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February 3, 2025
RSC Week 5 - February is BLUE and a Squirrel popped In from Grandma's Red Needle

Happy February!
Where did January go?!

February; it means a new RSC (Rainbow Scrap Color). Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen BLUE for this month. 

Three blue cups are made. 
I'll make maybe two or three more.

I didn't expect the squirrel to visit! It was good in a way, I needed a short break from quilting ten place mats for a customer. 

This is what the squirrel got me to do:

5 scrappy blocks using pink (January RSC color) in the center. 

...and three blue. 
Do you see the pink and blue cats? 

I got to use a ...

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January 25, 2025
RSC 2025 Week 4 - January is PINK from Grandma's Red Needle

A new year is here (already end of January!) and so is RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) hosted by Angela at Superscrappy.

I've been participating in RSC since 2023 and now I'm running out of some colors. PINK is one of them. In 2023, I had approximately 13 yards, + already cut squares in different sizes. Arreli's quilt was made the same year, using pink front and back, all from my stash. Pink blocks were made as well as some items for my Etsy Shop. You can see them all here

I've been looking for more pink in ...

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May 25, 2024
RSC Week #20 - No more PINK... from Grandma's Red Needle

 ...I said, in my previous post

I have admired the Hollow 9-patch blocks some of you are making and since some 2-1/2" pink squares were hiding on the table, I decided to make a few blocks

I got 3 blocks

I've been lurking at Pat Sloan's '182 Day Solstice Challenge Blocks' for some time and I really love how her quilt turned out. Isn't it pretty? 
Today (Thursday) I decided to jump into it and make a few pink blocks! It doesn't harm to use up more stash, does it?! 
From left; 

Block #1 - Churndash ...

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May 11, 2024
RSC Week 19 - more PINK from Grandma's Red Needle

 It's PINK - again! 
Pink is May's chosen color for the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge 

I ran out of background fabric for the BOM from Sherri McConnel; 'A Quilting Life'
For the previous blocks I have used Moda Marbles 'cream' (not available anymore). 
Instead, I purchased 'Baby White', which is slightly more yellowish, but that's OK. It's scrappy, after all! 

When I joined RSC last year (2023), I sorted most of my fabrics on color. 
After I made Arreli's quilt, I don't have much pink left. I had to dig deep into my ...

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May 4, 2024
RSC Week 18 - PINK for May from Grandma's Red Needle

 Welcome May! 
May already! How did that happen?! 

Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen PINK for May's RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

This year, I'm making different blocks in the RSC colors. 
As I have mentioned earlier, I like to do all the blocks at the beginning of each month so that I can concentrate on other things when the blocks are done.

Since the last Saturday in April was on 27th, we got a head start on Pink! 

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done 

6 four-patches

3 Friendship blocks

Different 9-patches

2 Pinwheel ...

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April 2, 2023
RSC Week 13 - End of the GREEN Month and Two Finishes from Grandma's Red Needle

Goodbye RSC GREEN March - Welcome RSC PURPLE April
It has been a busy month after I decided making the green quilt. First I thought of Rail Fence, but after pondering about that, I went for scrappy Churn Dash blocks (12" finished). Those blocks are easy and fast to make. My goal for March was to make and finish the quilt, and so I did! 

Scrappy Churn Dash quilt, approximately 72 x 96 inches / 183 x 244 cm

I had sew much fun piecing the backing! A couple of crumb blocks from table scraps and bits and pieces of green. I ...

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February 26, 2023
RSC Week #8 - End of the PINK Month from Grandma's Red Needle

The PINK month is over!
It has been a sew fun month, doing the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) hosted by Angela over at SOS Scrappy.

Where to start? I have a lot to show and tell. Oh, better start with making a CUPPA! Done, and enjoying! 

First of all, progress on the pink quilt; it is quilted! I didn't have to purchase pink thread and wait days for it to arrive! Yippie! Next step is trimming the sides and add binding. 

I'm sure fabric multiplies! At the beginning of February, after counting how many yards of pink I ...

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February 11, 2023
RSC Week #6 - Pink updates from Grandma's Red Needle

 It has been a PINK week! 
If you read my previous post, you may remember February is the PINK month. RSC (Rainbow Scrap challenge) hosted by Angela at SOS Scrappy. 

2-3 weeks ago I went through and sorted some of my fabrics (having RSC in mind). All colors/fabrics are beautiful, some in small doses. Pink has never been a favorite, not even when I was a kid. How come I measured approximately 13 yards PINK in my stash?! Some must have multiplied, I'm sure! I even dived into a box with 5" squares cut and got out more ...

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February 4, 2023
RSC - February, PINK all over! from Grandma's Red Needle

How did it happen we're a few days into February already?! Where did January go? I'm sure we all have been busy, I know I have! 

February is the PINK month. RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge - hosted by Angela at SOS Scrappy

When I sorted (some of) my fabrics the other day, I had the RSC in mind. There are certain (fabric) colors I don't have a lot of. Pink, I thought, I don't have a lot of pinks, or browns, or purples. Was I wrong? When gather them all together, sorted on colors, I'm sure ...

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