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February 9, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: IT'S HERE:) from Nestlings By Robin

 I am giddy with excitement!!

As I said before, this is one
of the grandest things I have ever done!
After many hours of work
 I am THRILLED to bring my,
quilt pattern to you!

Lots of information in this post
so please read to the end.

I am very proud of my 
family's military service
and of all the military members
and their families
that sacrifice much 
more than most will ever know.
In honor of those who sacrifice,
I will be highlighting some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the ...

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February 8, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: Fabric and Supplies from Nestlings By Robin


We are 1 day away from starting
the Botanical Beauty QAL and I
don't even have time for ironing-LOL!

If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add ...

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February 6, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin


This design is a culmination of many
of my designs over the years 
(some published, some not).
The 250th birthday felt like the 
right time to be 'GRAND'.
This is the biggest, most grand
design I have ever attempted and 
I am grateful that you are here
for the journey!
I hope that those of you new to applique'
will give it a try. There are many methods
out there and we will discuss
many of them over the next year.

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard ...

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January 27, 2025
Stars of Peace QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you ...

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November 25, 2024
J’ai cousu! et rappel du QAL Corinne et Cécile from Atelier de Cocopatch

Bonjour à toutes, j’espère que vous allez bien après cet épisode de neige que j’avoue avoir bien apprécié!! J’ai réussi à finir mon sac, modèle d’Auvergne Laser paru dans la revue Patchwork et Création textile de France Patchwork n° 161. J’ai beaucoup aimé cette technique. (tissus makover) Du coup à la Journée de l’Amitié organisée […]

The post J’ai cousu! et rappel du QAL Corinne et Cécile first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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November 12, 2024
what is the difference… from Moda Lissa

What is the Difference Between a QAL and a BOM in the Quilting World?

If you’ve been part of the quilting community for any length of time, you’ve probably come across the terms QAL and BOM. While these acronyms are common in the quilting world, they represent two distinct ways of tackling a quilt project. Both are popular, and both create a sense of community, but they cater to different types of quilters and schedules. One of the sales professionals ay Moda always says we need more Bom’s. With over 50 creative designers creating projects I spent ...

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June 21, 2024
Fabric Acquisition from Becca's Crazy Projects

Last weekend I popped over to Spring Water Designs to pick up some backing for quilts. I was very good and only grabbed a couple things extra. I picked up a small Accuquilt Go! mat for my 6" dies. Always nice to have an extra on hand.
This fun speckle was a good fit for my Pieces of Love quilt. I'm excited to get this one quilted.
I grabbed this fun print to back my Brown Bag Mystery Quilt

I also grabbed a medium gray backing for my second Brown Bag Mystery Quilt, and a yard of pink fabric ...

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June 10, 2024
Progress Report from Moda Lissa

Progress Report

I thought I was the kind of quilter that started a project, finished it and moved on. The majority of the time I am making a project that has a deadline for a trade show, book, blog post for work and more.

Recently, I happen to look up at my design wall and realized I have quite a few things going on. Time to start my progress reports again to keep me in  line.

Moda’s Blockheads

Modalissa Blockheads

Blockheads is a weekly post sharing 6″ and 12″ blocks from various Moda and Ruby Star Society designers. Info ...

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May 7, 2024
Hey Boo! from Moda Lissa

I am such a fan girl of Vanessa Goertzen/Lella Boutique.  Every fabric collection that she creates I become obsessed with. I don’t really need to describe why, if you know you know!

What is a word for fresh traditional modern? Vanessa’s designs cover it all.

I recently finished several of her patterns using OLD GLORY and have moved on to her FALL fabrics,
HEY BOO! These colors are so fun and different for Halloween. I made the quilt that Moda will be kitting, named Pushing up Daisies. Stock # LB 231 and the quilt finishes at 80” x ...

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March 6, 2024
QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile – les sponsors from Atelier de Cocopatch

bonjour à toutes! Le QAL semble déjà bien lancé! Chat, poules, perroquets commencent à prendre forme! Certains quilts sont déjà bien avancés. Pour illustrer cet article, je ne résiste pas à l’envie de vous remettre un patch dont je suis très fière! (le lion, modèle Violet Craft) . Il est parti vers une nouvelle maison …

QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile – les sponsors Lire la suite »

The post QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile – les sponsors first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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January 1, 2024
Voeux et lancement du QAL de Corinne et Cécile! from Atelier de Cocopatch

bonjour à toutes, nous voici début janvier, ce qui me permet de souhaiter mes meilleurs vœux pour cette année 2024! Je vous souhaite une bonne santé pour réaliser tous vos projets!! Le QAL des animaux commence! Vous avez jusqu’au 20 janvier pour vous inscrire! Le groupe Facebok Quilt Along de Corinne et Cécile va s’animer …

Voeux et lancement du QAL de Corinne et Cécile! Lire la suite »

