Just a few more days left of 2022. I'm ready for a new year, 2022 wasn't one of my better years on several fronts. I'm hopeful that 2023 will be happier and more productive than this year has been. Maybe this year more than past years, it's important to look back at what did go well. Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs is encouraging us to look at the Best of 2022.
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My work/life balance has been anything but balanced the last couple of months. Hopefully balance will be restored after yesterday. I turned in the last review summary for the never ending project yesterday at 7 PM. So hopefully that means I'll have more time for stitching in June. I've been playing along with Quilting Gail's PHD program for 2022, but didn't have an opportunity to post in April. Here's where my projects stand as of the end of May.
There was one finish and no starts during the last two months. Not a bad ... read more
It was past time to get back to our normal weekend activities. We managed to have an uneventful and laid back weekend. I wasn't able to scale mount laundry, but we all have enough clean clothes to make it a week. More importantly, I actually got a solid afternoon of stitching in on Sunday. It's been awhile since I was able to spend more than a few minutes in the sewing room. It definitely felt good to spend some quality time in the sewing room for a change.
The last couple of weeks have been pretty lean on stitching time. So lean, there was no point in posting a To do List last week. Thus my last list dates from the week of April 19th.
Weekly To Do List for 4/19/22
- Potions: Make binding, attach to front of quilt, start hand stitching to back ✔
Last week was pretty much a bust in terms of time spent in the sewing room. I knew going in to last week that there wouldn't be a lot of stitching time, so I kept the list short and simple.
- Potions: Make binding, attach to front of quilt - progress
- Macaron Mystery: Continue assembling rows ✔
- Rhododendron Mystery: Work on clue 5, hourglass blocks as leaders/enders ✔
Life has been busy. It's tax season, plus my special project at work has really picked up and I ended up working most of the weekend. While that helped with the work to do list, the stitching to do list suffered.
Weekly To Do List for 4/5/2022
- Unity: Find backing fabric, press, cut panels - progress
- Macaron Mystery: Start assembling blocks into rows ✔
- Rhododendron Mystery: Work on clue 5, hourglass blocks as leaders and enders ✔
I was pretty sure what the plan was for my April One Monthly Goal.
The first quarter of 2022 is done. That was fast, or at least it seemed that way. I'm definitely ready for spring. Mother Nature ended March with a pre-April Fool's Day prank. We had snow flurries yesterday! I had to drag my winter coat out of the closet. It really felt more like January than it did the day before April 1st.
Hard to believe that there's just one more week left in March. Normally, I'm scrambling to get my One Monthly Goal finished at this point. For a change I'm actually ready to link up with Elm Street Quilts for the March One Monthly Goal Finish Linky Party before the last day of the month.
My goal for March was to get Potions sent out for quilting. At the beginning of the month I had a finished quilt top, but still needed to piece the back.
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Backing fabric is Robert Kaufman, Science Fair 3 Beakers Bright |
I love ...
read moreThankfully the last week has been much calmer. My Guy is healing well. His neck still bothers him quite a bit, but the lacerations on his face have healed and the swelling has mostly gone down. He's going back to work today. I'm off this week (except for Thursday). The Scientist in Training is home this week for Spring Break. She's been my partner in the sewing room the last few days. We've both made a lot of progress on our projects the last couple of days. My To Do List for last week is all ...
read moreLast week was one of the least fun weeks I've had in a long time. Two people in my group announced they are leaving due to spouse relocations. We are under a hiring freeze right now, so you can see where that's going. If you read my Sunday post you know My Guy had a nasty bicycle accident Saturday morning. He's doing OK, but boy does he look beat up. He was released from the hospital late Sunday afternoon, but we were back at the doctor's office yesterday since he developed a fever overnight. He will ...
read moreMarch is moving along, so it's definitely time to decide on a One Monthly Goal for the month.
I'm glad to see the back end of February, but my hope for a smoother March has pretty much been dashed. Work is going to be interesting this month. Hopefully I'll still be able to work in lots of sanity stitching time, I'm going to need it.
It's the last day of February. Time to report on my progress with my One Monthly Goal. I cut it close this month.
February has apparently become the whiplash month for weather. The high yesterday was in the 70's, today we won't hit 40 F. Tomorrow we have a winter weather advisory the runs into Thursday. I'm ready for spring already!
- Potions: Assemble rows ✔
- Cabins and Fans: Finish stitching down binding - progress
- Macaron Mystery: Work on January and February ...
I'm not ready for a new week. It's going to be a rough one on several fronts. I'm slated for jury duty this week. I called on Friday and the message was to call again on Tuesday to see if I have to show up on Wednesday. But we are supposed to get freezing rain and sleet starting sometime on Wednesday into Thursday. We'll see how all of that works out.
The weekend was quiet with much of it spent in the sewing room. The Potion blocks have been sewn into rows and the dark blue ...
read moreValentine's Day was pretty low key. We treated ourselves to a fancy take out dinner. It was really good. Unfortunately the glass of wine I had with dinner made it hard to do much in the sewing room, I'm such a light weight on that front. Consequently I was in bed pretty early last night. It's a good thing that the last item on last week's to do list was checked off over the weekend.
- Potions: Finish all the flask blocks ✔
- Cabins and Fans: Attach binding ...
We are already a week into February. With it being such a short month, we'll be at the end of it before we know it. January always seems to drag, but February just flies. It's Tuesday, so it's time to draw up a new To Do List and link up with Linda of Texas Quilt Gal for this week's To Do Tuesday. Before getting to this week's list, I should look at the progress on last week's list.
To Do List for Week of 2/1/2022
- Potions: Make 7 flask blocks ✔
- Cabins and ...
It's back to the office today after three days of working from home last week. It is nice to have that option, I'm not looking forward to braving the cold this morning. The weekend was sunny, but definitely too cold to do much other than laundry and sew a bit. I did a bit of both over the weekend. In the sewing room there was really good progress on the flask blocks.
Potions: By Flying Parrot Quilts |
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