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March 21, 2025
A finish, more snow..................... from Exuberant Color

I finished hand sewing the binding late yesterday afternoon.  That gave me plenty of time to do the photography.

This quilt is 59" x 71" and has Hobbs 80/20 batting in it.  It was longarm quilted by Robin Diaz.

The 6" triangles (which were all cut with my die cutter), backing and binding are all Kaffe Fassett collective fabric.  There are some really old Kaffe prints in this one.

Here you can see the insert of the second print in the backing.  It matches so well it's hardly noticeable.

We woke up to just under 2" of snow ...

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March 20, 2025
Blooms, weather, and hand stitching................ from Exuberant Color

Yesterday morning I noticed the second bud has opened on the double white Amaryllis.  I hoping the last 2 buds will open too.

There were several storms rolling through yesterday afternoon.  The second one brought hail.  It is pea size and lasted about 5 minutes.  There was heavy rain too, and we need the moisture in the ground.

There is a corner of 2 roof angles meeting in the back by the dining room window.  When the hail shoots off the roof it makes a pile on top of one of my Coral Bell plants but nothing has sent up ...

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March 17, 2025
Yes, it did snow................ from Exuberant Color

This was the scene around 9:30 yesterday morning.  I think we had around an inch of snow when it was all done.  The good part is how fast it will melt today when it gets close to 50 this afternoon.  We may get a little snow Thursday morning too, the first day of spring.

The good news yesterday was the Amaryllis saved from several years ago is blooming.  I was happy to see it was a double white one.

A few days ago I thought it only had 2 buds but when it finally all opened up there are ...

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March 14, 2025
24 new blocks.................. from Exuberant Color

It was an uneventful day yesterday, mid 60s outside, a few windows open.

I stuck with the current project and finished the last 24 sixteen patch blocks.  It was too late to press them when I finished.  I don't know if I'll do a layout of the blocks today or wait until the weekend.

I finished knitting the 2 tone denim color dishcloth.  I used all of the lighter color and have a little left of the darker.  It will get paired with some other colors eventually.

The rose color cactus bud is finally at full bloom.  I ...

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March 12, 2025
Progress, gifted quilts, and a thief......................... from Exuberant Color

A little progress was made on the Tilda 16 patch blocks, but the most time yesterday was spent cutting batting and piecing backs for two quilts.  I need to cut more batting today while the table is cleaned off.

In case you are wondering, the friend who came over yesterday to choose 2 baby quilts chose these two.  My son's friends are becoming grandparents for the first time so I give them one for the baby's house and one for the grandparents' house.  

"Who, me?  No, you must be mistaken.  I did not knock down the feeder, unscrew ...

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March 10, 2025
Sunday's doings............................ from Exuberant Color

I started out the day yesterday pressing a big pile of batik strips, usually end cuts from other project cutting.  I will be cutting these into pieces for my colorwash quilts.

Then I was in the basement looking for backings for several table topper pieces.  Photos later.  While down there I saw this book and decided I should donate it to the thrift shop on my next trip.

Look at that date!  50 years ago!  This was one of the few patchwork books available in that time period.  1975 was the beginning of my teaching career, first teaching speed tips ...

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March 5, 2025
More decisions............... from Exuberant Color

Here are 3 more sets to make blocks, but there are 4 different ways the block is arranged so I can't just sew them together without having an idea which of the 4 blocks they need to be.  I'm pretty sure how the red rainy day ladies block will be sewn but I have to start a layout before I can decide on the other 2 sets of blocks.  Meanwhile I turned on the iron and pressed the blocks that are already sewn as well as the 16 patch stratas that are sewn.  I'll have to make ...

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March 3, 2025
How many strips are left?........... from Exuberant Color

My goal was to use up a lot of 2.5" and 1.5" full length (45") strips in the Kaffe Strippy quilt last month.  The 1.5" strips are in the box on the left and 2.5" on the right.  I removed all of the partial length strips from the boxes and will store them separately now.  I have used a lot of 2.5" strips in several quilts in the last year.  That box used to be packed full.

I'm going to keep both groups in one box now which frees up a storage box for ...

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March 2, 2025
Finished!.................. from Exuberant Color

I want to show today that this quilt is f
inished, and I'm writing this at 11:30 last night.  

It is 50" x 66.5" and has Hobbs 80/20 batting in it.  I named it Shimmering Fish.

The block is Hunter Star, cut with my die cutter, with an alternate layout so there aren't complete stars.

The back is a batik with sailboats and palm trees which I thought was appropriate with fish on the front.

A few of my cactus plants have blooms, but only one per plant on 3 of them.  Another has 2 ...

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February 13, 2025
Hanging sleeve #2 from Exuberant Color

I had been dreading sewing the hanging sleeve on the second quilt for my grandson and his wife.  Lots of black to deal with.  I finally decided how to stitch from the front to catch the top edge and used charcoal gray thread so I could see where I had stitched.  This side is going against a wall so it won't matter that it wasn't black thread.

I continued working on it and got all of the hand stitching done.  Now I have to get the 2 quilts in a box and mail them to the east coast ...

