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February 22, 2025
RSC Week 8 - Blue Cups and Curves from Grandma's Red Needle

Last Saturday in February already!
More blue blocks have been made for the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) hosted by Angela at Superscrappy

Curves for 'Eclipse'

3 big blocks

...and 3 small blocks

Cups for 'Coffee with Dad'

I LOVE the gecko fabric and I had just enough left for one cup! 

Two scrappy blocks

These will go together with the accumulation (!) of 36-patches (made from 2.5") I've made earlier. You can see some of them here (UFOs/WIPs #2) 

Linking up with Angela and the RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge)

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February 3, 2025
RSC Week 5 - February is BLUE and a Squirrel popped In from Grandma's Red Needle

Happy February!
Where did January go?!

February; it means a new RSC (Rainbow Scrap Color). Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen BLUE for this month. 

Three blue cups are made. 
I'll make maybe two or three more.

I didn't expect the squirrel to visit! It was good in a way, I needed a short break from quilting ten place mats for a customer. 

This is what the squirrel got me to do:

5 scrappy blocks using pink (January RSC color) in the center. 

...and three blue. 
Do you see the pink and blue cats? 

I got to use a ...

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June 29, 2024
RSC Week #26 - Last of the Blues from Grandma's Red Needle

 ...for this month, that is.

It has been a busy sewing week, working on Advent Calendars for my Etsy shop.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I ran out of Silver Metallic thread for the Blue Holidays calendar. It was delivered a couple of days ago. I got to it right away and now they (3x) are waiting for binding to be attached. 

4x 'Tomten's Forest Friends' - binding to be attached

2x 'Tomten's Village - binding to be attached too

...and finally...

 ...the table runner for the buffet!
I bought a charm pack some years ago; 'Indi-Glow' by ...

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June 22, 2024
RSC Week #25 - Never ending Blues from Grandma's Red Needle

 How did it come it's midsummer already?! 
This year, so far, has flown by with record speed.

I missed last Saturday's RSC posting. We took advantage of the sunny weather and did some (never ending!) yard work. I'm glad we did, Sunday it was pouring rain, and rain showers ever since. I did grocery shopping and went for a walk this afternoon, it was pouring rain just after I returned home.

What has been going on the last two weeks? 
I've quilted and added pockets to 6 blue Advent Calendars for my Etsy Shop. Sleeves are ...

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June 8, 2024
RSC Week #23 - More Blues from Grandma's Red Needle

June is a busy month here at Grandma's Red Needle. 
BLUE was selected by Angela at SuperScrappy as the RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge - color for June. 

I have several blue WIPs and with the head start last week, I made several blocks for some of the WIPs. 

This week I've made 

4 Scrap Jar blocks

New BOM block from Sherri McConnel, 'A Quilting Life'

I'm currently working on BLUE Advent Calendars (no photos yet) for my Etsy Shop 
I like to start early, to avoid 'stress-sewing' closer to the Advent Season. 

Linking up with Angela and RSC ...

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June 2, 2024
RSC Week #22 - BLUE for June from Grandma's Red Needle

Welcome June! 

Goodbye PINK - Welcome BLUE
Angela at Super Scrappy has chosen BLUE for June's  RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  

Since the last Saturday in April was on 25th, we got an early start on blue

All the blocks for 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' are done:

4 Bowties

4 Nine-patches

1 Pinwheel

3 Friendships

6 Four-patches

...and then over to other blocks: 

8 Split-Nine blocks

Block #4 - Cobble Stones

Block #7 - Tidy Rows

Some of you may remember I worked on 'Star Streams' last year? 
Today (Wednesday), I dug deep in the box containing UFOs ...

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February 4, 2023
RSC - February, PINK all over! from Grandma's Red Needle

How did it happen we're a few days into February already?! Where did January go? I'm sure we all have been busy, I know I have! 

February is the PINK month. RSC - Rainbow Scrap Challenge - hosted by Angela at SOS Scrappy

When I sorted (some of) my fabrics the other day, I had the RSC in mind. There are certain (fabric) colors I don't have a lot of. Pink, I thought, I don't have a lot of pinks, or browns, or purples. Was I wrong? When gather them all together, sorted on colors, I'm sure ...

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