Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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July 17, 2023
Running out of room! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

My neighborhood isn't the only one going to "hell in a handbasket" with unkempt yards. It was noted that even if they are NOT rentals, they are poorly maintained. Why? The beautiful landscaping that some of these houses had has just gone to weeds. Sigh.............   And on that note, I'd better keep after the weeds in my garden! There's a story there, but not today. 

I spent a good part of the afternoon on the phone. Long overdue phone calls were much lengthier than planned but extremely interesting. And I sat in the gazebo while on the ...

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July 5, 2023
A walk in the dark! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was a crazy day yesterday, as I got in touch with everyone I called, so I was on the phone the entire morning! I do NOT take calls on my cell phone any longer. If someone wants to talk to me - you must text me, and then I'll call you on my home phone. I don't trust the quality of my cell service (voice only), and I should request Bell pay me back part of the monthly service fee! However, I made good progress on some things that needed to be addressed. I also wrote a few ...

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July 4, 2023
Sorting and filing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh shoot -- I forgot to post these other empty things from the previous day! I emptied TWO bobbins from my machine embroidery project!

Two empty bobbins

Yeah! It's always exciting when you actually use/finish up things that you have. No -- it doesn't mean I can buy more as I do not need more. I have loads of bobbin thread. 

As for that digital sorting? I'm making progress. While I'm good at creating file structures, I'm equally as bad at randomly loading files in the root directory for convenience. So, I went through my OneDrive ...

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May 21, 2023
A thief amongst us! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I LOVE that Adaptive Cruise Control and see I'm not alone. I bet many people do not know what it is or how to use it properly! Sigh.................  Like most things, it takes a bit of getting used to! The first couple of times I used it, I didn't trust the car, and I still keep alert for the speed of the vehicles in front of me. But it's a fantastic safety feature -- if you have it, learn how to use it! And it does a great job! 

We all know that the cost of living is ...

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April 29, 2023
Dealing with detritus from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- so where has our warm weather gone? It feels like March! Rainy and cool, but that is better than snow, so we shouldn't complain, and it provides me ZERO temptation to be outside in the gazebo while I have quilts to do! 

Here's the latest customer quilt. This is the Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt I ran as a sew-along last year, and while the colors in this quilt are NOT my choice, I love the quilt, and it makes me happy to look at it. 

Customer quilt - DONE

One minor issue with the quilt. OK ...

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April 14, 2023
Spring has arrived from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I love Elle's comment about the "screamer" in the spin class. A toddler -- yep -- that's what he reminded me of! 

I try to ignore the noises, but sometimes it's tough. But do you love to watch or observe people? I LOVE it! Especially if they are regulars, like those in my spin class. At any class, there might be 25 - 30 people. And I know most of them by sight and a few by name since our names appear on the screen at the start of the class. But amazing how much you can learn about each ...

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April 13, 2023
It's a beautiful day! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- so I've already done several things this morning that I haven't done in a long time. First, I had a relatively late night and NO nap during the day, so I slept in. That was until I heard naughty Lexi, who spent the night outside, barking! That dog never barks! It must have been something very important. 

After scolding her, I left her outside. Only to hear her barking again but in a different corner of the yard. I captured her and brought her in. She is NOT happy. Murphy went ballistic in the house, so if ...

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April 12, 2023
Around the neighborhood from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The serger event in Hamilton is NOT hybrid, so if anyone wants to hear it -- you have to attend in person! But I believe it's in the evening. And I spent the day sorting, organizing, and putting everything in order. I still need to pack and unpack suitcases, but since I need them tonight, I have no choice but to do it today. 

There seems to be so much I want to do, have to do, and I hear the call of the outdoors and well -- you know what happens. 

However, I'm happy to report that I finished ...

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April 9, 2023
Back in the groove of daily life! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- so I said that things would slow down, and they have, but why am I pressed for time this morning? Well, it was a busy day because I was quilting a giant quilt, and then I took some gazebo time and took the girls for an extra walk. And well --- you just can't fit everything in the day! 

I think Murphy was trying to tell me something! PLAY WITH ME!!! Stop being on the computer! And, of course, my "on the floor" filing system is now a mess! Oh, Murphy! 

MOM -- I'm the most important person of ...

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March 20, 2023
Progress on the UFOs from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm going to have to do some research. Those following the blog by e-mail are dropping off -- I have no idea why it's not getting picked up. Remember, you can use a third-party RSS Reader to make it happen. is working. And what's up with the comments -- sometimes it works for people, and others it does not. I'll find an answer to both. 

Sigh --- some things are beyond my comprehension and my control? Well, we need to figure this out! 

I accomplished a lot yesterday, so I feel happy about that, and while I ...

