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February 28, 2025
Relaxing Hand Stitching from Joy of Quilting

 Block Printing - Hand Stitching 

I don't do a lot of Hand Stitching but whenever I do I find it So Relaxing.

Late last year I did some Fabric Stamping on some plain canvas Bags and Zip Pouches I bought from Amazon

Stamping, fabric,Amazon,

Block Printing 

The Fabric Stamping itself was very easy and fun to do.

I have quite a good selection of Wooden Stamps

Wooden printing blocks,colouricious,

Most from Colouricious

And I used some of the Stamped Bags as Gift Bags at Christmas.

The little zipper pouches have come in useful over the last few weeks as storage for my Little Janome Gem ...

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February 11, 2025
Quick Pizza, Hearts and Roses, Slow Stitching Redwork from Canadian Needle Nana

I woke up to a temperature of -28C windchill outside yesterday but the good news is it quickly warmed up to -12 but that means one thing here...snow. Yes, we got a mini snowstorm with a freezing drizzle warning for the afternoon. I'd had plans to go out for a grocery shop but that had been postponed till later. The forecast is for more of the same today. Meanwhile, we are hunkering down by the fire, well Tony is. For me, as soon as I post this, put away the darks laundry, tote another load of wood up ...

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October 14, 2024
Design Wall Monday - October 7, 2024 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters!

I am on vacation and have taken a redwork embroidery project with me.  I’m embroidering cotton dishtowels with kitchen utensil themed designs.  

I finished one quite a while ago, and have finished two more while on this trip.  Here are pictures of all three:  (excuse the wrinkles, we are in a motel and I am not ironing them here)

Aren’t they cute?  The patterns are old “Aunt Martha’s” transfer patterns.  I have several other Aunt Martha transfer patterns also, and they are fun to look at - always with dreams of making something with them ...

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Design Wall Monday - October 14, 2024 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters!

This week I worked on more blocks for the Cousin’s Walk quilt.  There are 28 bird blocks and each block has a different bird in a different small tree.  Most of the trees have a few leaves and two or three flowers.  One of the block patterns I worked on this week had a tree with 15 leaves.  After appliquing 8 leaves, I decided to stop there and not add 7 more leaves.  Here is the block: 

 The second block finished this week is this one

It had only 4 leaves, which made it much easier ...

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June 2, 2024
Chookshed Stitchers Challenge, Bramble Blooms, Free Redwork Patterns from Canadian Needle Nana

I'm amused watching this small turkey flock trot through the front yard. The male is displaying constantly and looking so special. 

But as far as we can tell, the females don't even give him a glance. In fact, one day they all left and trotted off leaving him standing there alone. We felt a little sorry for him. 
What a great gift! My sister always hits the mark with the books she gives me. 
I've enjoyed reading it very much and just love the collection of over 50 easy and healthy recipes Helen has included with her ...

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December 4, 2023
Design Wall Monday - December 4, 2023 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Good Morning Quilters!

I’ve been sick with congestion and a sore throat, so this week has been a “stay at home and keep my germs to myself” kind of week.  I have been busy in the quilt room though.  The long term redwork quilt is now bound, and ready for a label.  The quilting by Sue Daurio, was simple diamonds, in keeping with the style of old redwork quilts.  I am very happy with how it turned out.  It measures 93 inches square and I am so happy to have this long in process UFO completed.  

I love the ...

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November 14, 2023
Redwork, Christmas Coins Quilting, Videos from Canadian Needle Nana

 For my American friends who are thinking about their Great American Thanksgiving...having a very long neck is very useful.

Speaking of which, I enjoy watching Becky at her Acre Homestead YouTube site. She cooks amazing and easy meals and her Thanksgiving videos, in particular, are wonderful. Here she is with her Mom preparing an incredible Thanksgiving feast. 
Though a project kind of on the side, I've stitched another of Mom's Redwork blocks. This is the provincial flower of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Pitcher Plant. It grows in bogs or fens and the most interesting thing about it ...

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October 8, 2023
Redwork Quilt Blocks from Modern Sunbonnet Sue

I started blocks for a Redwork quilt many, many years ago. I am embarrassed to say how long. Of course, we all have unfinished projects, and this is definitely one of mine. The pattern is children on the beach titled at the seashore by Marytime design. I chose a variety of white-on-white fabrics for the […]

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October 1, 2023
Easy Hexagon Runner, Free Patterns, Redwork Stitching from Canadian Needle Nana

Yes, it is starting. I'm wearing gloves on my early morning walks these days. Staying cool but sunny which makes it wonderful fall weather. Here is a little roundup of tiny but wonderful things I enjoyed this week.

Baker Beth gave us these wonderful blueberry muffins and extra chocolatey cookies. A great treat!
I didn't share Robbie's back to school photo before but here he is now soon to be 10! He's tall for his age.
And he gave me this...worms he caught for my compost bin. I told him they will live a very ...

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September 11, 2023
SAL's, Hexagon EPP, Redwork Embroidery, A Fishing Grandfather from Canadian Needle Nana

 Another blast of humidity this week make us so happy that autumn is just in the wings now. Here are more of the Zinnia blooms with their starry stamens. They are annuals but very long lasting once in flower.

Not a great photo but I liked this capture of the female Cardinal sharing nicely with a Redbreasted Nuthatch. Though she appears to be giving him the eye, they were there together with the Nuthatch going back and forth, for quite a while. 

