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October 29, 2023
Our Last Presentation Day - This Year from Quilting My Way

 Today I had to load up the car with quilts and stuff for members to work on. I gave Diane her paperwork and all is good for now. 

We had our presentation and checked to see when we would need to be available for Nov 11. 

Quilts were put our and ready to go. We had a good turn out. 

It was nice to have a full house for 9 veterans. They were all having a good time. Veterans kept the quilt wrap around them when they sat down. It was awesome. 


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September 10, 2023
QOV Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

 I slept in today. I was more surprised to find Patrick up early this morning and I didn't hear him. Usually, I wake up when he gets up, but not this morning. I finished my wavy flag bracelet but I gave it to Debbie. She said the other one was too big for her. I told her to bring back the first one I made. Then I sent a text a little bit ago to see if she would send me a photo, since I didn't take one. 

I took the 3 quilts that I had done to ...

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August 25, 2023
QOV Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was off to the museum to get working on the presentation today. We ended up with 3 members that we needed, gone. Mom took over Smiley's place, Joanne took over Hildi's place and Kristi took over for mom. 

These are our veterans for today. I don't have the names right now. I will post them as soon as I do. 

Hard to believe Ron is 93 years old. He received this quilt I made. I wanted to give him a different one, but I didn't have it at the museum. So, we gave ...

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July 23, 2023
QOV Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

 Today Patrick put the quilts out in the car. Then I added the rest of the stuff I needed to take to the museum. Poor Kaylee she was on her own in the morning. The volunteers called in and said they couldn't work today. Poor museum needs more volunteers. 

Debbie was there before me. She had called and asked where I was. I told her I was turning into the area. Actually I was turning at the light which was about 3 mins away. When I arrived we found out there was another program tonight. We were told to ...

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June 23, 2023
Hello, Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

This morning Patrick went golfing and was so sweet! He pulled the curtains in the bedroom so I could sleep a little longer. I finally got up and got moving. I did forget one thing that I needed to take to the presentation - but not important enough to come back and print them. 

I left early. I wanted to get started before the group members showed up. There is always something that I have to answer and get off track. 

One of the gals brought a quilt top! I was thrilled. Mom gave me 5 quilts that need labels and ...

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June 10, 2023
Every Other Friday - Carmen's Birthday from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was up at 5:45 am to be out the door by 6:30 am. We had a presentation to do with the Twin Cities Rotary Club. It was fun to see what they do. We - Debbie, Connie and I - were there early and trying to figure out where we were meeting. It was comical. They were very nice. We gave our speech and answered a lot of questions. Then they passed the bucket. We got a good amount of money for QOV. We are looking good now. I'm not sweating worrying over where I get ...

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June 2, 2023
Presentation Day For QOV from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was running around trying to find all the stuff I needed to take with me. Thinking I had everything and finding out I forgot something isn't unusual for me! And of course, I did forget something! 

I had to finish up the quilts that I needed to get to the museum. 

This was one that Connie made. I put the label on this. Time was coming fast and I wanted to be out the door by 11 am. 

This one was made by one of Kristi's friends. Label on and ready to go. I was ...

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May 19, 2023
Presentation & Meeting Day from Quilting My Way

We were having a meeting this morning at 9 am. Chip was a little late to let us in. No worries. I had to leave early to go to Safeway and then get our drinks at Dutch Brothers. I was the first one there, then Smiley arrived. We chatted for awhile before Debbie and Connie came. Once they arrived, everyone started coming in one after the other. Mom and Nancy were running a little late. 

We got our meeting going. Letting everyone know we were short on money for our group. Then my mother ended up talking to mom on ...

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May 5, 2023
Another Presentation Day from Quilting My Way

Today I was up at 7 am to be at my massage therapy by 8 am. What a day. It felt good to have the massage, but right now I'm not feeling that comfort. lol 

Then it was to the vets to get the meds I couldn't get yesterday. I was thrilled they had it ready when I arrived. I was kind of expecting them to say it wouldn't be ready till later today. 

Next trip was back home to pick up the 6 quilts that needed to go to the museum. I had everything ready and ...

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April 21, 2023
QOV Presentation For 2 WWII Veterans! from Quilting My Way

 Today I was up and getting ready for my chores of getting everything ready for the museum. I had to take a quilt for Debbie as well. First stop was the post office to send labels to Barbara and then get coffee for Debbie and tea for me. lol 

Arrived at my usual time of 11:30 am. Then got the quilts out for 10 veterans. We did the panels today. Now we are out of panels so I need to get moving and finish a couple more. I kept hearing how pretty my quilts were that went today. 

This ...

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April 7, 2023
Presentation Day from Quilting My Way

 Today I was up early compared to what I normally am. I was ready to head out to the presentation. I stopped and got a burger and some tea. I got coffee for Debbie and of course it was the wrong thing AGAIN. She took it back to let them know they gave her the wrong stuff. I even read it off my phone to make sure she got what she wanted. 

