, or 12ply, and make a lovely cozy pair of socks.  This is what remains.

The left overs

I've hunted high and low for a photo of the completed socks, to no avail.  But I can show this one, looks like I have just finished ...

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May 12, 2024
More Knitting and Happy Mother's Day from Romany Quilting

 I seem to be busy knitting a lot lately.  Probably because we have been away for several trips in the caravan, and had a bout of Covid too last month.  So sitting at the sewing machine just didn't happen for a while.

So what have I been knitting?  Socks of course.  My daughter chose this pretty pink sock yarn a while ago and I've been diligently knitting away.  As soon as I grafted the toes I just had to cast on another pair of socks, navy blue yarn I received for my birthday, so this pair is for ...

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May 4, 2024
Tiril topp, hat neck and socks from Monas Creativity

Pattern:"Tiril Topp" by IdaVictoria. I used the arms a size bigger than the rest of the top, since my previous top got very tight in the arms. We are all different!

Fabric "Monstera Leaves" Digital Collection by Poppy; purchased from Rainbow Textile in Oslo; 

When at the cabin, I have smaller projects to work on. My latest finsih is this pair of socks, and adaption of the pattern "Troll" socks. Yarn is Raggi from Jarbo Garn.

My mom knitted this set with at and neck, not bad for an very old lady! I helped starting and finishing the project ...

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April 30, 2024
It's all about TEAMWORK from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm going to confess right up front- this will not be a pretty blog post. 

I'm having one of those days—a pity day, perhaps, but I'm so frustrated that I feel like throwing in the towel, ditching all the technology and people. Curling up in a chair and reading—not just for today but forever—is tempting! I told you it wasn't going to be pretty!

OK, I feel better having written my frustrations out and then deleted it! 

I feel that there is too much of everything in this world, and people are trying ...

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February 11, 2024
Socks, and catching up with an old friend from Romany Quilting

 I know I'm a slow knitter, and  I finally finished this pair of socks some time ago.  But I was even slower getting around to stitching up the side seam.  There they sat, and sat, waiting patiently for that single inside seam on each to be sewn.  At last they were completed, a nice pair of 4ply socks.  I wanted to use up the remaining white and coloured sock yarn from a previous pair, so had to go and purchase the blue wool to go with it.  Now I've got left over blue sock yarn - that's the ...

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February 4, 2024
Stitching, Knitting and Shopping from Romany Quilting

 A little stitching, knitting, and shopping, that's what I've been up to lately.  I always seem to have a pair of socks on the go, and these are my current triple knit (12 ply) pair.  Made with white/cream home spun wool, a gift from my friend Merilyn, with added speckled yarn, they are coming along nicely.  Once past the heels, I'm now on the homeward stretch.

Nice and cozy for winter

The final of four Kiwi Christmas stitcheries has just been completed.  This shows a Kiwi carrying a large bag of gifts riding on a rather ...

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December 28, 2023
Where are we now? from Romany Quilting

We have moved on from the family small holding after four very pleasant and relaxed days.  Before we arrived, I was a little worried about the family dog and how he would react to a strange cat on his property.  Noodle would come and look at Gemma through the closed screen door.  Then one morning Robin had the screen door open, Gemma was on her lead, and the two met nose to nose!  I was amazed that nothing untoward happened.  It may well have been a different story if Gemma was outside the safety of the caravan door.


First meeting ...

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December 25, 2023
Christmas, here we come. from Romany Quilting

The caravan was packed, and we were on our way to Kiwitea, to stay with my daughter and her family.  Santa Bear and the Christmas cushions were coming away with us on this trip, and we mustn’t forget the bag of Christmas gifts for the family.


Christmas in the caravan

Expecting the holiday traffic to  be very busy, we kept off SH1 and drove along some quieter rural roads. It’s always good to be safely off the roads in the busy holiday period, and we were soon parked up on the property.  My bacon and egg pie went ...

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June 11, 2023
stash report June 11, 2023 from Making A Lather

 I found more hidden treasures in my cleaning adventures. I can always use neutrals and I like to have different prints in my scrappy quilts.

fabric added: 4 yards

fabric added year to date: 76 yards 

fabric used:  23 yards  wonky wishes finish

fabric used year to date: 221 1/2 yards

145 1/ 2 yards used more than bought 

I sewed 5 days last week. 

 New Grand baby time - He is perfect

so small and sweet

I am linking to:

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June 4, 2023
stash report June 4, 2023 from Making A Lather

I couldn't resist a mystery selvedge bundle from missourri star. I was not disappointed. It was so fun to see all the goodies. I think most of them are at least 1 1/2 inch  wide.

 stash report June 4, 2023

fabric added: 0 yards

fabric added year to date: 72 yards 

fabric used:  12 yards  scrap box chevron finish
fabric used year to date: 198 1/2 yards

126 1/ 2 yards used more than bought 

I sewed 5 days last week. 

I have a goal to add one strip of wool to my village rug everyday. Some ...

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May 28, 2023
stash report May 28, 2023 from Making A Lather

 While cleaning my room, I found an unopened box from missourri star quilts. In it were a few neutrals and a fat quarter bundle of kaffe fabric. In my defense, I used to know it was there. I don't need the kaffe until the end of the rainbow scrap challenge year for my lucky stars quilt. So, I didn't hurry to open it.  But, then,.... I forgot it.  Such a lovely surprise to find while cleaning. No one likes to clean, maybe all quilters need to hide fun surprises in the mess to make it more fun. I ...

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May 16, 2023
Technology woes from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm not the only one who got advice to use toe stretchers. One of the ladies in the Monday Sewing group uses socks with built-in toe stretchers. They are called toe alignment socks; I had never seen them before. Read this article on that web page to see why you should get something to realign your feet. 

And if you look online, there are all kinds of toe stretchers. I bought the first pair I found, but I'll look for something different for the next set (if I need one). I like mine, but they may be too ...

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