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January 16, 2024
Tying to decide on size................. from Exuberant Color

I'm designing this one sideways so it will fit on the design wall.  I have been figuring out estimated finished sizes.  As it is seen here, it would be approximately 44.5" x 72".  If I add one more row for the width, it would be approximately 55" x 72".  Another option would be to take off one row on the end and it would be approximately 44.5" x 63.5".

So while I think about that I searched for more gold toned Marcia Derse fabrics for the triangles.  I got 3 of them cut to try out ...

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January 15, 2024
Relaxing day................. from Exuberant Color

There was a pile of strips I had cut a couple years ago to cut some more elongated hexagons so I die cut 2 from each strip.  I put one of each up on the design wall and also added more triangles for the centers.  I need to decide how many different centers I want.  Maybe just 2 types would be best but I'm not sure I could stick with that.  Other than this I made a placemat top with the left over triangle squares left from the last 2 baby quilts.  I attempted to consolidate the info in ...

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January 14, 2024
#4 quilt top for 2024.............. from Exuberant Color

The last seams were sewn by noon yesterday and then the zig zag baby quilt top got its final pressing.  It is 34.5" x 40".

These 2 will be a nice addition to my available baby quilts when I get them quilted next month.  Right now I'm thinking a white with black print for the back of both of them will keep them gender neutral.

Two or three years ago I cut a pile of elongated hexagons from older Marcia Derse fabrics.  I saw this layout somewhere online and decided to test it.  This is one that would ...

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November 16, 2023
How about a no guilt free day?................. from Exuberant Color

I really needed a day (or more) away from the red quilt so I pulled these 2 project boxes off the shelves so I could see what was actually in them.

I knew there were lots of straight strips leftover from previous quilts but was surprised how wide some of them were.  The widest are 4.5" and there is a good size stack of them.  The plastic bag at the top right is full of fairly small pieces of Marcia Derse fabrics collected over several years after making eight quilt tops with those fabrics. 

I pulled a few scraps ...

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September 24, 2023
Marcia arrived early.............. from Exuberant Color


I love it when fabric is delivered earlier than tracking predicted.  Here are several photos of all 14 of Marcia Derse's new line called Marble Run.  I would say this is my favorite but then I would say that over and over as I show the rest.  I love all of it.  The name of this print is Marble Run.

This one is called Stick Stacks.  They are both vivid colors.

This is one group called Splash.

These are the final two colors of Splash.

Then I grouped some I might use together.

This is a more subdued group ...

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February 6, 2023
Miscellany............ from Exuberant Color

Yesterday was a day of rest and recharge.  So here is a post of miscellany.

In a recent order I added 1/2 yard of this fabric.  I don't have any idea how I will use it but I had to have it.

Here is the info on the selvage.  I love the variety of colors and the intensity of the design.

I recently ran across these trays of triangles, all Marcia Derse fabrics, 2" finished size.  I have accumulated more scraps since I cut these so I may continue cutting  while I decide what I will make with ...

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December 17, 2022
Gridlock finished................. from Exuberant Color

I loved making this Gridlock quilt with Marcia Derse fabrics.  The original quilt is in a Kaffe Fassett book and I studied the quilt photo for ideas for piecing the blocks.  The original quilt was made by Liza Prior Lucy with the idea coming from a knitted garment that Kaffe designed and knitted.  There are suggestions how to make this one, but not specific directions.  I just had fun experimenting with the fabrics.

The backing and binding are Marcia Derse fabrics too.  It is 65" x 91".  

The fun of making this quilt is that each block was a unique ...

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December 16, 2022
Almost done............. from Exuberant Color

All 4 corners are stitched but I have 27" left to stitch on the last side.  I worked on this several times yesterday.

I noticed this frayed thread near an edge as I was hand sewing the binding.  It is a spot where the thread frayed but didn't break but it caused a skipped stitch.  With all of the trouble I had quilting this one I can see I am going to have to follow every stitching line and see if there are more spots like this.  I can stitch over these spots on my Pfaff with matching thread ...

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December 15, 2022
Binding started........... from Exuberant Color

I decided on a 2 tone purple print for the binding on the Gridlock quilt.  The backing fabric is a grayed lavender so they look nice together.  I have almost half of the hand stitching done.

I also sub cut the last 5 sets of stratas for the 9 patch block and got them sewn.  This is 20 blocks.  Since they are going to finish at 4.5" I will need to sew some more stratas for the next batch of blocks.

The weather channels I watch on TV are in Chicago and they mentioned no sun for the last ...

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December 11, 2022
Gridlock quilted............... from Exuberant Color

I got brave and turned on the longarm.  I got up to the third section of approximately 15" before the problem started.  I was actually thinking about what I would load next because it was going so well.  About 5" in, the thread shredded.  It's not unusual to have that happen once or twice in a big quilt so I rethreaded and checked my bobbin.  It was pretty low and there was a little piece of lint under the arm on the bobbin case.  I took care of that and started up again.  The thread shredded again, I checked ...

