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September 14, 2022
5 quilts 9/14 from Making A Lather

5 quilts last report August 22, 2022   

1. Rainbow scrap challenge- light blue - I have been adding a few zipper blocks as I go along  with the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

2. rhododendren mystery - hunter - I finished a row with a set of 4 - 3 rows to go

3. Boho heart -Two more blocks made for section 2

4. I started dotty bow ties. The blocks are all ready. I cut what I need for the idea of sashing I am planning. I may need to cut more if my math is wrong.

5. circa 1880- I needed ...

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September 10, 2022
hole and candy from Making A Lather

I have all the blocks I need to make this rainbow project into a top. I have really enjoyed making this. I liked using my smallest pieces to make the string rectangles into something useful. By using the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. the colors are bright and happy. I have moved them to a box of their own and plan to take them with me to open sews for assembly.

I was one block short of having all the blocks I need for the candy quilt. I felt I needed a chocolate in there someplace.

This block has ...

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September 3, 2022
fish and crown from Making A Lather

I did a head count of the fish blocks for the year and I have 190 which is about half of what I need. I have the colors ready to cut from this years rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I think I will set this aside until next year and start making blocks. I bought the pattern kismet from quiltville of her fish quilt, and, will use that as my pattern for the top.

oops I have a fish swimming in the wrong direction - silly fish

I finished the orange crown blocks for last month. and, I have 22 ...

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August 31, 2022
hunter star from Making A Lather

I started hunter's star this year as a rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Each month, I cut the pieces in the color of the month. When I started, it was new to me, so, I was just going to cut this year, and sew next year, according to the colors as they are announced. But, I couldn't stop after cutting. I have pieced all the months to this point this year. They are just so fun.

Since, I want them all scrappy, it was a few months before I had a variety of colors, to ( I just ...

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August 27, 2022
hole in my scraps from Making A Lather

I am barely finishing these hole in the barn blocks for the month of August and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

I think I have nearly all of them that I need for the quilt.

I have a few zipper blocks ready to go. I just don't have many orange scraps. I like orange in quilts, but it isn't an often used color.

still canning from the garden
I am linking to:

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August 20, 2022
candy from Making A Lather

 I have orange cream candy ready for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. They look yummy. I think I am nearly done with these blocks. I still need a bit of licorice and chocolate. I have certainly enjoyed making these this year, and I had PLENTY of strings I needed to use. I am looking for a string project for next year or maybe 100.

This tiny little squash plant taking over the garden was a volunteer from outside the garden, and we weren't sure what the frankensquash would be. It looks to be a regular zucchini. We ...

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August 15, 2022
moving projects from Making A Lather

It is time to say - see you later- to an old friend. I am retiring this project to the the UFO closet. I have enough pieces cut, I think, but, all shirts go well together. I was hoping for 80 blocks and I have 52 finished. I need to concentrate on some "other" languishing projects to get a bit of organization and less chaos. I  want to move some projects out of easy to reach areas and spread out my current projects. I keep misplacing parts and pieces and really need to clean up and assess where I am. So ...

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August 13, 2022
blossoms from Making A Lather

Pretty orange blossom time blocks are finished here for the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.  I have had to cut and make more parts for these cuties. I ran out of stems and 4 patches. I think I am closing in on the goal for this quilt. I think I have 128 out of 140 needed.  I may just go rogue and finish up with oddball fabrics I find laying around.

I harvested chocolate mint, since the dehydrator is empty. It is not my favorite herb tea - I like spearmint the best - but, it smells so yummy. I may ...

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August 6, 2022
waffle retirement from Making A Lather

 I have the orange waffle stamp blocks finished for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy, in orange. I have added over 100 blocks this year. But, I am retiring this project to the ufo closet to wait it's turn for assembly. 

and pink

We grew sweet corn this year. And it worked. All our lives we have been near seed corn, and as a courtesy didn't grow it. So, this is new to us. We wondered with our critter problem this year, if we would even find our ears of corn gone one morning. We have a ...

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July 30, 2022
last purple rsc saturday from Making A Lather

This is the last Saturday for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I spent the week finishing what I needed in purple for my rainbow projects. And, I am ready for the new color.

I had a few blue waffle stamp blocks

purple zipper

hunters star

star and crown

And it is sweet corn yummy season here. Our favorite farmer has his stand open and we are loving his corn. We grew a bit but it isn't ready. But it is time to sit out with a bee bee gun and protect it from the critters haha

I ...

