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March 10, 2025
Sunday's doings............................ from Exuberant Color

I started out the day yesterday pressing a big pile of batik strips, usually end cuts from other project cutting.  I will be cutting these into pieces for my colorwash quilts.

Then I was in the basement looking for backings for several table topper pieces.  Photos later.  While down there I saw this book and decided I should donate it to the thrift shop on my next trip.

Look at that date!  50 years ago!  This was one of the few patchwork books available in that time period.  1975 was the beginning of my teaching career, first teaching speed tips ...

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January 11, 2025
What is in the project boxes........ from Exuberant Color

You will have to humor me, I need to have this post to come back to later.  There may be a second post like this.  I'm starting to search through the boxes to see what I have in the parts department.  Box 1 had these 3" batik 9 patches and 4" 16 patches.  There aren't enough to make anything other than table runners at this point.  I'm having discussions with myself on what I want to make more of, and what I will settle as a small project.

Box 2: I made these blocks from the Kaffe ...

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November 20, 2024

In an effort to use up some of my fabric/scraps, I need to make more quilts!!!  In this effort, I thought I would make a new table runner to use with my pink transferware dishes.  I've had a yard of solid blue fabric around for probably at least 20 years; and, also, a bin marked 'depression era reproductions' left over from projects in 2001 and 2004.  I like pastel quilts with a black background; but since I had this blue I thought I would give it a try.  I think it kind of works???

It is always interesting ...

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September 12, 2024
Some things I found.................. from Exuberant Color

I did my grocery run yesterday morning and I couldn't settle on doing any one thing the rest of the day.  I started going through things in a bookcase and found these 2 magazines, from 1997 and 1998.  The Beanie Babies at that time were so hard to find because everyone was buying them.  I have given all of my Beanie Babies to the great-grandchildren, a few at a time.  It is so hard to throw pristine magazines into the recycling bin (but I sure don't need these).

Then I was cleaning out a bin on a shelf ...

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July 1, 2024
#3 finish for June 2024 from Exuberant Color

It was a beautiful day yesterday with 73 degrees and a 50 dewpoint.  There was even a nice breeze.  Even thought the grass hasn't totally recovered from the dry spell, I mowed it because my neighbors had mowed theirs. 


I spent the rest of the day cutting the binding, sewing it on, and hand stitching to finish.  This is the one that was started in 1996.  I pulled it out several times thinking I would finish it but it didn't happen until this year.  This post explains the day I started it.  The method of designing it was ...

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June 13, 2024
Hard work................. from Exuberant Color

I can't believe it took me almost all day yesterday to prepare 2 huge backings and cut batting.  Well actually I didn't start until after lunch.  This was the larger of the 2 and the backing pieces were 91" long, to press, seam, and cut the excess backing fabric off.  Then press the seam.  The batting was cut off the roll and then refolded the other direction so I could trim off the excess.  The only good part is my Fitbit thought I was walking as I was flinging my arms to keep moving the backing while ironing ...

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May 1, 2024
One last quilt top for April............. from Exuberant Color

I am so happy I finally finished this quilt top, started in 1996 while teaching a class.

It is 36" x 42", another one I won't have to piece a back for.  I have enough of the parasol fabric for the back and binding.  I'm glad I kept the fabrics together all of those years.

I rarely make quilts with just 5 fabrics but this one turned out great, those wonderful 1990s fabrics in it.

I have to document those last blooms on the cactus because I'm not sure I have ever had one bloom this late ...

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April 25, 2024
One more fabric............ from Exuberant Color

I found another Kaffe print in the same red/orange as the button fabric for a possible choice for binding. I have to check all around the edge and make sure that fabric wasn't used in an edge block.

I spent all morning yesterday sorting my brown/rust/gold fabrics.  They had been displaced when I started moving things around in the basement.  I love the rich earthy tones but they don't seem to be very popular with most people.  These fabrics were formerly on a shelf unit where my black and whites reside now.  I can move ...

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April 15, 2024
Sorting.............. from Exuberant Color

I didn't have anything lined up to sew last night so I sorted 1.5" batik squares instead.  I sorted into colors and into light value.  Then I went through the light squares and pulled all of the ones that had at least 4 alike or 4 similar.  I have over 30 light groups ready now to pair with 5 darker squares for 3" finished 9 patches.  This will be TV night sewing.

I was going through a closet to find my father-in-law's slides to give to my son.  In there was a box of nostalgia.  In the ...

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October 18, 2023
2 years ago today............ from Exuberant Color

Two years ago today I was working on these blocks.  This was the final layout I ended up with and I was going to look for something for a narrow sashing between blocks.  I really should make a decision and finish sewing these into a quilt top.  The fabrics are regular prints from many years.

My other option is sewing the blocks together edge to edge which I like.  What I don't like is matching all of those points when sewing the blocks together.  And then there is also the bulk where the points meet.

Yesterday I did some ...

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October 8, 2023
Going through quilt books.............. from Exuberant Color

If you read my blog every day you might remember my bookcase shelves collapsing about a week ago.  Now I'm going through the books to find at least 50 to pass on to other people and/or to a library.