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August 21, 2022
Playday........ from Exuberant Color

It was raining off and on most of the day yesterday.  My rain gauge had 2.15" in it for a 24 hour total.

That made it a playday for me.  Of course I could have cleaned the house......

The first thing I did was sew 10 more scrappy log cabin blocks.  They will finish at 7" and I now have 40 made.  I think I will need close to 80 for a throw quilt.

I still had a small pile of backgrounds cut for the original size Arboretum blocks so I did some prepping for future sewing.

Two more ...

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December 9, 2021
Fun sewing........ from Exuberant Color

I had a good sewing day yesterday.  I found 10 centers to match up with the strip piecing to complete these 10 tops.  These are all oversize, not trimmed right now.  I need to cut more of the heavy interfacing and fusible batting now so I can proceed.

There are still strips remaining and if I make any more of these they will be multicolor.  I'll see where my attention span is after doing the finishing on the 10 above.

This pile is all of the small scraps narrower than 2.5" and shorter than 9".  I will add ...

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December 8, 2021
More mindless sewing........and baking......... from Exuberant Color

Last night's sewing was turquoise and blue/brown.

This pile is waiting for me to turn on the iron, maybe tonight.

I had to try out the new mini scone pan.  This is what it looked with Cinnamon/Apple scone mix before baking.

This is after baking.  The wrapper on the pan said it was non-stick and the recipe accompanying it didn't call for greasing the pan.  I was pleasantly surprised that every piece popped out with no sticking.  I haven't had this good luck with some of the other non-stick pans that I own.  Oh, and ...

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December 7, 2021
Mindless sewing............ from Exuberant Color

In my attempt to clean up after making the Gridlock quilt I am making strips sets to use for table mats with a modified Gridlock pattern.  I have already made green, brown and purple.  I'm using firm thick interfacing and fusible batting as my 2 layers of padding so they are firmer and flatter than a mug rug.

My birthday Amaryllis is blooming already.  Usually they get really tall and threaten to tip over but this one couldn't wait.  It has a second bud peeking out that hasn't grown at all in 3 weeks but I think ...

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December 2, 2021
Just playing with leftovers............ from Exuberant Color

I'm just playing around with the leftover narrow strips of Marcia Derse fabric making 8.5" x 11" pieces.  I got two of them sewn together but not trimmed to size yet.

I got the third one planned and have sorted all of the other colors into groups, more playing until I decide what to do next.

I was not getting  comments sent to my email yesterday so I decided to remove my email address and then re-insert it and hope it would work.  Instead there is no way to enter an email address in the box.  I left ...

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November 30, 2021
Still reorganizing............ from Exuberant Color

You know what it is like, you  move one thing and then you have to move a bunch of other things.  I'm almost more day.

I'm taking leftover strips from the Gridlock quilt to make some small table protectors.  The finished size will be 8.5" x 11".  I haven't decided if the center should be a square or a rectangle in a rectangular shape.

I brought the last of the tomatoes in from the garage.  I picked all of the larger size green ones on Oct. 30th before the freeze.  I read somewhere that ...

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November 28, 2021
Portrait time........... from Exuberant Color

The seams are all sewn, the pressing is done, time for a portrait.

I posted this on my Instagram feed too and it looks a lot brighter there, the difference between a real camera and a phone camera.  I think the colors are truer in this photo.  This one ended up 68" x 92".  It will shrink up a little with quilting.

(Reminder: this quilt was inspired by the Gridlock quilt in Kaffe Fassett's book Glorious Patchwork and again in the book Kaffe Quilts Again.  Both of them in the books were made by Liza Prior Lucy).

I had ...

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November 27, 2021
Last Gridlock seams sewn, but............. from Exuberant Color

 The last 3 seams have been sewn but I just couldn't get motivated to press that huge top.  Maybe today........  So I prepared a collage of the other quilts I have made over the years with Marcia Derse fabrics.  The blue and white zig zag baby quilt isn't included so there are actually 8 and when I finish the Gridlock top there will be 9.  I sold 2 of the tops and gifted one of the finished quilts.  I still own three of the finished ones in the collage, one top is waiting to be quilted.

I ...

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November 26, 2021
3 more seams.................. from Exuberant Color

 It's not very straight on the wall but you can get the idea, just 3 more long seams to sew.  When I get it done and pressed I'll put it up on the design walls in the basement where I have my extra lighting and get a good photo.

I'm glad I got my yard work mostly done on Wednesday.  It was cold and windy yesterday and night time temperatures dropping into the teens.  I guess I should get my winter coat out of the garment bag in the basement.

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November 25, 2021
Yard work and prep work............. from Exuberant Color

I got in a good session of yard work yesterday afternoon.  I raked more leaves onto the lawn and chopped them with the mower.  I emptied 5 pots but still have a couple more to do.

Last night I cut a few more squares to have 17 for the last row of border on the Gridlock quilt.  I think this assortment will work but I can always cut a couple different ones if I need them.  I also fixed the 36 patch block that I wasn't happy with.  Now the serious sewing begins.

I'm still knitting dishcloths while ...

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  • marcia derse fabric
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