Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 17, 2025
Not A Stitching Day! from Quilting My Way

As much as I wanted to stitch today, it didn't happen. It was a day were Patrick wanted to go to the movies and I was ready to go! 

We saw the new Caption America and I really liked it. I like the new Caption America, he's perfect for the part. I'm thinking more will be coming. We sat for a few minutes after the show to see if there was a trailer on what's coming but after a couple minutes, I was tired of waiting, and we left. So, I have no idea if there ...

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January 21, 2025
Changing Quilts, and a Movie from Romany Quilting

It's taken me a while, but at long last, I've taken the Christmas quilts down.  With such gorgeous weather, what better to display than "My New Zealand Bird Quilt", made back in I'm very proud of this one, especially as it is hand appliqued and hand quilted, and was designed by NZ designer Mary Fletcher.  I'll let you into a little secret.  The design had a creepy crawly weta together with the iconic tuatara (lizard) block, but there was no way I was going to have one of those on my quilt!  

New Zealand Birds

Of ...

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December 15, 2024
Keeping close to Home from Romany Quilting

 These last few weeks between Robin's passing and waiting for the date of his Memorial Service I have been keeping close to home - a bit like being in limbo.  Although I've had to make visits to the bank and the supermarket to keep things running, I decided not to take part in several Christmas break-ups.

I did make an exception with the Sew Wots Christmas lunch the other week.  Thought I would be able to cope with meeting up again with this small group of caring ladies.  The chosen cafe was The Emporium, luckily not too busy with ...

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July 22, 2024
Yesterday Was Sunday - from Quilting My Way

 It's called a DAH moment this morning. I told Patrick last night that I had done my blog. Yeah, well, guess not. I thought I wrote on here when I was working on cleaning up my computer room. 

So, yesterday was Sunday. I did my usual cleaning except laundry. I will do that this week, probably a little every day this week. 

After all that, Patrick wanted to go to the movies. So, we did. I'm to the point that if he wants to do something, we will. He's so skinny and who knows how long he ...

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July 4, 2024
Wasn't A Day For Much from Quilting My Way

As much as I would love to sit here and type a long blog telling everyone what I did today, I can't. I actually didn't do much at all. 

I walked 6 laps with Ron. We took an hour because at 94 years old, he has some back issues and needs to stop off and on. Then I came in the house. 

Patrick worked out in the yard while we were walking. At about 1 pm we headed to the movie theater to watch "Despicable Me 4" which turned out to be pretty good. It's the same ...

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April 22, 2024
Movie Day from Quilting My Way

This morning Patrick slept in. I was playing my games. 

Decided I wanted to play on my puzzle today and got some done before it was time to leave. 

We decided to go to the movies. I wanted to see the new Panda movie. It was at 1:30 pm. At first I thought we would be the only ones watching it but a family of 5 showed up as well. It was really good. The graphics were better than that one previously. I enjoyed the movie and knew the voices of at least 4 of them. 

Then we walked ...

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April 1, 2024
HAPPY EASTER from Quilting My Way

We slept in a little today. It seems we are making a habit of sleeping in.  Ever since my surgery I have been tired enough to sleep till 9-10 am. I know I should get up, but then I don't nap during the day. I just seem to try to work it out. 

Pain is still there. I'm tired of it. But I know it will take time to recover. Poor Patrick is having to do a lot of the stuff I usually do. I have been trying to help when I can. 

We decided to go to ...

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March 20, 2024
Movie Date Night & Autumn Equinox from Romany Quilting

We are not great movie goers, but now and again a film grabs our attention, and we just have to go and see it. 

The Great Escaper, starring Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson was such a film.  This film is based on a true story about pensioner Bernard Jordan, who absconded from his Care Home in Sussex, UK in 2014, to attend an event in France marking the 70th Anniversary of the D Day Landings.  Bernard missed out on getting a pass to join one of the official groups, so decided to go it alone.

It was an excellent film ...

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March 17, 2024
Shopping, Books, Slow Stitching from Canadian Needle Nana

Our trails have dried up and there is no ice on the pond. The geese have been floating around on it.  MUCH earlier than usual and such a welcome sign of spring. LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is if we have a favourite flower of spring. Truthfully any of the early blooming flowers are a welcome sight for me, I really can't pick just one. But I do especially love to see the Lilac tree bloom which is brief but showy. What about you?

Robbie spent part of his March break here with us ...

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January 20, 2024
Dressing in layers from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH -- I got a chuckle from an email someone sent me about dressing in layers. We all know that dressing in layers outdoors is a huge factor in staying warm. The extra air pockets between layers, as well as the extra layer, hold the warm. If you need ventilation, open a zipper and get some air. Then zip up when you need to. 

