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January 12, 2025
Sunday Chat – Snowing and Sewing from From My Carolina Home

It has been three years since we’ve seen snow, and of course when it finally came it ruined some fun plans. The overnight house party we were going to do was canceled as the roads were just not safe with ice under the snow. Ah, well, My Sweet Babboo doesn’t mind having to eat the two pints of blueberries I had purchased for blueberry pancakes for breakfast. He’ll get blueberry waffles this morning, and some muffins for later. The champagne for the planned mimosas will hold until we reschedule.

Knowing the weather was coming, My Sweet Babboo ...

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December 14, 2024
The Kindness of Two Strangers from Kim Hanson Quilts

In rural Alberta, I was taking photos of the sun setting over the Rocky Mountains. My Rav 4, a reliable vehicle equipped with snow tires, was making a wide turn so as to reverse directions. My right front tire made an unfamiliar scrunching sound, suddenly making it impossible to drive forward. Putting my vehicle in reverse, I tried to back out. All I did was spin my tires.

I continued to “rock” my Rav back and forth, drive and reverse, in an attempt to get my vehicle moving forward. But, all I did was create a snow squall! Getting out ...

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November 24, 2024
Sunday Chat from From My Carolina Home

On a cloudy morning this past week, I was having a cup of coffee when I heard some commotion outside. At first, I couldn’t identify where the noise was coming from, but when I opened the front drapery, there were eight turkeys up next to the house having a bit of a squabble.

They were clucking and squeaking, rushing at each other, flapping wings and puffing up. They separated apart, then the largest two began to compete with each other for the dominant position in the flock with a display of tail feather fans and puffed up chests, dragging ...

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January 29, 2024
Reflections on January from From the Strawberry Patch...

I don't know where this month has gone. It's been filled with activity, not the least of which is keeping up with breadmaking from two different sourdough starters! What have I gotten myself into? Loaves are being gifted continually. I've branched out into English muffins, cinnamon buns and multi-grain breads too.Without a lot of words or explanation I'm going to catch up with a post 

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Reflections on January from From the Strawberry Patch...

I don't know where this month has gone. It's been filled with activity, not the least of which is keeping up with breadmaking from two different sourdough starters! What have I gotten myself into? Loaves are being gifted continually. I've branched out into English muffins, cinnamon buns and multi-grain breads too.Without a lot of words or explanation I'm going to catch up with a post 

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January 21, 2024
Sunday Chat from From My Carolina Home

It has been bitterly cold this past week, and the birds are stuffing their beaks to get enough energy to keep warm. Of course, this means the feeder empties out quickly on some days. We have a pair of hairy woodpeckers that live here year round. Here the female hangs off the bottom of the feeder, while a goldfinch sits on the left keeping a close eye.

The goldfinch flew off, and a bluebird stopped by to take its place. More goldfinches were visiting and taking turns.

A titmouse landed on the empty suet feeder looking for more sustenance on ...

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March 5, 2023
Snowmagedon from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was not a good night -- Oh, I went to sleep early enough, fell asleep, and then BEEP BEEP BEEP woke me up. The lights are flashing outside, which means only one thing - the PLOW is passing. 

Actually, the plow had passed earlier and did a great job. They gave all the drives in the corner a huge berth, and that made me happy as I'm sure my low-clearance car could pass in the existing ruts. 

After the plow has passed the first time

So the beeping was the crews returning to deal with the corner mess. When I ...

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March 4, 2023
We almost lost the other dog! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

For the moment, things are fixed here at our house. I should take a picture of the door, but with a couple of layers of duct tape and a piece of cardboard, that front door opens and closes with no issues. However, it must be locked to not pop open on its own, but I'm OK with that. No word from the lock company yet on a replacement part. 

And the dishwasher? Well, guess what I found in there. First -- I had to remove the lower rack and the strainer and scoop out the dirty water. Why does the ...

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February 28, 2023
It's all about the SNOW! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH MY GOSH - I read the comments and HAD to take a picture. Tammy suggested I get some post-it notes for my new notebook. 

Ah --- I don't think that's necessary since I have an ENTIRE drawer of them in my desk. Oops -- how did that happen? I never use the darn things, but I should get out one of those small arrow packs and use them for my notebook! I also have BIG plans for that notebook, but I'm not ready to share them. 

A drawer of Post-it notes

Thanks, Tammy, for the suggestion, but I'm ...

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February 24, 2023
How to groom a dog! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I didn't even bother to look for the missing stuff. No time at the moment and I'll find it eventually! I almost forgot what I was looking for! No matter, the cropped version of the picture went in the homework assignment, and life is good! I bet that group NEVER asks me for homework again -- I sent them a whopper! 

OH MY --- I was so thinking about other things this week, that I forgot to mention there's a VIRTUAL RETREAT this weekend. Good grief -- I knew that but forgot to write it down. So here are the ...

