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  • pieced and applique quilts
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May 3, 2023
Logs in the Garden 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from Virtual Quilter

Very formal garden!

Love the applique border in the second design, but a bit disappointed as I hoped that the soft colours of the Log Cabin blocks in the background would be more effective.

Like the extra flowers in the centre.

Now the Log Cabin part of the quilt is demanding attention! That’s more like what I was hoping for.

I think I will have some fun mixing up the formal garden with a heap of logs!

More Log Cabin designs mid week, next week.

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April 26, 2023
Applique Logs 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 from Virtual Quilter

Lots of piecing, followed by lots of applique.

Love the design above.

I haven’t opened this project file for years, and the fabrics are dated, but I learned early on as a quilter that the colours don’t really matter if the contrast works. The contrast in this file isn’t perfect either, but the design is appealing despite that.

Sort of turned the design of the centre inside out and I still love it.

The four extra blocks with applique make it an even better design. I have decided not to spend hours changing the fabric choices in ...

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April 23, 2023
Classy Pieces 11, 12 from Virtual Quilter

Cheerful colours, interesting design.

This project file was started while demonstrating at a quilt exhibition a few years ago. I selected some blocks, added colours, then started designing quilts. Spent more time talking to friends old and new than concentrating on playing with the blocks, but did spend some time talking about the Electric Quilt program and what is can do with those who wanted more information. I know at least one of them is now using the program.

All of the above plus some quilting!

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April 21, 2023
Baker’s Dozen 49, 50 from Virtual Quilter

One of my favourite project files, and probably my most modern colour combination, but still grounded by tradition influences.

I love the second design!

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April 11, 2023
An Irish Gardener’s Double Chain 3, 4 from Virtual Quilter

I love the idea of these designs, but there is a problem … the applique overlaps four blocks!

Put the quilt together then add applique? Or applique then add Irish Chains as sashing of squares with added triangles?

Will have to think about this … more coffee please!

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April 4, 2023
After Pompeii OP 39, 40 from Virtual Quilter

I like the first design with some busy areas, and some open spaces.

I like the second one too, and it is my favorite for today.

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April 3, 2023
A Class of Their Own 7, 8 from Virtual Quilter

The first design is one which would stop me in my tracks if I was wandering around a quilt exhibition.

I should have used the same centre in the middle of the second one. Might have to do that during a coffee break today.

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April 1, 2023
Patricia’s Patches 21, 22 from Virtual Quilter

Love the first design.

Like the second one too. I like the border colours in the first more than the second.

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March 10, 2023
Penny’s Patch Play 23, 24 from Virtual Quilter

Very busy!

The second design looks less busy, maybe because there is more background showing. The border also looks lighter with more blocks with lighter background.

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March 5, 2023
An Irish Gardener’s Triple Chain 1, 2 from Virtual Quilter

If we can have flowers mixed with Double Irish Chain blocks, why not with Triple Irish Chains?

Oops! Forgot to turn one flower around, though I could have left them all standing upright! Despite that, I think I like the Triple Chain designs better than the Double Chains, but that could just be the different colours in the chains.

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February 26, 2023
Wedding Fans 53, 54 from Virtual Quilter



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February 25, 2023
9 Patch ‘n’ Apps 19, 20 from Virtual Quilter

Interesting design.

Interesting design with an interesting use of colour contrast. I love it.

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February 21, 2023
Autumn Daze Quilting 32, 30 from Virtual Quilter

Very interesting, though not a lot of room for the quilting to attract a lot of attention.

Very nice! A little bit more applique, and more visible quilting.

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February 20, 2023
9 Patch ‘n’ Apps Centered 19, 20 from Virtual Quilter

I like it a lot.

Also like the second one a lot, especially the light background area against the darker space.

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February 16, 2023
Wedding Fans OP 57, 58 from Virtual Quilter

Grandmother’s Fan blocks and sections of Double Wedding Rings, plus a little bit of applique.

A very interesting design!

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February 10, 2023
Autumn Daze 81, 82 from Virtual Quilter

Love the first design, though the colours may not look like autumn colours to many of you around the world, but here in Australia our autumn colours are usually dusty, unless we get some early rain.

The blue in the second design isn’t from any flowers, it is the clear skies when we are hoping for that opening rain.

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January 31, 2023
Annie Clover’s Curved Illusions 31, 32 from Virtual Quilter

No illusion of pieced curves in the first design, but look at the quilting.

Now there are illusions of curves in both pieced and quilting areas of the design.

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January 19, 2023
EQ and Me 43, 44 from Virtual Quilter

Soft restful colours for a restful environment for sleeping.

The blocks in these designs are from the Electric Quilt library, but with some modifications by me.

I like the way some of the blocks have sort of linked together, even though there is no sashing square.

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December 30, 2022
Pieced Patched and Pretty Quilted 15, 16 from Virtual Quilter

Love the design above, and I am interested in what it might look like with a colour update, but at this time of the year I am not getting a lot of play time at the computer. Something to add to the list of things to do in 2023.

Second designis also interesting, and would like time to play with the contrast as well as the colouring.

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December 6, 2022
Daze of Christmas 23 from Virtual Quilter

I thing the design above would look great in just about any colours if the contrast is right.

Second design is OK, but I like the first one best.

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  • pieced and applique quilts
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