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January 20, 2025
Bull's Eye from From the Strawberry Patch...

This picture from 2015 popped up in my memories today. Mom and her treasured "Bull's Eye" quilt. She finished piecing it and brought it to me for quilting ten years ago. This is the reunion photo of my mother with her fully finished quilt! Mom had a stroke in 1999. After a long recovery and rehab stint, she returned home but had lost her sewing mojo. It was this pattern: "Twenty First Century

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Bull's Eye from From the Strawberry Patch...

This picture from 2015 popped up in my memories today. Mom and her treasured "Bull's Eye" quilt. She finished piecing it and brought it to me for quilting ten years ago. This is the reunion photo of my mother with her fully finished quilt! Mom had a stroke in 1999. After a long recovery and rehab stint, she returned home but had lost her sewing mojo. It was this pattern: "Twenty First Century

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June 1, 2023
i need an introduction . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

It's been a year.

Technically, it's not even been a half year, but it still feels like a whole, full, 12-month year, and I'm ready to be through with it!  Is that wrong?

My daddy passed away late in January.  
He'd been in hospice care since December of 2021, so it wasn't a complete surprise, but I still wasn't ready for him to be gone.  I'm glad he's no longer suffering.  
He was witty and clear-minded right to the very end, making us laugh with his quick sense of humor.  Such a ...

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January 19, 2023
Fuzz-B-Gone from From the Strawberry Patch...

I have had one of these hand-held fuzz removers for 50 years. I remember where I bought mine, in the cash register checkout line, where they hang all those last minute impulse-buy temptations, at Osco Drug in the Tippecanoe Mall, Lafayette, IN, back in 1973 or '74. I worked across the hall at the Singer store in those days, before I was married. I really had no business buying anything on a whim,

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Fuzz-B-Gone from From the Strawberry Patch...

I have had one of these hand-held fuzz removers for 50 years. I remember where I bought mine, in the cash register checkout line, where they hang all those last minute impulse-buy temptations, at Osco Drug in the Tippecanoe Mall, Lafayette, IN, back in 1973 or '74. I worked across the hall at the Singer store in those days, before I was married. I really had no business buying anything on a whim,

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July 8, 2022
Crystal Clear from From the Strawberry Patch...

About once I year I have no choice but to empty out the glass front cabinets, fill the kitchen sink with hot, soapy water and hand wash (and dry) all the crystal and glass until it sparkles brightly again. It takes me the better part of a day. Although it's tedious, I'm always delighted to be reacquainted with glassware that reminds of special people, times and places. For example: this decanter

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Crystal Clear from From the Strawberry Patch...

About once I year I have no choice but to empty out the glass front cabinets, fill the kitchen sink with hot, soapy water and hand wash (and dry) all the crystal and glass until it sparkles brightly again. It takes me the better part of a day. Although it's tedious, I'm always delighted to be reacquainted with glassware that reminds of special people, times and places. For example: this decanter

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July 7, 2022
Old Sayings from From the Strawberry Patch...

I had to have some emergency dental work done this week after I lost an onlay from a back molar. Since the site was one where I'd already had a root canal no numbing was necessary; or so I thought! It was a lot more stressful (tugging, pulling, grinding!) than I had imagined, the time in the chair enduring all of this torture was well over an hour. I called Mr. G. when I was on my way home, he

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Old Sayings from From the Strawberry Patch...

I had to have some emergency dental work done this week after I lost an onlay from a back molar. Since the site was one where I'd already had a root canal no numbing was necessary; or so I thought! It was a lot more stressful (tugging, pulling, grinding!) than I had imagined, the time in the chair enduring all of this torture was well over an hour. I called Mr. G. when I was on my way home, he

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January 11, 2022
Remember? from From the Strawberry Patch...

I talk to my Dad on the phone every morning at 7:30; actually, it's more than that- we FaceTime every morning! We upgraded our communication style when COVID began, not knowing then how long it would be before in-person visits resumed; we've been "seeing" each other daily since then. He was telling me the other day how he can't seem to remember things anymore, things that used to be so familiar

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Remember? from From the Strawberry Patch...

I talk to my Dad on the phone every morning at 7:30; actually, it's more than that- we FaceTime every morning! We upgraded our communication style when COVID began, not knowing then how long it would be before in-person visits resumed; we've been "seeing" each other daily since then. He was telling me the other day how he can't seem to remember things anymore, things that used to be so familiar

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December 24, 2021
December Discoveries from From the Strawberry Patch...

