Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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June 13, 2024
Trouble corrected. How many triangles can you count? from Elaine Adair Pieces

Yesterday, Blogger was misbehaving and I lost all patience - was ready to throw this computer out the window and give up on Blogging pleasures.  My Kodak camera is also near the end of it's life and I'm afraid to change to another unknown camera device.  The "gallery" where my camera downloads to the computer was unattainable - something about "apps" .  I grumbled, left unkind messages, struggled to find HELP, but gave up, emotionally exhausted and disheartened.  However, this morning, voila --apparently something was getting changed.  Ugh.

Here is my latest quilt.  Most fabric was new although bits and pieces ...

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September 9, 2023
rsc hollow from Making A Lather

Not much aqua sewing for the rainbow scrap challenge. I injured my finger over labor day ( no doctors available), and, we have spent a week without the internet. And, I may or may not have had a grumpy cat attitude. But, I have been thinking about next year.

I have 5 ideas and only 1 that I am sure I want to make. Of course, as soon as I see everyone else's projects I will be inspired. I think I want to do bonnie Hunter's sugar grove for my rsc project. As part of the 5 quilt project ...

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September 2, 2023
lucky star from Making A Lather

I have not had the internet for three days - blah and I ran the longarm through my finger... on my anniversry. yes it hurt. sigh

I used aqua scraps for lucky star blocks. 

I don't have as many aqua scraps this year. hmmm

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August 26, 2023
lucky star from Making A Lather

 I have lucky star blocks finished for the rainbow scrap challenge. I think that is everything for yellow and the month of August. I think the only color I still need is turquoise.

And our sunflowers have been lovely this year

I am looking forward to an open sew today. Have a great weekend.

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August 19, 2023
yellow scraps from Making A Lather

I cut and sewed a little bit of yellow this week for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I made 9 patches for diffusion which is done in fall colors. I might add a few brown later this year, and, then, count, and recalculate what I need.

diffusion - quilted twins

I made the pieces, I will need for my older ufos- garlic knots and box kite. The blocks are done, but, the borders and sashings are small pieces that I have cut along the way this year, with the color of the month. It's hard to believe it ...

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August 12, 2023
hollow nine and fish school from Making A Lather

Yellow is officially my favorite color. I find it a difficult color to like in fabric. Pops of it are fun in any scrappy quilt, but, finding a consistent dependable yellow seems difficult. I will keep trying. I made hollow nine blocks and fish school blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

hollow nine

I did a final count for fish school blocks, and, I have enough blocks for the pattern kismet from quiltville. I had made the string blocks earlier. But, I forgot at the time, that, I had made them for the pattern. I used a ...

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August 5, 2023
girlie girl finish from Making A Lather

 I started this older ufo in February as a side project for the rainbow scrap challenge. The color of the month was pink. I made it this far by the end of February, and, decided to use it each month, if I finished the regular color of the month projects. I had rows by the end of March. I had a top by the end of June.

It is finally quilted and bound. 

46 x 50 = 7 yards

My July PHD report

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rsc23 super saturday


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TGIFF different   

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July 21, 2023
saturday soire quilt finish from Making A Lather

This older block of the month is finally finished. Saturday soire is an older ufo from 2013. I added it to the 5 quilts list in April 2023. The 12 center blocks were already done, and, I had to make the 3 setting kits, and assemble the top. The setting kits were much more intense than I expected. I have only made two block of the months. This one does not disappoint. The fabrics are beautiful. 

82 x 100 = 23 yards

I used a wide backing and quilted it on the longarm with free motion swirls.

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July 3, 2023
downhill side of rectangle wrangle from Making A Lather

I am finally working on the downhill blocks for rectangle wrangle. All of the uphill blocks are finished. I think the remaining strips are a little ho hum, but, I will use them. Apparently, I have pulled out all my favorites.  In such a busy quilt, they will fit just fine.

I want to finish all 42 downhill blocks for my July one monthly goal at elm street quilts.
I didn't finish my june monthly goal but, I did add three ufo finishes for june and the PHD report

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June 30, 2023
baby quilt finish from Making A Lather

I have a finish for Friday. My trip a around the world baby quilt for charity is quilted and bound. I taught a workshop for this quilt for my guild.

45 x 64 = 12 yards

 I used a flannel piece for the back with free motion swirly bubbles

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June 9, 2023
wonky wishes finish from Making A Lather

When Bonnie Hunter was doing quiltcams, she introduced this quilt, as she was working on it. I really liked it, and, started making a few blocks along with her in 2012. It languished in the ufo closet for awhile and then I managed to complete the top in 2017. Then it languished in the "to be quilted" closet until It had a turn as one of my 5 quilts project. I had an empty longarm for a moment, and, now, I have a wonky wishes finish.

