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August 22, 2024
Christa’s Soapbox – Making Soul-Fulfilling Work from Christa Quilts

I’ve been sitting on a feeling for awhile that I need to change up a little bit of what I’ve been doing. I will still be doing all the fun things: designing, writing, traveling & teaching, but I’m starting to make space to work on some more “experimental” ideas.

A current “What If?” Idea in progress…

A few years ago I started getting an itch to explore new concepts and ideas in my quilting work. As a full time professional quilter, that can cause somewhat of a conflict because most everything I currently make is for commercial consumption ...

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March 11, 2020
Open Letter to My Online Quilting Students… from Christa Quilts

Dear Valued Student:

I deeply and sincerely apologize if you have sought out my quilting advice or asked for help in an online teaching platform and never received a response from me. Due to this being completely out of my control, I am just now discovering hundreds of comments, questions, and conversations addressed to me that I never received until now (March 10, 2020). Many of these unanswered replies have kept you waiting for 1-2 years or even longer.

As I wade through a mountain of unanswered queries, I ache for those of you who simply thought I wasn’t ...

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January 1, 2020
Happy New Year 2020 and New Blogging Goals! from Christa Quilts

It’s been a few years since I actually sat down and wrote some business goals. But finally feel like I’m catching up and have actually had time to think and plan again, LOL! One thing has really stuck out at me lately, and that’s how much I enjoy blogging (and sharing pretty quilt pics)!

Surplus Strips by Christa Watson made from Fandangle Fabric

Here’s a recent quilt finish you may have missed.
It’s called Surplus Strips made from leftovers or precut strips.

I’ve written several times over the past year about how I’m trying to nail down this social media stuff. I ...

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December 23, 2019
My Christmas Wish: To Partner with a Sewing Machine Table Company from Christa Quilts

Almost a year ago we moved into our new home and I began looking for a new sewing table to replace this one that I’ve had for over 20 years.

Christa's Quilt Studio

The quilt shown on the design wall is my Color Weave Quilt Pattern.

The main reason I want to replace it is because every single time I share a picture of it on social media, everyone wants to know where I got it from, and I don’t have an answer for them. I bought it from a dealer who’s no longer in business and I don’t ...

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November 14, 2019
Social Media Survey – The Results! from Christa Quilts

Thank you all so much for responding to my social media enquiry last week. The comments were overwhelmingly positive when I asked the question, “What is your favorite channel to interact with me?” I asked across all of my current platforms and wasn’t surprised to discover that the channel you are currently using is you favorite way to connect, of course! So the result is that I’m not going to get rid of any of them, but I’ll be much more intentional about what I share.

So for anyone who’s interested, scroll down for my new ...

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November 8, 2019
What’s Your Favorite Way to Connect With Me? from Christa Quilts


Christa Watson Contempo booth Quilt Market 2018

Spring Quiltmarket 2018, showing off Fandangle, my 2nd fabric collection.

I’ve been super busy with quilting the last few years and I’m at a point where social media is starting to take over too much of my quilting life. So I’d like to pare it down to only those channels that will be most effective. Currently I share content across these 6 platforms:

  1. My Newsletter
  2. My Blog (You are Here)
  3. My Instagram (@christaquilts)
  4. My YouTube Channel – Christa Watson
  5. My ChristaQuilts Facebook Group
  6. In-Person Events – Worldwide!

Would you take a quick second to let me know your favorite ...

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