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July 16, 2024
First Border Prompt for Bramble Blooms II from Quilty Folk

I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to present the second Bramble Blooms prompt. First and foremost, it needs to be said that it's your quilt. If you already have ideas spinning around in your head and fabric to back it up, just go do whatever it is that the quilt is requesting. Series work that starts gaining momentum doesn't need outside help. Feel free to follow the muse! 

Bramble Blooms II--A
If you're here for the next prompt because the quilt hasn't spoken yet, then I'm all about that too. This ...

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March 5, 2024
2nd Border Prompt for Bramble Blooms QAL {BBI} from Quilty Folk

Are you ready for the next prompt in the Bramble Blooms QAL? So fascinating to have others along for the journey and see where people end up, even when we all start at exactly the same place! Life is full of interruptions around here as usual, especially now that my husband is feeling just good enough to be antsy, though still not quite good enough to be back at work. We're getting there! This post ended up being miles too long. Consider yourself warned. Just too much information that I keep thinking someone might need.

Back to the reason ...

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November 3, 2023
Bramble Blooms QAL--The Applique Centerpiece from Quilty Folk

Are you ready for the next BBI QAL prompt? It's pretty much what you'd expect: Add simple floral applique to your centerpiece background. That's it. Easy peasy! There are a couple options here. No doubt there are patterns at home you can browse through to borrow applique elements for this exercise. Or, you can do something much more fun and interesting. Learn how to implement it in a freehand, free-spirited way! Whatever you do, try to keep the final applique relatively uncomplicated so as to not spend unnecessary hours attempting to get the pieces sewn down. We ...

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March 17, 2023
A Stitch a Day Makes the Fidgets Go Away from Quilty Folk

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We had to leave town for a couple days to attend a cousins funeral and then last weekend, our grandkids came to visit. Yay! We're always up for that. Plus, there was a bridal shower for our new-to-be daughter-in-law. Wedding the end of April in Oklahoma! And our oldest daughter is expecting their first child. So very exciting. Shaping up to be one of those years. I almost turned the commenting off on the blog 'cuz I've been such a terrible blogger lately. It's all I can do to ...

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March 13, 2023
Looking Back from Becca's Crazy Projects

I was talking to a friend about Halloween quilts last week. 
I remembered this quilt from five years ago and pulled it. It is nice to look over a quilt from years ago and be able to find lessons learned and delight in the finish. 
This was only of my only forays into making a medallion quilt. If you want to read more about this quilt, and see more photos, you can check out this post or this post, both from February 2017. 

I relied on Liberated Medallion Quilts by Gwen Marston while designing my quilt. Electric Quilt design software ...

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July 8, 2022
A circle of purple houses from The Academic Quilter

 Hi all, and welcome to another summer weekend. It is the weekend, isn't it? I seem to have lost track of time this week. It has been a massive migraine-style headache week, for unknown reasons. Okay, it's probably a mix of Satan's own allergens and all the weather changes. And maybe I ate a little too much sugar. Who knows? I am feeling a little better now, though.
In between headache attacks, I managed to get the purple round put on my medallion quilt. I've been looking forward to this one, though I didn't know ...

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June 17, 2022
Blue and green all around from The Academic Quilter

 Hi all! Long time no see! I've been away for a conference in Atlanta, which was hot, sticky, and expensive, but so great to see people in person again. Everyone was so excited that it almost overwhelmed the presentations. Also, true fact: we shared the hotel with a comics convention, so there were people dressed up as various characters, including a full set of Power Rangers, interspersed with our very serious group. It was interesting! After the conference, the hubster and I may have made a couple of detours on the way home. It was fun!

Obviously, I did ...

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April 29, 2022
Suddenly spring from The Academic Quilter

 Holy cow, folks, it's the end of April. On Sunday it will be May! How in the world did that happen? Plus, one day this week I got up and suddenly the whole world looked green. The leaves have popped on the trees and we have all kinds of shade again. Many of the trees are flowering now, too. Spring has definitely sprung.

If it's the end of April, you know it's also the end of the academic year, which means I've been really busy this week. All those meetings, all that grading. . .not nearly enough ...

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February 5, 2022
Twice around from The Academic Quilter

 Hi everyone!  Gosh, what a week I have had. If it wasn't one thing, it was ten others. I feel like I've run a marathon every day this week. You ever have a week like that? With rain, to top it off? I am glad to put this one in the archives. The happiest part of my week was the response to the announcement earlier this week about the Hands2Help Challenge. Thanks to everyone who is enthusiastic about participating! I'm looking forward to it as well!

With all that was going on, I only had time to ...

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October 3, 2021
The Latest Quilty Progress from Quilty Folk

Believe it or not, I've been earnestly trying to scratch a couple long-ongoing projects off of the list. That open-ended, not-quite-a-quilt-top-yet list. This Improv. HST Medallion is one of the projects that has been in my sights for this fall. I kinda knew where it needed to go after the applique, just didn't have the heart to do it in the summertime. You know how it is with quilts of a certain color!

A few blocks organized for the border and leftover bits

First I quit fiddle-faddling around with how wonky the outside border should or should not ...

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October 13, 2020
A Peachy Finish from Quilty Folk

So I finally got Peachy Cameo quilt hand quilted and bound! Lots and lots of distractions this past month and unfortunately, hand quilting did not always make the priority list. It turned out to be such a pleasant quilt, almost restful looking! Turns out that I adore strong blues paired with orangey reds and peach. Who knew?
Peachy Cameo is finished!

The original intent was to use loads and loads of the peach solid fabric, but somehow it only ended up with one wide border. Not terribly unhappy with that outcome as the quilt ended up with a nice peachy ...

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