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February 22, 2025
Getting a Few Things Checked Off the List! from Quilty Folk

There's another quilt finished up for the year 2025! It's was super hard to get good pictures of it as the winter light is a little erratic these days. 

Revised is a true blue completion!
This quilt was started in August of 2022, instigated by an Adhoc Improv. challenge. 

No other option but to add a red binding...
I took the prompt, an inspiration photo or two, and ended up with this odd, funky tulip quilt. 

Loving the fan quilting on this one
Really didn't know how to do the hand quilting, so ended up doing freewheeling ...

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January 18, 2025
Starting January With a Couple Finishes! from Quilty Folk

This may be the brightest quilt I've ever made! Whew! It was a doozy to work on. In fact, I didn't even realize how not relaxing it was to hand quilt, until I was more than halfway through. I kept wondering, why am I always putting off picking up my hoop? 

Cannot believe that this is a quilt made
by me. Unreal. So bright you need sunglasses!
I finally weathered through and wowsers! Does it have the sweetest, just washed and dried texture! I hand quilted around a lot of the flowers in the border print and that ...

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April 15, 2023
A Quilt Top Marathon from Quilty Folk

 This past week or two found me spending quite a bit of time bringing a couple projects to quilt top stage. The first one 'The Mountains Are Calling', has been in the works for a long time. First, I cut out a whole lotta free-cut strips and started in on the back of the quilt.

Tags quilt
Just wanted to do more improv. strip piecing and sewing plus use up some more languishing fabrics. I had a vague outdoor-ish look and feel in mind for the front of the quilt, but didn't really grab a hold of anything solid ...

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January 1, 2023
Closing Down 2022 from Quilty Folk

Well, 2022 is going out with a whimper. I got sick the week before Christmas, barely pulled it together in time to enjoy a few good days with family and then, bam. Relapsed and now, probably bronchitis. Uggh. In my defense, it was super, super cold here for those weeks and I probably overdid things for the holiday.

All finished!
Anyway, real quick post here. These are my last finishes of the year! Moody 9-Patch which was started clear back in November of 2020. You can check out the antique inspiration on that post if you like.

Looking cozy
I ...

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October 27, 2022
In The Works from Quilty Folk

 Okay, things are extra hectic here lately so this post needs to be short and sweet.

Primrose Path--the alien looking flowers
After the hand quilting series, I've found myself betwixt and between projects. Nothing really looked amazing to work on. What I'd like to do is to start five new projects, and well... hand stitching wins it all. In the picture above you can see approximately half of my Primrose Patch blocks are mostly finished. Still need to figure out the color for the inside wobbly center. Obviously I'm thinking black.

Who says I can't make ...

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