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March 6, 2023
Just let it go!!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Sometimes you just have to let it go! 

Yep -- I had big plans -- by this morning, I would complete everything I needed to do. I'd have super-looking new T-shirts to wear and projects to show off, and well --- I don't. And I'm OK with that. I got a good part of it done, but not all. The world will live! 

I got all the homework follow-ups completed except one. I might get that last one or part off before leaving. 

Yes -- this morning marks the idiotic schedule that is my March. I was supposed to be off ...

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March 5, 2023
Snowmagedon from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was not a good night -- Oh, I went to sleep early enough, fell asleep, and then BEEP BEEP BEEP woke me up. The lights are flashing outside, which means only one thing - the PLOW is passing. 

Actually, the plow had passed earlier and did a great job. They gave all the drives in the corner a huge berth, and that made me happy as I'm sure my low-clearance car could pass in the existing ruts. 

After the plow has passed the first time

So the beeping was the crews returning to deal with the corner mess. When I ...

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March 4, 2023
We almost lost the other dog! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

For the moment, things are fixed here at our house. I should take a picture of the door, but with a couple of layers of duct tape and a piece of cardboard, that front door opens and closes with no issues. However, it must be locked to not pop open on its own, but I'm OK with that. No word from the lock company yet on a replacement part. 

And the dishwasher? Well, guess what I found in there. First -- I had to remove the lower rack and the strainer and scoop out the dirty water. Why does the ...

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March 2, 2023
On sewing garments from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I am NOT an enabler, although I hear someone else bought that grain elevator panel! I know --- we're preserving history. And that sounds like a perfect excuse to buy it. I am waiting for my panels to arrive, and then I need to make a quilt so it can return to Saskatchewan in a couple of months. 

Oh, those girls --- they are needy! It's not good that we have been home so much these last couple of years because now they think we are HERE for them always. And Murphy is especially "bad." I can be on a ...

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February 27, 2023
I've got COURAGE from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I laughed when I read the comment about the sofa and the dog. We are NOT trying to keep Lexi off the sofa. I already put a blanket, which used to be in one of the dog beds, on the sofa. I don't want her to think she's entitled to sleep there 100% of the time. She needs to learn that there are rules in the house. We've already broken the one about being on the sofa, and those tables were for Murphy, not Lexi!

Lexi was too skittish to even think of jumping on the sofa ...

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February 25, 2023
I got MAIL!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

And that wraps another day! They are all blending together! I know you will laugh when I say this, but the Zoom presentations during the week are messing my schedule up! They will last another two weeks, and then things subside - somewhat. OK -- you can pick yourself up off the floor!

Speaking of picking yourself up, I was out shoveling the driveway. I did two more one-half-hour stints as this stuff is brutal to break up and shovel. However, I managed to clear most of the driveway, the step, and most of the sidewalk - there's one spot that is ...

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February 18, 2023
Setting good habits and goals from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I need to catch up in answering the comments, and there are some exciting ones! And yes, Elle, I know what you mean about keeping the place clean. I was doing a great job until I went away last week and came home with new stuff to deal with. It doesn't help that I have a few extra sergers at the moment that don't belong to me, and they take up space. 

I puttered a bit yesterday and got more stuff put away, so I'm in good shape. Having a home for everything is exciting and makes ...

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February 13, 2023
Use your ART from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I jumped out of the frying pan (education week) into a weekend of teaching classes! The two classes went fine yesterday; I have two clubs this morning. Then I'll spend the rest of the day sending homework and Zoom links, and I should be good. 

I didn't get much done after the clubs as I was tired (I wonder why?), and I sat and read a book for a bit (after my walk, of course), and I was in bed early! But today is another day, and lots of exciting stuff to share. Today, it's all about ...

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Lightbulb moment from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

And now it's back to regular work!

I still have a bit of work to finish the follow-up e-mails, and then it's heads-down in Studio B and the computer to get everything else done that needs to be completed this week. Another busy week, to be sure, and more classes this weekend need some prep work! 

Lexi was a bit miffed at me in the morning because her usual spot to lean against the wall was occupied with stuff that needed to go downstairs. 

Lexi's leaning spot is occupied

MOM --- this isn't my spot!

So I ...

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February 6, 2023
A squirrel hotel from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It was one of those days. I still have a couple of quilts to trim, and that other quilt is almost off the long arm, but the top is still pinned to the leaders. It's lying nicely on the long-arm table, and I'll deal with it on the weekend. 

We had two AMAZING club sessions yesterday. One on EQ8 and the other on Digital Cutters. So much information and so little time, and I hope the participants get as much out of the sessions as I do. We had design exercises in EQ8, and it was amazing to ...

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