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December 6, 2024
Bertha Gets a Day Off from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends, although we're almost to lunch time. I think I can still avoid breaking any laws with my "good morning" wishes. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I had breakfast with my friend Sue this morning and passed off the baby quilt for her new grandson. 

Of course, I wasn't out this early, but the day started with a pretty red sunrise.

And you know how that goes: "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning." Indeed. Our weather has been chilly, but sunny for the past week. We're expecting rain this weekend. So ...

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Bertha Gets a Day Off from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends, although we're almost to lunch time. I think I can still avoid breaking any laws with my "good morning" wishes. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I had breakfast with my friend Sue this morning and passed off the baby quilt for her new grandson. 

Of course, I wasn't out this early, but the day started with a pretty red sunrise.

And you know how that goes: "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning." Indeed. Our weather has been chilly, but sunny for the past week. We're expecting rain this weekend. So ...

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November 23, 2024
Week 130 Photo Challenge: Vintage from Life In Pieces

This week's challenge theme wasn't too bad, it wasn't the easiest we've had, but it wasn't the hardest either. 

The most fun thing about the challenge is seeing what we each come up with. That often depends on how each of us interpreted the theme. I may have missed the mark a bit, but I'm sticking with my approach.  

Kate: Vintage News

My house cleaning project this weekend was to tackle the office.  While dusting, I found these vintage copies of National Geographic. They belonged to My Guy's parents. This magazine is so ...

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November 22, 2024
A Little Bit of Quilting from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I got lucky with the weather for yesterday's outing again. Despite having entered the "Big Dark" season, it was a dry and sunny day. Sunglasses were required. That's three for three in a single week. This being our 46th year in the Pacific Northwest, I'm not naive enough to think this will continue, but I certainly appreciate it when it happens. 

The spa where I get my pedicures is a new building. There's still construction going on all around it, but the landscaping at the spa is beautiful. I was surprised to ...

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A Little Bit of Quilting from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I got lucky with the weather for yesterday's outing again. Despite having entered the "Big Dark" season, it was a dry and sunny day. Sunglasses were required. That's three for three in a single week. This being our 46th year in the Pacific Northwest, I'm not naive enough to think this will continue, but I certainly appreciate it when it happens. 

The spa where I get my pedicures is a new building. There's still construction going on all around it, but the landscaping at the spa is beautiful. I was surprised to ...

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November 16, 2024
Lotsa Sewing from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We're moving into "Sew Season," not to be confused with "Snow Season." We do get snow here, but mostly, we get rain. And, thus, "sew season." I had a couple of other things to do yesterday too. In spite of the grown-up stuff, I still had a good sewing day.

When I arrived home from my voyage into town a couple of days ago, I was dazzled by this holdout of our Autumn trees. This one is on the south side of the house. At this time of year, the sun is low on our ...

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Lotsa Sewing from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We're moving into "Sew Season," not to be confused with "Snow Season." We do get snow here, but mostly, we get rain. And, thus, "sew season." I had a couple of other things to do yesterday too. In spite of the grown-up stuff, I still had a good sewing day.

When I arrived home from my voyage into town a couple of days ago, I was dazzled by this holdout of our Autumn trees. This one is on the south side of the house. At this time of year, the sun is low on our ...

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Week 129 Photo Challenge: Sweets from Life In Pieces

This week My Guy was the one that waited till the last minute to get any photos for this week's challenge. 

This week's challenge was definitely more on our level. Well, maybe not so much My Guy, as he's really not one for sweets.  Even though he bakes plenty to take to the office.  Grad Girl and I definitely had it easier this week.  I try not to keep sweets in the house because they are way too tempting. But I made an exception for the sake of the challenge.  

Kate: Holiday Favorite

My mother has a ...

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November 13, 2024
Photo Play: October Summary from Life In Pieces

My October photography efforts are pretty much in line with my September efforts.  I wasn't sure there was going to be anything in my photo files for a post this month. Things have been moving along well in the sewing room, so I've not taken as much time to play with my camera.  I'm going to try to fix that this month and devote a bit more time to my photography studies.  At any rate, here's the photos that made the cut from October.  

Photos were taken with a Canon 70D DLSR paired with either a ...

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November 9, 2024
Week 128 Photo Challenge: Compassion from Life In Pieces

We all thought last week's challenge was hard. This week's was even harder.  How do you photograph something like this?

We all have photos. Do they meet the challenge?  Maybe, maybe not. So it's a good thing we make up the rules! 

My plans for getting a photo were rained out (mainly because I tend to wait till the day before to figure it all out). Here's my effort for the week.  

Kate: Words of Compassion

Google came to my rescue at about 5 PM yesterday.  Thankfully I remembered where the Scrabble game was (we've ...

