So, I did this thing!!! I stepped outside my comfort zone and created something that I have fallen in love with. I had a similar idea percolating in the back of my mind, but a project for my niece was the push I needed to bring it to life. Emily—or as I like to call her, Em—is my brother’s oldest daughter and the third of my siblings’ kids to get married. When I told her I’d love to help in any way, I was thrilled when she reached out, asking me to make a tablecloth for ...
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I come from a family that subscribed to Hoard’s Dairyman, National Geographic, and Burda. To this day, as a farmer’s daughter, I still love flipping through the knee-high stacks of Burda magazines my mom has collected over the years. In fact, I even have a small stack of five Burda magazines that have somehow lost their way and found a home on my bookshelf.

Quilt Jacket: A Three-Year Work in Progress
Each year, I pull them out and dream of making a jacket. I’ve actually been working on triangles from my Terracotta Fiori Quilt Pattern to create ...
read moreI don’t know about you, but my first opinion of a Y-seam was disbelief. I saw it. Broke it down in my mind and moved on. I didn’t want to do it and I didn’t think I could do it. It wasn’t until I entered the Modern Quilt Guild color challenge back in 2018 that I decided that I would attempt the technique. I was surprised by what I found and grew to love them. Let’s explore a few patterns that use them and debunk the myth that Y-seams are hard.

What is a Y-seam ...
read moreFrom Scraps to Fabulous
Let’s turn trash into fun!! One of my favorite things is turning scraps into something usable. I do this in many ways. My favorite way, and the one that I have been doing for the longest, is creating dog beds out of the fabrics too small to do something with and the bits of batting that are not useable. I also love turning my scraps into larger quilt sandwiches so I can practice quilting. Then there is always the quilt back. The perfect way to practice improv quilting and put a dent into the scrap ...
read moreToday I have a video for you!! Videos are very time consuming to make, and it always means that my nails must look somewhat nice. So historically, I haven’t made as many as I would like, but my goal this year is to make more of them. Soooo I bring you the first video of the year! This video is all about upgrading my design wall. The design wall that I have had for the past year was a simple cut of felt off of the bolt I bought from Joann’s. This has worked for me, but sometimes ...
read moreHappy New Year!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I went back to New Mexico to see my family and got to see my husbands family as well. We had a wonderful time. While I was there, I couldn’t help myself… I just had to see how my last pattern, the Mountain Breeze Quilt, would look in different pattern layouts by pulling many fabric swatches from different designers and manufactures. If you are like me, you get lost in all the possibilities. Come with me and enter my dream world of what if. This is the place where ...
read moreIt was one of those trips where I was driving to Las Cruces NM from Tucson AZ for work. That is when I first heard about a Quilting Cruise. I was listening to the Modern Sewciety Podcast, which I love. Stephanie Kendron was going to go to Alaska on one. I was left thinking about what they were and how they would fit into my life. My main thought… Being trapped on a boat with nowhere to go and nothing to do, other than quilt… That is amazing!!!
I say this with humor and simplifying it to almost nothing. Cruise ...
read moreGood morning! Welcome back, all you Good Karma sewists! Today, I have invited Kerry Goulder to chat all about handmade face masks and to tell us about her creative jam. I have followed her for a long time and am amazed by all her creations. Let’s take some time to get to know the face behind Kid Giddy. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and let’s dig in.
For more about the #GoodKarmaSewAThon click here and learn how you could win a prize by donating masks to those in need.
Kerry, thank you so much for coming on ...
read moreReady or not, it’s 2020. For the past two weeks, my mind has been simmering on 2019. Recalling the good, the bad, and the lovely. I have been thinking about what I did and how I feel about it. My conclusion is… it was a good year. My achievements were more than I could imagine. I possibly took on more than I should have, but I got through it and I am back for more. The big thing I learned this year is how important planning the next year is; working ahead is essential.
My word for last year ...
read moreWe are well into November, a month that is perfect for making grand gestures of thankfulness. This month I am challenging myself to make things for others. As I was racking my brain, I asked myself, what should I make this year? So I did some poking around on the web. Here is a list of charity project ideas that I hope to make. These items would be perfect to give to a number of different charities nationwide. I have included a link to each project, why they can be useful, and ideas on where you can donate them. Different ...
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