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January 24, 2025
When your PEEPS are missing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 We have a situation in our house. It's not serious if you are human, but it's pretty bad if you have four legs. In the past, our girls were used to being on their own. If one or both of us were gone, they handled it gracefully. Now that we both work from home, we are here for the girls 100% of the time. 

So when DH went away earlier this week, the girls, and Lexi in particular, were NOT happy. 

After the walk, I was taking off my shoes and saw this: Lexi was sitting in front ...

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November 29, 2024
Recovery! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I counted the number of flannel quilt tops in that bag—25! To be fair, some of them are relatively small as they were made for children. But still! And I forgot to mention that I have a few bolts (5?) of flannel fabric that has to be used up! So yes, 2025 is the year of eliminating flannel from Studio B. WAIT—I also have a large flannel kit. That should be added to the mix. I wonder if there are more flannel kits? 

I'm happy to report that another flannel quilt from the 2024 pile is loaded ...

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November 27, 2024
Murphy is cold! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I don't want my personal issues to become an ongoing topic on this blog. Let's just say there are good days and bad days. So far, it's been a bad day!

I had to finish editing something this morning, which was way overdue. What does one do? You get creative. I tried sitting down, but I couldn't even edit one sentence without having to walk. So - I have a stand-up desk of sorts in Studio B. 

Holy—that's so different from sitting down, and at times, I felt a bit of relief. The biggest issue ...

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October 1, 2024
25 years of no use - let it go!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK --- First, if you sent me a note about the Spice Market class, I created the distribution list last night and will be sending out a note this morning. Everyone who sent me a note is in the class if you want to—some people just asked questions, and they are on the list and have the option to stay in or opt-out. I have not yet reached my 100 limit on Zoom, so all is good. I ask for your patience just a wee bit longer. 

It's so nice to be home and not have to run around ...

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September 5, 2024
The forest path update from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh gosh—I'm a hypocrite!!!! I went to the event and brought something home! No, it was not a brand-new, top-of-the-line sewing and embroidery machine, although it was very tempting. No - it was a charm pack. 

A charm pack 

I got caught up in the moment! When they went around with a bag of prizes, I reached my hand in, and this is what I got. Wait—I cheated and peeked into the bag to get something I might use rather than some swag that I would not! I can easily sew those squares together and make a child ...

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June 15, 2024
Misses at the thrift store! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my goodness --- I guess I'm not alone in getting mail for the previous owners of our houses. What surprises me is how much of this stuff there is around and what that is costing the world in general. In terms of postage, paper, and resources, it's insane. There must be a way for these companies to write a small program and run it annually to find mailings to the same address with different names. A quick follow-up would eliminate the duplication. I may never get it resolved. And YES - years ago, I sent the letters back, with ...

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June 11, 2024
The lightbulb moment in decluttering from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my gosh—someone posted a comment that they had to BUY scratch pads to make lists, etc. I wish I was closer because they would NEVER have to buy another scratch pad again!

I didn't get a chance to call the school yesterday, but first thing this morning! 

While I was in the mood, and on a high from the previous day's success, I decided to tackle more stuff in the office. 

I grabbed one of the shelf supports from the supply bag and fixed that shelf. While it's not the same type as what is ...

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May 31, 2024
One thing leads to another! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yeah for BANNING multitasking! I'm all for slow and methodical work, which suits me perfectly. 

Having said that, I am doing one task in quilting but also trying to clean out the kitchen, and one thing is leading to another. 

I've been "nagging" about cleaning out drawers for the last while. Right? You're doing that, aren't you? I decided to clean out the spice drawer. 

DH went through them and decided what he wanted to keep and what to throw. I then washed the drawers and ordered something because I couldn't find it in the ...

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May 28, 2024
Murphy needs a backpack! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I got a chuckle from the comment on yesterday's blog. The minute something is in your hand, deal with it—toss, keep, and put it immediately where it should go. I'm trying very hard to do that. I'm still dealing with quantity at times, and it's overwhelming. I'm also still at the sorting stage, where I don't want to make decisions until I see the entire picture of that group of items. 

But I'm making progress, and YES -- when I have something in my hand, I try very hard to make that toss ...

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May 18, 2024
Quilt Retreat from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Someone mentioned that they are also in the process of doing a file sort/reorg. Yep—it can be tedious, and we'd all rather be sewing. For myself, it's the satisfaction of knowing that I've gotten a little closer to the ultimate goal of getting that stuff all cleaned up. That feeling now supersedes sewing at my house! 

I don't spend a lot of time sorting, especially if I'm not in the mood. Aim for 15 minutes a day. Surely, we can give up 15 minutes of sewing time to push ahead with the decluttering ...

