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August 11, 2024
False Start from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a fairly easy-going day least, it started that way. There was almost nothing on my to-do list. I don't know about you, but I tend to work better under pressure. When I find myself with too much time on my hands, it ends up as wasted time. It's a little like giving a kid a dollar and telling them they can pick any candy bar they want. There are so many choices, it's difficult to make a decision. And so when I find myself with free time, I can ...

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False Start from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a fairly easy-going day least, it started that way. There was almost nothing on my to-do list. I don't know about you, but I tend to work better under pressure. When I find myself with too much time on my hands, it ends up as wasted time. It's a little like giving a kid a dollar and telling them they can pick any candy bar they want. There are so many choices, it's difficult to make a decision. And so when I find myself with free time, I can ...

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August 10, 2024
It's a Start from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a busy morning here yesterday. After writing my blog post, I took the first stitches on the third embroidered section of the Girls' Getaway quilt. Mainly, I was just cleaning up the bits and bobs of floss left over from the last section.

When I get back to it today, my floss bobbins will be clean, and I can do some serious stitching. 

From there I started two loads of clothes (one load at a time, obviously), and I baked a Blueberry Zucchini Cake with Lemon Buttercream. I'm only making half the recipe ...

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It's a Start from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a busy morning here yesterday. After writing my blog post, I took the first stitches on the third embroidered section of the Girls' Getaway quilt. Mainly, I was just cleaning up the bits and bobs of floss left over from the last section.

When I get back to it today, my floss bobbins will be clean, and I can do some serious stitching. 

From there I started two loads of clothes (one load at a time, obviously), and I baked a Blueberry Zucchini Cake with Lemon Buttercream. I'm only making half the recipe ...

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August 1, 2024
"Vintage" Reveal: Tin Cup Store from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I’m so happy reveal day has arrived because I’ve been dying to show you my latest art quilt. Way back in 2019, Mike and I went ATVing in Colorado for the first time. We stayed at Taylor Park Reservoir. One of our rides took us to the almost-a-ghost-town of Tin Cup, Colorado. Getting off our ATV's, I was immediately smitten with the rustic Tin Cup Store and I took this picture.

Almost right away after returning from that trip, I started wanting to render my photograph into fabric. In the intervening years I ...

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"Vintage" Reveal: Tin Cup Store from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I’m so happy reveal day has arrived because I’ve been dying to show you my latest art quilt. Way back in 2019, Mike and I went ATVing in Colorado for the first time. We stayed at Taylor Park Reservoir. One of our rides took us to the almost-a-ghost-town of Tin Cup, Colorado. Getting off our ATV's, I was immediately smitten with the rustic Tin Cup Store and I took this picture.

Almost right away after returning from that trip, I started wanting to render my photograph into fabric. In the intervening years I ...

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July 24, 2024
Cutting Loose from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It felt like a lazy day yesterday, although I accomplished plenty...including housework. So how bad can it be? I hadn't slept well the night before, and so I went back to bed after writing yesterday's post. When I woke up, I went outside with the kitties to fill the bird feeders. There isn't a lot going on in the garden right now, but the echinacea are picking up the slack.

The bees love them.

I was surprised to find a flower on the Star Magnolia. This is usually one of the first ...

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Cutting Loose from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It felt like a lazy day yesterday, although I accomplished plenty...including housework. So how bad can it be? I hadn't slept well the night before, and so I went back to bed after writing yesterday's post. When I woke up, I went outside with the kitties to fill the bird feeders. There isn't a lot going on in the garden right now, but the echinacea are picking up the slack.

The bees love them.

I was surprised to find a flower on the Star Magnolia. This is usually one of the first ...

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July 19, 2024
Line By Line from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. My morning started too early today. I don't know about you, but I have this notion of a "witching hour," and if I wake up during that hour...any time after about 3:30 a.m....I can't get back to sleep. My brain seems to think I've slept long enough, and it winds up into full-blown thinking mode, making it difficult to relax and return to peaceful slumber. Usually, I give myself about an hour, and if I'm still awake, I might as well get up. The warm weather is part ...

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Line By Line from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. My morning started too early today. I don't know about you, but I have this notion of a "witching hour," and if I wake up during that hour...any time after about 3:30 a.m....I can't get back to sleep. My brain seems to think I've slept long enough, and it winds up into full-blown thinking mode, making it difficult to relax and return to peaceful slumber. Usually, I give myself about an hour, and if I'm still awake, I might as well get up. The warm weather is part ...