The post Voeux et lancement du QAL de Corinne et Cécile! first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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December 28, 2023
Bonne fin d’année 2023 ! from Atelier de Cocopatch

bonjour à toutes, Je vous souhaitent de passer de joyeuses fêtes en famille ou au moins de façon sereine! C’est l’heure de bilans: des quilts à finir, des nouvelles rencontres, de nouveaux engagements. L’année 2023 finit bien remplie mais sereinement. Il est habituel sur Instagram de montrer quelles sont les 9 publications qui ont eu …

Bonne fin d’année 2023 ! Lire la suite »

The post Bonne fin d’année 2023 ! first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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December 1, 2023
Annonce du QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile from Atelier de Cocopatch

bonjour à toutes! nous y sommes! Nous allons vous donner le thème de ce 9ème QAL ! et oui déjà 9 ans!!! On est le 1er décembre ! Mais on se prépare pour le QAL avec Cécile (Patchwork inspirations) qui commence en janvier !! Alors on vous livre le thème de cette année !! les animaux!! qu’ils soient …

Annonce du QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile Lire la suite »

The post Annonce du QAL 2024 Corinne et Cécile first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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November 27, 2023
Appliqued Needlebook, Music, What Could Have Been? from Canadian Needle Nana

 I'm not the only one who likes whimsy...We found this little item at the base of a very large tree on one of the public trails back in October. I thought -wish I knew who put this here...perhaps I'm missing out on a friend.

Still enjoying playing around with what I would like to stitch for the Bramble Blooms QAL. I got out several of my books to look through for inspiration and to settle myself down to a colour theme as well. For instance, I love Tilda's Fan Flowers and wonder if I could ...

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November 18, 2023
Un QAL, 2 QAL, 3 QAL… from Atelier de Cocopatch

bonjour à toutes, le mois de décembre approche et les annonces des QAL de fin d’année ou de l’année prochaine arrivent!! D’abord chez Namaju quilt Studio, Claire propose un QAL par saison, “Four seasons QAL” c’est ici pour celui de l’hiver (gratuit). puis, sur Instagram seulement (et là, je ne trouve pas ça pratique pour …

Un QAL, 2 QAL, 3 QAL… Lire la suite »

The post Un QAL, 2 QAL, 3 QAL… first appeared on Atelier de Cocopatch.

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November 12, 2023
Bramble Blooms QAL, Books, Binding Sewing from Canadian Needle Nana

I've been on a biography binge lately. I read both these books below many many years ago but enjoyed rereading them. I admire both women's work very much and it is always interesting to see what folks will share in a biography/journal style book. Both write with a similar frankness about their lives and there the similarity ends. Nuala O'Faolain once famously described herself as being "a nobody from a long line of nobodys" and May Sarton- ahh, what to say about May. I carried a line of hers in my head from when time was ...

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October 20, 2023
Orphan Annie is a Finish and Other Things in the Lineup from Quilty Folk

 Orphan Annie is a completed quilt top now! So nice to get another one finished up. Still hopeful there will time for another two or three to get knocked off the list before the end of the year.

Orphan Annie all crumpled and cozy looking!
The next picture made the quilt look a little bit washed out. The actual color is more intense like the previous picture. I really love this whimsical quilt with all its imperfections. Somehow this one ended up being so very blue. For some reason I thought it would feel like a green quilt, but nope ...

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April 29, 2023
Rainbow Neighbourhood Houses - Blocks 2 to 4 from Quilting & Learning

I was falling behind on my Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL so I'm now all caught up. 

A Mauve House

The second house was finished in the middle of last week. It was easier to make the second time around. Of course the star blocks are all different, so there is a learning curve there.

The mauve house with a blue Friendship star!

For the window details, I added a hanging planter and a bird who is visiting out of his cage. Will he go back in? I found a beautiful mosaic type fabric that looks like stained glass, so that ...

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April 16, 2023
Three Somethings to Enjoy And One Not So Nice from Canadian Needle Nana

 Are you a jump out of bed, feet on the floor the minute your eyes open in the morning, person?  I'm not and never have been though I don't linger long. I wait a bit and these days I do a little stretching. In particular I've been stretching  my plantar fascia before putting my feet to the floor. A month ago I didn't know this existed! I almost feel like my left foot has let me down because I now have some tightening of the p f there. Not painful but an uncomfortable awareness of it ...

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April 15, 2023
Positivity? from Sew Preeti Quilts

Do gun deaths in America surprise anyone? 

No. Because, they have been normalized by one political party. Watch this one lawmaker speak his mind.

Six people including three nine-year old kids were killed in a mass shooting. It is not a surprise that there were protests. It is not too much of a surprise that the Republican legislature was more concerned about the disruption on the house floor than protecting innocent lives.

Instead of listening to the voices of reason, they disenfranchised them. Instead of focusing on gun safety, they focused on removing those who disagreed with them.

Well, at ...

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