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February 23, 2023
Color inspiration for the next quilt from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

So it was a good day and a bad day! GRR! 

It drives me crazy when I can't find something. I become obsessed with finding it, and when I can't, it throws my day for a curve! That was yesterday. I'm missing TWO things -- I wanted to take a picture of part of a UFO project. Can I find it? Nope -- and I've looked everywhere. But obviously, not everywhere! I'll try later today. 

However, the good news is that I already have a picture of the piece (I remembered that later in the day) and ...

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January 29, 2023
Itty bitty blocks from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's that bittersweet day of any retreat -- it's time to go home! And we have a snowstorm today! Yippee!!! It's happened before, and I'm going to wait until about 1 PM to head out. The plows will have been out by then, and the heaviest snowfall is forecast to be over. I got snow tires, and we are Canadians, and it's not the first winter we've driven home in the snow. 

I had two Zoom sessions yesterday morning, which cut into the sewing time a wee bit, but that's OK. It's nice ...

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January 27, 2023
Improv piecing with scraps from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

You guessed it -- EVERYTHING takes longer than you think it will. Did I finish those improv blocks with the leftovers from Farmer's Wife? Nope --- and I went to bed with the problem of figuring out how many blocks I would need, how many I have, and whether I have enough fabric to complete the blocks? 

Thanks to a discussion with Katheleen, I will keep these blocks myself. I have a plan and hope I have enough craps to finish it. 

Here are the finished blocks. They look fantastic, and I'm very excited about them. 

My improv blocks

I ...

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January 26, 2023
Snowed in! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I have yet to go outside, but could we be snowed in? We had a lot of snow yesterday, but the retreat house is also on a hill, and the snow was blowing, so hopefully, it blew away from the yard and not into it! 

We'll be out for our walk once it gets light, and then we'll see. This region is on the ball for road maintenance, so that won't be a problem, but we have to get from the house to the road. And if we don't get out for our walk until later ...

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December 28, 2022
The Great Dig Out from Art In Search


First, had to shovel/chip/hack a slot to open the garage door to get the snowblower out.

Had to shovel out the side door so it could open wide

Back deck, slider door frozen shut

Driveway blown out, next the walk way had to be chipped
and blown out.

The tree peony

Back yard drifts

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December 27, 2022
Christmas Whited out from Art In Search

      I live one block north of the Buffalo city line. Usually, the Lake Erie snowbands stay south of the city due to westerly winds. Because of a southwest storm, the wind came directly down the Lake and dumped itself for 2 days over my house and the surrounding area. Friday morning we had all green grass. At 7:30 am, the rain instantly turned to snow and heavy winds started (60-70 mph gusts). It stayed the same until 10:30 pm Saturday (Christmas Eve). On Christmas, the sun came out, but we were stuck and everything was closed. Then the ...

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November 28, 2022
Fuzzy November Travels:) from Nestlings By Robin

 Fuzzy doesn't have to mean the literal.
It can also mean all the feelings 
we get by being around family
or people we love. It can include
nostalgic memories we get
to share or pass on.

This month we traveled north
to help our eldest with her new
home adventure (even though my
heart is broken they are so far away!!).
We drove through not one
bit of Autumn on our way
and then the house across the street
had this for me:) 

There was lots of framing
out to be done and 
I helped little man build
his ...

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February 19, 2022
Snow and a marathon from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Or should I say a marathon of snow? Anyway, we had received a lot of snow, but not nearly what we got a couple of weeks ago. And it was a beautiful morning, so wonderful to see the snow, but not so wonderful to walk in it. 

And I'm apologizing for this in advance -- no, I'm not. I'm mad! But here's another rant about the snow.  

First, some pretty snow pictures. 

This looks like a skunk. Just waddling along in front of the house. The day before, it was a rabbit. It's like we have ...

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February 5, 2022
string candy from Making A Lather

We have had a winter snow storm that has been very beautiful.

I have cut for easy breezy, fish school, and the stashbuster 2022 in aqua/ teal for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I can sit and do that.

what color is this one? I wish it could make up it's mind

I only had enough energy and aqua to make 4 blocks this month for my candy quilt.

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January 30, 2022
New Hat and More Snow from Thread Head

I finished knitting a hat this week.

The pattern is Musselburg by Ysolda Teague - a really enjoyable knit and perfect for any yarn. I knit it out of Touch Yarns Possum Silk Merino 4 ply, that I dyed. The yarn is beautiful and soft. The hat is so light and warm - like wearing a cloud. It is perfect for the weather we have been having!

Photos from Around-

There was another storm this week - high winds and blowing snow.
Someone got stuck in the driveway again.
The big girl likes to help with the digging out. 
Luckily it wasn't ...

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