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November 8, 2024
It's a Start from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I'm writing fast this morning because Mike and I are heading out to the RV show today. We're not in the market for an RV, but we always enjoy looking at what's new. I believe the fifth wheel and truck camper we have now will probably be our last RVs. Before the show, we're dropping Mike's truck off for some needed service and then getting our beloved Egg McMuffins for breakfast. Comfort food, you know. So, you can see it's going to be a busy day. 

We did our grocery ...

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It's a Start from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I'm writing fast this morning because Mike and I are heading out to the RV show today. We're not in the market for an RV, but we always enjoy looking at what's new. I believe the fifth wheel and truck camper we have now will probably be our last RVs. Before the show, we're dropping Mike's truck off for some needed service and then getting our beloved Egg McMuffins for breakfast. Comfort food, you know. So, you can see it's going to be a busy day. 

We did our grocery ...

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November 6, 2024
Photography – Published in The Sunlight Press from Kim Hanson Quilts

Good day friends. It’s so wonderful that you’re here with me today. I really appreciate it.

Earlier this week, two photos of mine were published by The Sunlight Press. Two lovely ladies run the literary online press – Rudri and Beth. They’ve been very kind to me over the past few years, publishing some of my photographs. One of my goals is to have an essay published by them over the next 12 months.

This is the link to access the photographs – .

Of course, the photos are of nature. . . right ...

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November 4, 2024
Sit and Stitch from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We had a relatively nice day of weather yesterday. It's getting colder though. I donned my winter woolies and got out early to cut back the dahlias. And that brings my 2024 gardening efforts to a close. It's up to Mike now to load the pots into the bucket of the tractor and move them to the garage. (I've never actually tried picking them up, but apparently, the pots are heavy.) 

While I was out, I took a few pictures of our fall color. Just two trees have enough leaves left to make ...

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Sit and Stitch from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We had a relatively nice day of weather yesterday. It's getting colder though. I donned my winter woolies and got out early to cut back the dahlias. And that brings my 2024 gardening efforts to a close. It's up to Mike now to load the pots into the bucket of the tractor and move them to the garage. (I've never actually tried picking them up, but apparently, the pots are heavy.) 

While I was out, I took a few pictures of our fall color. Just two trees have enough leaves left to make ...

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November 2, 2024
Week 127 Photo Challenge: Smoke from Life In Pieces

It's been 5 weeks since my last photo challenge post.  The main reason the challenge was on hiatus was Grad Girl's big exam that required a lot of effort to get ready for. Now That she's past that and a lot of our travel is done for a bit, we were all ready to get back to getting photos for the last challenge. 

This one was harder than we expected.  To be honest, I struggled the most.  I didn't get my photos till last night and it took some set up and patience.

Kate: Just Smoke ...

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October 25, 2024
Settling in for Slow-Stitching from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Two projects made it to the next step yesterday. I'll tell you about that in a minute. First, I want to show you this morning's pretty sky. We're expecting rain by tomorrow, and so we're enjoying the blue sky while we can.

I'll tell you what else we're enjoying while we can...the last gasp of flowers. Things are Autumn pretty around town right now with so many colorful leaves on the trees. On closer inspection one can still find flowers. I found these Black-eyed Susans at the salon where ...

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Settling in for Slow-Stitching from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Two projects made it to the next step yesterday. I'll tell you about that in a minute. First, I want to show you this morning's pretty sky. We're expecting rain by tomorrow, and so we're enjoying the blue sky while we can.

I'll tell you what else we're enjoying while we can...the last gasp of flowers. Things are Autumn pretty around town right now with so many colorful leaves on the trees. On closer inspection one can still find flowers. I found these Black-eyed Susans at the salon where ...

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October 24, 2024
Photo Play: September Summary from Life In Pieces

With all the traveling lately, I'm way behind on looking at my photos. I definitely have not been as engaged with my photo play activities lately.  When I opened my photo files to look at what was there, I wasn't sure they'd be much of anything in them. But I found a few interesting shots to share.  

Photos were taken with either a Canon 70D DLSR or my I-Phone 12.  The DSLR shots used either a Tamron 18-400 telephoto or a Sigma 105 mm macro lens. 

We stayed in a loft in downtown Independence, Mo when we ...

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October 20, 2024
Three Rows Done from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I think we're heading into a mostly dry day. It was mostly dry yesterday as well. I mention this because it seems as if I have a small window of opportunity to cut back the peonies for the season. Mike is going to drive the tractor around to where they're growing so that I can put the clippings into the bucket. Yesterday, he was able to burn three big burn piles that had accumulated over more than one year. The fire was hot, and everything is burned to a pile of ash now. I ...

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