In the mid 1990s That Patchwork Place did a quilt shop series of books.  This is one I will pass on.

Here is another view of the quilt on the cover.  It is very similar to Kaffe's Seed Packet quilt with all of those fussy cut flower fabrics.

This is another book in the series.  I will probably ...

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September 23, 2023
Cleaning the basement and 5 years ago.............. from Exuberant Color

Yesterday I had some help with cleaning up the basement.  My helper vacuumed the cobwebs and the dust on the pipes along the ceiling joists and I vacuumed the floor.  I also unburied a few chairs that had piles on them.

5 years ago I was just starting the blocks for a Marcia Derse star quilt.

At this point I had all of the blocks sewn together into a quilt top but I knew I wanted a border.

I found some perfect Marcia Derse fabrics in my stash for the borders and got it all sewn together early in November ...

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August 11, 2023
Playing in the basement............... from Exuberant Color

It was quite humid yesterday so I went to the basement and started a load of laundry.  I saw this box over by the shelf unit I am slowly re-filling with fabric.  I knew I shouldn't take the lid off.  I get lost in all of the treasures in there.

Back in the mid 1990s I was working at a quilt shop that sent out a newsletter 3 times a year which announced the class schedule.  I taught the Trip Around the World quilt class 3 times a year and sometimes twice in each of the 3 sessions.  I ...

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June 27, 2023
Happy Summer Prints call for Summer Sewing Projects! from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

Summer's here, and it's time to soak up those sunny vibes! ☀️ Get ready to embrace the retro charm and vibrant colors with our exciting collections: Daisy by Maureen Cracknell and Flower Bloom & PURE Solids by AGF Studio. These trending prints and blenders perfectly fuse the timeless appeal of retro styles with a modern color palette. They bring the essence of summer, allowing you to create trend-setting projects that will make a statement everywhere you go! I can already see so many summer projects being made with these fabrics.  

Come join me as we take a deep dive into ...

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June 16, 2023
Looking back............. from Exuberant Color

I didn't make any progress worthy of a photo on current projects so I thought I would dredge up some photos of blocks waiting to be made into a quilt.  There are around 160 blocks of these neutral color batik 16 patches.  All that is holding me back is whether to make a huge queen or king size quilt or two throw quilts.  This one is from October 2018.

This group of Bear Paw blocks is just waiting for narrow sashing.  I had decided this was the final layout and numbered and took down the rows.  I have the ...

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November 30, 2022
Still quilting.............. from Exuberant Color

 I'm still quilting...9 blocks quilted, 6 to go, 3 small ones and 3 large ones.  I'll look for binding fabric this morning.

Tami at Thrift Shop Commando showed her Christmas pin collection.  That prompted me to pull out my mother's pin, also called a brooch on ebay.  I found it at 2 sites, one selling it for $54 and the other selling for $64.

The name Hollycraft is on the back of the trunk.  

I need to pin this onto something this year.

We had a big temperature drop late yesterday and it is going to ...

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October 28, 2022
Some more of those 23 photos.......... from Exuberant Color

Somehow yesterday I missed that I had 3 close up photos of the On Point 16 Patch quilt.  My quilts are all about the variety of fabric used in each one.  There are some very early Kaffe fabrics in this one.

Even though this quilt is red to me there really are a lot of other colors in it.  Mostly red, orange and yellow but since most of the prints are multicolor, a lot of other colors show up too.

This one really shows off the binding fabric.  Click on the photo twice for the largest view.

This little chest ...

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October 9, 2022
Half 4 rows to go........... from Exuberant Color

I should be able to finish this today, just 4 more seams to sew and then to the ironing table.

I was going through the drawers of a little chest that sat on my dad's desk as I was growing up.  In there I found my first grade scissors, a hand carved wood letter opener from Delevan WI and one of the first ball point pens, when they had a screw on top like the fountain pens had.

I only remember going to Delevan once as a child and I was about 7 years old.  My aunt was dating ...

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June 26, 2022
A better photo........... from Exuberant Color

I finished this quilt in January 2010 but the photo on my blog was from 2 cameras back and not a great shot.  I took it to the basement and hung it on the double design wall and set up my auxiliary lights and this is much better.  I quilted lines in both directions on my longarm and then stitched in the ditch on my straight stitch machine.  It is 73" x 96" so it would fit a twin bed.

The quilt was made with a combination of batiks and regular quilting cottons, some of them Kaffe Fassett fabrics.

The ...

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June 3, 2022
50 one place.......... from Exuberant Color

We moved into this house at the beginning of June 1972 and it was the first and only house we owned. (photo from last fall)

The house was built in 1953 as a retirement house for a local farm couple and we bought it from their daughters after they passed away (he in 1965 and she in 1971).  The stone on the outside is Crab Orchard stone from TN.  It is a rare sandstone quarried from the Crab Orchard Mountain of the Cumberland Plateau.  It is multicolor rust, tan, rose /pink, orange and brown.  There were several ranch style houses ...

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