We had 6 veterans. One was late. 

Andy Ponder (right), Army, Not sure on the rest -  Ron Lavergne, Navy, Kim Johnson, Air Force, William Morgan, Navy Clarence Matayoshi ...

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March 26, 2023
Honoring A WWII Veteran Today! from Quilting My Way

I don't have the photos yet. I have 2 members who took the photos. So, I'm waiting on them to come through. 

Today we honored 9 different veterans. 7 of them were Army veterans with the WWII veteran being one of them. Then we had a Navy officer and a Marine. The Marine received 2 purple hearts! The quilt he received was perfect for him! We didn't plan it that way, but we had a quilt with Marine panels and a bigger panel with a eagle and flag. It was one of the better presentations we have ...

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March 10, 2023
Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

Today Patrick was looking better and headed out to golfing. I headed to the museum to get things set up. Debbie and I were able to get a lot of the stuff done before the group started showing up. Then it was a mad house with the group. We all get together and get stuff done. I was off fixing things and getting stuff. We had everything ready. 

These were the recipients that received quilts. Not in order but it was - John Stough, Navy, Allen Delvin, Navy, Gary Hass, Navy, Thomas B Guyer (TJ), Coast Guard, Thomas Warren, Air Force ...

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February 24, 2023
Presentation Day! from Quilting My Way

 This morning I woke to snow. Good thing we had till 1 pm for our veterans to come. I was hoping we didn't get any cancellations. 

I left early to get things going. Debbie and I got moving on getting the tables moved. Then we worked on the quilts. Pulled 8 quilts - because our WWII veteran couldn't make it. We decided to go to him this time. We had been trying for 4 months to get the quilt to him. 

We had seven of them show up. One didn't make it. This is (not in order) Gary ...

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February 10, 2023
Another Presentation Day - Now Every Other Week from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was playing games till it was time to leave. I had to go to Centralia to meet up with Sandy. She had a "surprise" for me. I arrived around 10:45 am at her work. She came around and gave me "an early Birthday gift." It's the book "the left-handed embroiderer's companion" by Yvette Stanton. It's a cool book! I love it! She wanted to give it to me before I ordered it myself. As we all know, I'm left handed. 

Then I headed to the coffee shop to get coffee for Debbie ...

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January 29, 2023
QOV Presentation Day from Quilting My Way

 Because we have over 100 nominations to get quilts out, we are doing presentations every 2 weeks. I had to schedule more presentations till Aug. So, today was another presentation day. Since I didn't get photos, I'm not able to show who we honored. 

I arrived around 11:30 am. Debbie was already there and we were working on getting everyone fixed. Mom and Kristi were not there, so Connie had to take over the presentation part. We honored 8 veterans today. I was hoping we could get 9 but 8 is good too. I'm approved for ...

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January 13, 2023
Still Looking Forward! from Quilting My Way

 This morning Patrick was off to golf. I was enjoying the morning to myself. I left around 11 to head to the museum. We had our presentation today. It's going better each time. We have another one on the 28th, and that will be about 9 people I think. 

I wanted to show a photo here of the veterans, but my computer is being a pain. I will have that tomorrow. 

We had a great presentation. It was nice to get a few more done. We were visited by the County to add us to the county website. That ...

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January 6, 2023
Meeting Day! from Quilting My Way

 This morning Patrick was out to golfing. I was enjoying the morning to myself before going to Burger King for a hamburger. Not as good as they used to be. Guess I need to find another place to go. 

Our QOV meeting was today. We worked on getting veterans to come to the next meeting or two. It was to show all the members what we do. This way if someone can't do a job, then we have anyone and everyone who can fill in. We went over all the quilts and things that were done. Kristi showed the ...

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November 12, 2022

Today we were to go to the museum for our Veterans Day celebration. 

My brother gave his speech. The we presented quilts to four veterans. It was a 2 hour celebration honoring out veterans. I won't waste this post on what I did today. I will honor those veterans. 

 Our photographer got in the way of this photo. lol - This is Patrick Taylor (brother), Mike McCoy, (family friend), Donald Schmidt (Navy) and Joseph Bushlack (Army). We had the honor of presenting them with a quilt. This gives us 227 quilts given out since we started in November 2022. We ...

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October 27, 2022
Sad News Today & Presentation Day from Quilting My Way

This morning I went to moms early because of my physical therapy. I parked at moms and then walked over to the physical therapists. Before I went, I stopped in to see mom. She was in a good mood. Said she had to take Daisy to the vet. So, we both left at the same time. As I was getting out of the therapy, I received a text. Mom said they were doing tests on Daisy and they thought her kidneys were failing. I told her I was sorry to hear that. As I reached moms, I received another text ...

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