But what about in your house? This is hilarious, and yet it's not. There are people, and I will NOT name names here, that feel it's OK to just crank up the heat in your ...

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January 14, 2024
Sunday Chat, and an Alarming Discovery from From My Carolina Home

This past week had a couple of meetings, a delivery, and lots of time to sew. But did I get anything done? Well, not really. I could have made a quilt top in all the time I had, but it was eaten up with household chores, some piddling around, and a fair amount of just wandering, not doing anything. I didn’t want to do the handwork on the wall hanging, saving that for the weekend. Nothing else seemed to capture my interest, so I petted the fabric, moved some things around, and tried to organize a bit of clutter ...

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December 29, 2023
Christmas! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Another Christmas has come and gone; as always, I was almost ready. Are we ever completely prepared? Naturally, all of the gifts were purchased and wrapped, cards addressed and sent, and the food was ready at the appointed time and place. But, then, there's always those "extras", those things I think I'd like to make and tuck in as a special surprise- those little cross stitch ornaments I

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Christmas! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Another Christmas has come and gone; as always, I was almost ready. Are we ever completely prepared? Naturally, all of the gifts were purchased and wrapped, cards addressed and sent, and the food was ready at the appointed time and place. But, then, there's always those "extras", those things I think I'd like to make and tuck in as a special surprise- those little cross stitch ornaments I

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December 24, 2023
Another Day Behind - But It Was Fun! from Quilting My Way

Yesterday I spent the morning at moms with the quilters. Then I came home and waited for Debbie to arrive and take me to the Tree Lighting display in Centralia. We were working it for our QOV group. 

 From 4 pm to 9:30 pm we worked collecting money from the cars going through. It was fun. I'm the one on the left, Connie was behind me, Alli and Nancy on the right. We had a blast!

Debbie and I didn't get home till about 10 pm. 

I woke this morning to a cold!! Patrick shared his cold ...

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September 24, 2023
A Rainy, Quiet Saturday from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was up before Patrick. Lately I'm the one that sleeps in longer than the other. We have a deal, last one out of bed makes it! lol I made it all week and was glad he was finally able to make it. lol 

We talked about repotting the plants I got from Hildi. The decision was that after I go on my walk, we would repot the plants. I walked with Ron and then made lunch. I wanted a grill cheese sandwich. It didn't start raining till after I got in the house. 

Then it ...

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September 9, 2023
Along The Way... from From the Strawberry Patch...

I've learned a LOT along the way while the wrist is healing. Time doesn't slow down, or stop, when one's casted. Nope, it's business as usual. Augie turned eleven months old on Wednesday! He's my best snuggle buddy and resting companion when I need that. I can tell when I've done enough for the day and it's time to lay low. Fine motor skills are slowly returning and strengthening, (I can pinch

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Along The Way... from From the Strawberry Patch...

I've learned a LOT along the way while the wrist is healing. Time doesn't slow down, or stop, when one's casted. Nope, it's business as usual. Augie turned eleven months old on Wednesday! He's my best snuggle buddy and resting companion when I need that. I can tell when I've done enough for the day and it's time to lay low. Fine motor skills are slowly returning and strengthening, (I can pinch

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August 20, 2023
Redwork Stitching, Marking Pencils,Gardening, Movies from Canadian Needle Nana

 I shared a photo of the vines that grew so well in winter inside the house a while back. Here they are still alive and well outside all summer. I had put a few seeds in soil just to see what would happen knowing that, while I had no success growing pumpkins, I loved the leaves and these, whatever they are, look so pretty. A very tiny critter also loves them as there are little nibbles taken in some of  them.

And the Marigolds are the ones I grew from seeds planted in my garage green house in May. I ...

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July 9, 2023
New Socks for Winter from Romany Quilting

This pair took a while to finish, as all my knitting does, but here they are at last, in time for winter.  I knit my socks on two needles and have finally finished stitching the side seams up.  I laid the socks on the floor to take a picture, and Gemma thought they were put there for her to inspect and give the seal of approval.


These thick triple knit socks were knitted using 8ply white hand spun wool, a birthday gift last year from my friend Merilyn, together with left over 4ply burgundy Zauberball  sock yarn.  This is my ...

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June 29, 2023
Enjoying The Afternoon! from Quilting My Way

This morning I slept in. Felt good too! Then after Patrick was done in the bathroom, I took my shower and got my exercises in. Then Patrick went outside and I went to my massage therapy. 

I feel so much better! She worked on my neck because I asked. She worked on my back really well. I'm doing better with my hip and back. Between her and Bob, I have been feeling a lot better. 

Then went to the post office, Safeway and the bank. I had to pick a few things up at Safeway. I got some stuff ...

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