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July 15, 2024
Moving Slow from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I had a lazy day yesterday. I spent some time on my slow stitching, and then wasted a good part of the day. Probably I was dragging my feet getting to my quilting project. Once I got started I made a good amount of progress, but there's still a long way to go. 

Before I did any sewing, I churned the Cherry Sherbet I made the day before. It's a recipe from the Pioneer Woman. Probably we won't eat this right away since we have several dessert options available, but I wanted to ...

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Moving Slow from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I had a lazy day yesterday. I spent some time on my slow stitching, and then wasted a good part of the day. Probably I was dragging my feet getting to my quilting project. Once I got started I made a good amount of progress, but there's still a long way to go. 

Before I did any sewing, I churned the Cherry Sherbet I made the day before. It's a recipe from the Pioneer Woman. Probably we won't eat this right away since we have several dessert options available, but I wanted to ...

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July 14, 2024
Cheery Cherries from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends! It was a busy kitchen morning yesterday. Before I went to work, I finished up the first of two blocks I'm making for The Story of My Day quilt. The first one is "Feed the Animals."

When I finished with that, I spent just a little bit of time on the second block. This one is "Wash, Preen, and Clean."

We mopped the kitchen floor, and then headed outside to pick cherries. And, yay! There are still cherries to pick. Only one of our trees produced cherries this year. As you might expect, the best ...

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Cheery Cherries from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends! It was a busy kitchen morning yesterday. Before I went to work, I finished up the first of two blocks I'm making for The Story of My Day quilt. The first one is "Feed the Animals."

When I finished with that, I spent just a little bit of time on the second block. This one is "Wash, Preen, and Clean."

We mopped the kitchen floor, and then headed outside to pick cherries. And, yay! There are still cherries to pick. Only one of our trees produced cherries this year. As you might expect, the best ...

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July 13, 2024
14th Blogiversary Giveaway! from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends! Are you feeling lucky? Today marks the 14th anniversary of Cat Patches. Today's post will be my 5,653rd post. When I started blogging, it was because I wanted to learn from more experienced quilters (I didn’t learn until July of 2008). Also, there were online groups and events I wanted to join in and participate via blogging. With the passage of time, it has evolved into my daily “letter to friends.” When I started writing, I never dreamed I would stick with it for so long. 

Over the years, I’ve met new ...

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14th Blogiversary Giveaway! from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends! Are you feeling lucky? Today marks the 14th anniversary of Cat Patches. Today's post will be my 5,653rd post. When I started blogging, it was because I wanted to learn from more experienced quilters (I didn’t learn until July of 2008). Also, there were online groups and events I wanted to join in and participate via blogging. With the passage of time, it has evolved into my daily “letter to friends.” When I started writing, I never dreamed I would stick with it for so long. 

Over the years, I’ve met new ...

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July 12, 2024
Dinner Cruise from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was nice to take a little break from the usual yesterday. Mike spent the day cleaning and working on our boat. Later in the afternoon, we launched it into the Willamette River for a dinner cruise. Turning it into a dinner cruise made it an all-day affair for both of us.

My morning started with the first stitches on the next block for The Story of My Day. This one is called Feed the Animals.

When my stitching time was up, I went to work making these Feta, Basil, and Roasted Red Pepper Muffins.

There ...

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Dinner Cruise from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was nice to take a little break from the usual yesterday. Mike spent the day cleaning and working on our boat. Later in the afternoon, we launched it into the Willamette River for a dinner cruise. Turning it into a dinner cruise made it an all-day affair for both of us.

My morning started with the first stitches on the next block for The Story of My Day. This one is called Feed the Animals.

When my stitching time was up, I went to work making these Feta, Basil, and Roasted Red Pepper Muffins.

There ...

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July 10, 2024
More Blocks from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We had grocery shopping to do yesterday. The kitties had to wait until we got home before they could go out and terrorize the small furry mammals. There isn't much terrorism going on these days. It's too hot for kitties with dark fur to be out in the sun chasing squirrels. They pretty much stay close to the house, lounging on the cool deck.

Sometimes, when he wants a different view, Smitty moves to the corner of the deck. This is one of his favorite places to survey his territory.

So it was late ...

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More Blocks from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. We had grocery shopping to do yesterday. The kitties had to wait until we got home before they could go out and terrorize the small furry mammals. There isn't much terrorism going on these days. It's too hot for kitties with dark fur to be out in the sun chasing squirrels. They pretty much stay close to the house, lounging on the cool deck.

Sometimes, when he wants a different view, Smitty moves to the corner of the deck. This is one of his favorite places to survey his territory.

So it was late ...

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  • mindless musings
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