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July 25, 2022
this and that from Making A Lather

When it is time to sort the projects and clean up after myself, I find bits and pieces that I can not resist sewing together. I evidently missed a purple zipper for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

zipper and easy breezy

And, the snails trail are ready to start over with such cute and quick little pieces, and, boom, I have started another round of snail trail blocks.

but no, I tore the name off the package when I planted them. 

We have a new green bean we are trying this year, and, it is fun and yummy ...

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July 23, 2022
sweet tooth from Making A Lather

Every color of candy is my favorite after I make them. All the purple sweet tooth blocks are finished for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I am thinking that I have too many rainbow scrap projects. I am struggling at the end of the month to get them all done. But, I really like them all. Maybe next year I will exercise a little more sense.

This is one of the planters by our back door. I planted the yarrow and the little pansy. The rest of what is growing are volunteers from last year. I didn't ...

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July 22, 2022
crown blocks from Making A Lather

 I finished the blue star and crown blocks from the June rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I was a bit behind and dawdled finishing. I have at least cut the purple blocks for the July blocks, but, haven't started them.

We have had a good rain this week and milder heat ( 89 instead of 90) The garden appreciates it. We had a small batch of beans, and Indiana corn is on the corners everywhere, 7.00 a dozen here. Last year it was 5.50 a dozen. and when we started our family it was 1.00 a ...

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July 16, 2022
misfit from Making A Lather

ummm - no! Should I fix it? haha

Why, yes, yes,  I should. Some days are vexing. I ran out of bobbin thread too! But, July's purple hole in the barn blocks are finished for the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I have a growing stack of blocks. I know we haven't done orange. What other colors?

Still trying to organize the pantry. I have dehydrated older tomatoes and beans I found buried. They take up less room this way and it prolongs the shelf life. I will still want to put these at the front to use ...

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July 13, 2022
blossom time from Making A Lather

I finished the purple blossom time blocks for July and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Since, we are nearing the end of all the colors I want to use, I find I am constantly recutting and sewing the 4 patches in the flowers, and the stems. When I started I had several of each  ready to go from the first time I worked on this quilt. I have 84 blocks and think I want 140.

We have a yellow garden thing going along the driveway- daylillies and coreopsis. I just recently learned that you can make a syrup ...

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July 9, 2022
purple blossoms from Making A Lather

 This week I have been working on blossom time in purple for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I had pieces already to sew from the first time I worked on them in 2020. I have 7 done and need 5 more in purple.

I found this planter at aldis. It is like the green stalk everyone is talking about on gardening channels, But, much cheaper. I have planted fall crops in here. Carrots, radishes, green beans, sage. We will see if this works or becomes a chore to keep watered. At least it isn't taking up space ...

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July 2, 2022
crown blocks from Making A Lather

 This is it for sewing for the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Two cross and crown blocks is all I could muster this week. And blue was the color for June that I did not make yet.

I harvested nasturtium flowers and leaves, and pansies. I will dry them for soap this winter.

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June 25, 2022
scrappy hunters star from Making A Lather

I have the blue hunter's star pieces made. for the month of June and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. It was time to cut more background.

There was enough block pieces to play a little with  the design and see if my idea for a scrappy colors was going to work. And, I was happy with the results. The plan was to cut and sew pieces this year, and, assemble the quilt next year. We will see when winter comes round again.

This is my poor ironing board after a visit from my Granddaughters who wanted a ...

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June 22, 2022
just a few more from Making A Lather

I thought I was done with the waffle stamp blocks for the month. I needed to cut 1 1/2 inch squares for the easy breezy blocks I am making. While I was digging around, I found more short pieces and just thought I would sew a couple. Then, after making a few sets, I found shirt strips, and thought I would sew them together for future 4 or 9 patches. And finally, why not add a few more waffle stamp blocks.

It was a 1 1/2 inch kind of day.

strip sets ready to cut for the middles ...

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June 18, 2022
hole in the barn from Making A Lather

I really like making these blocks and see another quilt in my future. I am making this as part of the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. This month is blue. I am never at a loss for blue scraps. They multiply while I am asleep. I also do not have a shortage of strings and crumbs, so, a perfect combination.

I made bone broth and decided to can it rather than freeze it. To finish the canner load I canned navy beans, too. We opened a recently canned ham and bean quart to test it. It was delicious, but ...

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