Before I forget again, I want to share with you a SAL occurring now being hosted by Taryn ...

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August 27, 2023
Two More Thrift Finds, Redwork, Free Patterns from Canadian Needle Nana

 Old and still beautiful Day Lily and very young Maple tree...

There's a reason cups of tea/coffee are often shown with a backdrop of a cozy quilt/stitching in hoop or/yarn and hook, etc. Our comforts for mind and body are important to us. I honestly don't know what I would do without mine. I also love reading about yours as I think you all know by now.

As you know I also love nothing better than a good poke about in a flea market/thrift store where I challenge myself to see what I can ...

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August 20, 2023
Redwork Stitching, Marking Pencils,Gardening, Movies from Canadian Needle Nana

 I shared a photo of the vines that grew so well in winter inside the house a while back. Here they are still alive and well outside all summer. I had put a few seeds in soil just to see what would happen knowing that, while I had no success growing pumpkins, I loved the leaves and these, whatever they are, look so pretty. A very tiny critter also loves them as there are little nibbles taken in some of  them.

And the Marigolds are the ones I grew from seeds planted in my garage green house in May. I ...

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June 3, 2023
Poppy from Jean Swenson


June 2023

This quilt has been in process since late 2021, when I began hand embroidering the flower design on the red poppy print blocks. In early 2022, I completed piecing it (on sewing machine). Since I wanted to hand quilt it, by the time summer came around, I had little interest in having a quilt draped on me while hand quilting. By October, the weather had cooled enough, but it still took a few months to get it across the finish line. I finally finished it earlier this year, but hadn’t taken time to write a post ...

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January 30, 2023
Design Wall Monday - January 30, 2023 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters!

UFOs have been getting finished here at a fast pace this January!  The cheddar/black fall quilt has its solid black borders attached, and is ready for the long arm quilter.  Here is a picture of it:

Nine blocks by nine blocks which finish at eight inches each.  Borders finish at six inches, making the quilt top 84” by 84” square.

The redwork quilt top has been completed and is ready for quilting.  I am still thinking about the plan to quilt this one…….minimally for sure.

I looked at the corners I created and decided to ...

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January 23, 2023
Design Wall Monday - January 23, 2023 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Good Morning Quilters!

This is a happy day!  My long time UFO of redwork squares is a completed quilt top!  I finished the last corner embroidery yesterday.  

Here are some pictures. My blocks finish at 10 inches square and there are 8 across and 8 down, with borders that each finish at 7 inches.  So the quilt will be 94” by 94”.  Benjamin Biggs Wedding quilt is on the design wall, so these pictures are taken with it on the floor.  I will post a picture of all of it when it is a completed quilt.

I am thinking I ...

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January 17, 2023
New Year Stuff- Gifts, Projects, Calm Yourself Goal from Canadian Needle Nana

I've been busy doing everything but blogging. Out attempting walks with the camera in spite of all kinds of weather, baking muffins, embroidering, reading, listening to podcasts while putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It has been a peaceful, satisfying and relaxing welcome to a new year. Along the way I found two garbage bags of "stuff" to give to the Value Village.  So a little cleanout felt good too.

I decided to cook a turkey last week just so we could have a turkey dinner here at the wooden house and enjoy lots of leftovers too. A turkey is ...

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Design Wall Monday - January 16, 2023 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Good Morning Quilters!

There is progress on three quilts this week.

The Cheddar/black UFO quilt is back up on the design wall, and the hsts that were packed away with it didn’t work out as a border.  It made the quilt “busier” than it already is, and I think it’s plenty busy enough.  I changed my mind and am going to add a simple black solid border and be done with it.  As a quilt maker, I have a right to change my mind….several times, in this case.  lol

Here is a picture of my audition ...

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January 3, 2023
Using Accountability Tools - Week 1 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Weekly goals - 1st week in January, 2023

1).  Red work “penny squares” quilt top:

     A).  Sew borders on the redwork quilt.

     B)  Draw up the design for the four corners on this same quilt.

     C). Work on hand embroidery of redwork to complete borders.

2)   Make one block for the B.Biggs quilt (3rd row #2 block)

3)   UFO plan:  Put a project on the design wall and start sewing blocks into rows..

I’m sharing goals with the linky party “To Do Tuesday” this year, (Here) in a plan to be accountable to other quilters each week.  I shall ...

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January 2, 2023
Design Wall Monday - January 2, 2023 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Good Morning Quilters!

2023 is here, and with it comes new hope and encouragement about completing UFOs.  My thoughts on approaching challenges in 2023 is:

Simplify and Innovate  Treat everyone (including self) with kindness.

2022 was a year of finishing so many of my UFOs, and making great progress on others.  It was a great encouagement for me to see some finishes.  Last week, I counted up the remaining boxes of UFO projects, and it is still a daunting list.  But since great progress was made last year, great progress can be made this year too!

 I know, I know ...

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December 23, 2022
Reflections, Project Progress, Gift Wrapping Video, Link to 2023 QAL's List from Canadian Needle Nana

It's that time of year and I too have been reviewing 2022 and noting what worked well for me and what didn't. I'm pleased with my fitness efforts and my focus on upper body strength for my year 71 to 72 continues. There is much more I could be doing with this if I was really serious but I'm not. The overall basic goal is to remain upright, able to walk where ever I want unassisted and for as long as I want without being tired. And of course, to have the strength in arms, hands ...

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