'tis the season! It's been a busy few weeks around here; ones full of happy days, and lots of busy times and delightful  holiday related discoveries. I'll start with this struggling Christmas cactus. This plant belonged to my mother-in-law. It wasn't in the best shape when I brought it here to live after cleaning out her home over four years ago. I haven't done a thing to it, except for weekly

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December Discoveries from From the Strawberry Patch...

'tis the season! It's been a busy few weeks around here; ones full of happy days, and lots of busy times and delightful  holiday related discoveries. I'll start with this struggling Christmas cactus. This plant belonged to my mother-in-law. It wasn't in the best shape when I brought it here to live after cleaning out her home over four years ago. I haven't done a thing to it, except for weekly

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July 5, 2021
Pardon me While I get a bit Sentimental from Terificreations's Weblog

It all starts about mid-May every year. Sweet, sweet memories of the beginnings of the preparation for our wedding. Figuring out what we could do. Finding a wedding dress in the City for under my budget. Finding wedding rings. And those oh so comfortable moments when one gets super frustrated because this is a big… Continue reading Pardon me While I get a bit Sentimental

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March 12, 2021
PQ 12.5 = Crazy Memories from Sew Sunshine

"Crazy Memories"
34" x 33.5"
scrap vortex slab leftovers in my scrap bin
decorative machine quilted and some hand big stitch

Project Quilting Challenge this week is 'You're Crazy". You can see all the entries HERE . So many interpretations. 

I wanted to do scrap something? for my challenge since I am also doing Sewthescrapoutofmarch with Tea and Brie for National Quilting month (march) When I was digging in my scrap jar, drawer, bag(s), bin,, I found a bunch of scrap vortex(vomit some call it) that is leftover from a quilt top I made last ...

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February 1, 2021
Lost Connections from Celtic Thistle Stitches

 The start of a new month and it's time for another Endeavourers  reveal and the theme for this quarter is Memories. As ever the problem is pinning down a project for the theme from the multitude of ideas floating around in my head :)


 During my deliberations I kept coming back to Alzheimer's devastating effect on my Dad's memory in the last couple of years of his life. Lost Connections above is my attempt at representing some of the confusion and frustration that he, and we, felt as the disease took an ever stronger grip on him.


 I ...

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December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas! from Where Art & Life Meet

When I was young, on December 24th we had a special Christmas eve dinner and then we would open our Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. If we were visiting my grandmother at her house in Colorado, we did the same. The only difference was that she had live candles on her tree and no… Continue reading Merry Christmas!

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December 16, 2020
Diwali Memories from Sew Preeti Quilts

Diwali is the festival of lights - the biggest Hindu festival in India. In terms of fanfare, think of it as Hindu Christmas plus fireworks. Friends and neighbors exchange sweets (akin to cookie exchange), homes are cleaned (like Christmas) and decorated with lights and Rangoli patterns. There are sales on home goods and folks are bombarded with advertisements for jewelry and watches (for the special someone in your life). Everywhere you look there is a sale or a bumper sale. Streets are decorated with lights and shops/markets are dressed up in their glittering best.

When Bernie asked if I have ...

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November 2, 2020
2 NOVEMBRE from appunti patch

 Il giorno dei morti che mi ricordo...

era un giorno importante a casa mia, mio papà ci ha lasciati quando io ero piccola e perciò quella giornata era come il compleanno di papà.
Tutti i fine settimana andavamo a cambiargli i fiori ma il 2 novembre era diverso e così è stato per tanti anni.
In quel periodo (1962) il 2novembre le scuole erano chiuse e perciò mi alzavo e coi miei fratelli e mia mamma, tutti vestiti bene e col cappotto perché in quei giorni qui in Brianza, mi ricordo che c’era sempre la nebbia, uscivamo per andare ...

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May 1, 2020
May Day ~ Memories from From the Strawberry Patch...

Happy May Day! A new month, reason to celebrate; we made it through April! I had an "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" moment this morning. When I spoke with my Dad on the phone today he told me that my grandparents' former home (I grew up living next door to my grandparents) is being remodeled and that a large addition is going on, as well as an in-ground swimming pool. He learned this from a

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