It was fun to revisit it, and, all the scrappy fabrics, I used to ...

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June 3, 2023
june one monthly goal from Making A Lather

I have had Saturday soire BOM on my 5 quilts list for most of the year. The blocks were done, previously, and ALL I had to do was finish the top and assemble it to finish it. It has been a bigger project than I anticipated. I found 3 setting kits as part of the block of the month. My one monthly goal for June is to finish it, quilted and bound.

I have  kit 1 finished, and I have the 2nd kit in progress. I think I can start the assembly, 

row 1

June is garden season, not ...

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May 17, 2023
Saturday soire block of the month progress from Making A Lather

I have been working on one of my 5 quilt projects, lately. 

5. Saturday soire block of the month. This an older UFO from 2013. I opened the box, and, all of the blocks are pieced. I have the 3 setting kits to start. I am cutting for kit 1. I remember being in love with this quilt. I don't have a picture in the box, so, now, it will be a mystery. I bought the red kit as a block of the month. There was a blue option, and when the lqs closed, I bought the blue version ...

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May 5, 2023
wonderland holiday runner finish from Making A Lather

My finish for Friday is wonderland holiday table runner. As an older UFO, I am so glad it is finally done. I was in love with the fabric line when I signed up for the class at my LQS. I remember, the instructor had us cut pieces, and, put them on paper plates to keep them labeled. If, I can ever get the dining room table ( aka dumping ground) cleaned off, it will look perfect.

92 inches long

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TGIFF different   

please consider signing up to host the weekly party here 

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April 11, 2023
wonderland holiday runner from Making A Lather

One, of my "to be quilted" Ufo projects, is an old Ufo from a class that I took in 2013. I have finally quilted it. It is long runner in beautiful Christmas  fabrics. It needs to have prairie points added before I can actually bind it. We had a Local quilt shop, at the time, and, it was just down the road from my home. It was small, but, a great place to hang out. And, ahem, I did my very best to keep them in business. It closed in 2014. I took as many classes as I could. The ...

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December 21, 2022
tiny bit of sewing from Making A Lather

This is it for the week. I had parts cut for more cross and crown blocks, that I have been working on this year as part of the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I spent a few minutes at the sewing machine, and made these two blocks.

Peppermint Chocolate Delight  - super yummy and easy with no baking, so it doesn't take oven space.


  • vanilla wafers (about 2.5 cups)
  • ¼ cup butter, melted
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 - 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 2 TB milk
  • 1 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 - 12 oz tub Cool ...

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December 3, 2022
crown blocks from Making A Lather

I have a few more cross and crown blocks to make to finish my goal for a quilt. I will still make them in 2023 for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I did make a few black blocks for November. And, hopefully will do brown in December.

At the end of the month, I want to look at my progress for PHD 22. I am thankful I have finished so many ufos this year. My problem, each year, is finishing any new projects I start for the year. There is a slight chance I may finish 2 more ...

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November 11, 2022
finish scrappy twirl from Making A Lather

I started this quilt in 2018 and I called it template twirls. I made it using the crazy 6 templates from creative grids as part of an experiment. I was determined to go through my templates, at the time, or get rid of them. I made several quilts or tops at the time, and had so much fun, I kept the templates LOL

This is a great use for all the little bits of strings and crumbs

60 x 70 and the sun was funny for the photo

I quilted all over bubbles and added the binding by machine.

other ...

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August 17, 2022
fair and square from Making A Lather

Sometimes progress just takes time. A little bit here and there makes a difference over time. I have to remind myself of that often, as I grow impatient. I pressed and trimmed fair and square. And, I cut and added the black inner border. I had hoped to get the final border on the quilt, but, it didn't fit. That will be the next little bit of time I can find. I think it looks great. The end is in sight.

It has been harvest season for our little garden. The tomatoes are starting to ripen and a BLT ...

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August 1, 2022
One monthly goal for August from Making A Lather

I didn't finish last month's One monthly goal at Elm street quilts. But, never give up - right?  I had the   last quilt a goal for 2 months and still did not finish. I will try a different Ufo that needs finishing, in hopes, I will find renewed motivation to chug along on the finishing. I need to add borders and quilt it.

in the box

This is a Bonnie Hunter pattern from her book scraps and shirttails. It is made mostly from shirt fabrics. My notes are sketchy. I think I started this in 2015 or 2016

mostly ...

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