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February 3, 2025
RSC Week 5 - February is BLUE and a Squirrel popped In from Grandma's Red Needle

Happy February!
Where did January go?!

February; it means a new RSC (Rainbow Scrap Color). Angela at SuperScrappy has chosen BLUE for this month. 

Three blue cups are made. 
I'll make maybe two or three more.

I didn't expect the squirrel to visit! It was good in a way, I needed a short break from quilting ten place mats for a customer. 

This is what the squirrel got me to do:

5 scrappy blocks using pink (January RSC color) in the center. 

...and three blue. 
Do you see the pink and blue cats? 

I got to use a ...

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January 21, 2025
A sewing day.......... from Exuberant Color

I started the day yesterday choosing bindings for the 2 table runners.  I like this stripe with both the front and back of the red Kaffe runner.

This diagonal brush stroke fabric in rust is good for the second table runner.  I cut enough for 2 because I have another similar one ready to quilt.

While in the basement I found 16 blocks I made many years ago and sewed them together into a table topper.

Jack Frost was busy on a cold day that started at -2 and got up to 9 degrees.  It was 0 by bedtime and ...

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January 14, 2025
Several things......... from Exuberant Color

First in the morning yesterday I made a couple new labels for boxes of pieces and parts. These are all strips, triangles and scraps.  They are on the highest shelves because I will be looking in them the least.  This is the top 3 shelves of a 7 shelf bookcase.

I put the pieces for one of the 20 dark blocks in Plaid-ish up on the design wall.  I have more than half of the pieces cut for those 20 blocks.

Last night's full moon is called the Wolf Moon.  I took this photo before dark, not knowing if ...

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January 11, 2025
What is in the project boxes........ from Exuberant Color

You will have to humor me, I need to have this post to come back to later.  There may be a second post like this.  I'm starting to search through the boxes to see what I have in the parts department.  Box 1 had these 3" batik 9 patches and 4" 16 patches.  There aren't enough to make anything other than table runners at this point.  I'm having discussions with myself on what I want to make more of, and what I will settle as a small project.

Box 2: I made these blocks from the Kaffe ...

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January 9, 2025
More flannel triangles............. from Exuberant Color

Last night's sewing yielded 58 flannel  2" finished triangle squares.  There is one more light fabric that I cut that didn't get used yet.  I think I need to check the flannel scrap bin one more time for light fabrics.  I probably will have to go to yardage before I'm done.  So now I have 54 + 58 squares sewn.

Every year I'm amazed at how fast the daylight each day is extended after the shortest day in December.  I'm going to have to reset the starting time for my little trees because they are coming ...

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December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas! from Exuberant Color

This is a photo I took in 2009 and turned into a Christmas card in 2013.  This is the white Christmas we rarely get any more so I enjoy this photo.

I have a couple cacti in bloom, technically the Thanksgiving cactus.  This is my orange one but the camera likes to make it more coral.  Whatever you call the color, it is pretty and I'm happy to still have some blooms.

When I buy a larger pot of Thanksgiving cactus it usually is just a big pot full of a lot of small plants.

I split my red ...

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December 8, 2024
No progress............... from Exuberant Color

I didn't get around to sewing the floral star top, just not interested in doing it yesterday.  So here is a lot of miscellaneous.

This is the leftover block that didn't get used in the layout.  It will go into the orphan block box most likely.

I was cleaning off the dining room table so my birthday cards were gathered up.

My orange cactus is starting to bloom as most of the others are done.  I'm happy this one waited a while.

I baked Aunt Ethel's Kringlas last night.  I had to test them, over and ...

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December 6, 2024
30 blocks................ from Exuberant Color

One more block finished, bottom right corner.  I have decided 30 blocks is enough so now I just need to decide on a final layout.

But then I decided to make one more block to replace one in the layout above, one that had a very light background.

I took out the block at the beginning of the second row and put in the extra block.  There is still one more block with a very light background that I may decide to replace.  I won't take that block apart, I'll just make a new one.  That is why ...

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November 26, 2024
All seams sewn.......................... from Exuberant Color

I sewed the last seam at 10:30 last night.  I wasn't sure I was going to get it done.  I'll press it today and take it's photo.  This is a great close-up quilt.  There are so many pretty fabrics to look at.

My sister-in-law gave me an Amaryllis for my birthday earlier this month and it has started to grow.  I'm hoping for a bloom at Christmas.

I split a pot with several small red cactus in it into 4 pots a few weeks ago.  The first one is blooming now.  A second one has ...

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November 21, 2024
20 additional blocks..................... from Exuberant Color

Last night was a productive time.  I got 20 more blocks sewn for a total of 80 blocks now.  With an 8 x 10 layout the quilt would measure 48" x 60".

Here are the other 60 blocks.  I can start working on the layout of the quilt now.

We're supposed to get our first snowfall today but the temperature will probably go high enough in the afternoon to melt all of it.  I brought my pots of Begonias and Geraniums into the garage.  I also pulled the 2 Geraniums from the pots on the porch steps and will ...

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