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April 18, 2024
Reflections on QUILTsocial from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a super fun day yesterday at Sew Productive. We made MONSTERS, which you'll see in a moment. 

I presented a couple of lectures on Husqvarna Viking accessories. I will give one more on Friday and a lecture on quilting at Thimble Quilts and Sewing in Lasalle, Ontario

I have written so much about Husqvarna Viking sewing and embroidery machines and almost all the accessories, and you have access to all that information. 

Where do you find it? Well, on, of course. 

So here's the deal: I can't provide links to all the posts ...

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April 4, 2024
A whole day of sewing! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm late again! OK—I've got the getting up and going to bed thing—no problem! The issue is that I'm wide awake in the middle of the night! So, I need to sleep in if I'm awake for a few hours. It'll get worked out soon! Thankfully, Murphy alerts me if I sleep in too late! 

It's been a long time since I had a day without a Zoom or had to be somewhere. A day when I could work on my stuff without an immediate deadline - as in a deadline the next ...

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April 3, 2024
Let the games BEGIN from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I think I'm almost back to normal time, but I'm still tired in the morning, so always a little bit behind; I should be good tomorrow. 

OK—so what's with all the dreaming? The sleep I'm getting is deep because I'm dreaming, which I probably do every night, but I just don't remember the dreams. 

I remember the dreams, and it's weird how it takes events in a day and mixes them up. The last two nights have both been dreams about quilting. A friend mentioned a quilt she was making the other ...

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February 23, 2024
Using a serger to benefit your quilt making from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks for your comments about the Facebook Live. OH GOSH -- I wondered if anyone could hear Murphy barking! No one else was home, and I could do nothing - the show must go on! Next time, I'll find a hidey hole for her with NO WINDOWS. I imagine she was barking at the squirrels in the backyard. What a silly girl!!! Thankfully, she didn't go into her full-blown ballistic mode!

For those who missed the session, you can watch it at this link. Knowing when the link went live was challenging, and I was trying to watch the laptop ...

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February 2, 2024
Forwards and backwards! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Anne has a good eye! She not only knew what the quilt was that I was working on, but she sent me a picture. I'm not sure if that was her quilt. Great job, Anne -- you know your quilts!!!

Another productive day! It's amazing what you can get done when you can focus on the quilting and have good conversations and good working conditions! So, what does the quilt I worked on look like? I finished the quilt top last night. 

My bicycle quilt

I have no recollection of cutting this quilt, which is called Mod Geo Cruiser ...

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January 30, 2024
It's a MIRACLE! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had packed most things in the car the night before, so there was very little to pack in the morning. The girls and the boy were NOT happy to see me packing. They knew that there would be NO walks this week. Oh dear, I'd bring them if I could, but it's impossible. They'll survive, as DH is there to put them out. I'm sure they all love that arrangement. 

The roads were good, which is quite different from two years ago! We couldn't even get out of the driveway on the way to ...

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January 24, 2024
Practicing what I preach from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What can I say? The Happiness Journal is working WITH me, and well, I'm HAPPY!! Look what I read last night. 

Quote from the Happiness Project

After the day I had, this was the absolute truth. I was in my glory as I tidied. I also got some day job work done and am SUPER excited about the results. I made progress on the writing - all is good. 

Remember what I've been "preaching" about getting the monkeys off your back? Well, it's one thing to keep telling you that; it's another to get some monkeys off ...

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November 28, 2023
Tis the Season from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yes - Christmas is coming, and well, it's the season for many things. I'm not anti-Christmas, but I'm very anti all the hoopla surrounding Christmas. I am really anti to the COMMERCIALISM of what Christmas has become. If I say my real reasons for these thoughts, I will come off as Scrooge, so I have to think of a clever way to phrase it. 

It has something to do with political correctness and people of different faiths, and I'll leave it like that. 

But what I really meant when I wrote that title was the commercials. Yep ...

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October 5, 2023
On the road again! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

CRUD -- the internet wasn't working this morning! I'm now late!

My blister feels better today since I popped it, but it'll take some time for all the dead skin (ICK) to disappear. I hope at some point that it'll completely heal. I just don't understand the mechanics of feet and why that poor little toe continues to be crushed even when there's lots of room. Now, there is a bunion on that foot and it's quite possible that the bunion is causing the crushing, in which case, there is nothing I can do ...

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October 3, 2023
Unpacking and packing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Dare I say that I'm back? While yesterday was NOT the most productive day of my life, I actually accomplished stuff! And today, I've been up and cutting fabric, so I'll say I'm back!

In chatting with others, it appears that many are "struggling" to get back into the swing of things, and I bet this glorious weather we are experiencing isn't helping. It's like summer! We used to call this "Indian" Summer, but I'm not sure that's politically correct. But it seems that summer keeps going on and on. I'm ...

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