It's been way too long since I've shown some recent customer quilts.
So grab a beverage and enjoy!
It's been way too long since I've shown some recent customer quilts.
So grab a beverage and enjoy!
I see a lot of custom quilts for longarming. And I haven't been keeping the greatest record of the pictures I take of quilts. As a result, I have SO MANY pictures of quilts that I have no idea of who quilted what.
So I'm going to be posting some of those quilts. And if one is yours or you recognize someone's work, please let me know so I can credit them.
Enjoy the show and tell!
Who doesn't love a good sampler quilt?
The colours in this are so calming.
Maxine has been a longarm client for I think 6yrs, maybe 7.
I love how she uses her fabrics; and uses up every single bit that she can in her quilts.
A lot of her quilts, she sells at a store her sister owns.
Here are a few of recent ones from Maxine.
I don't see very many Halloween quilts but recently I got to quilt these two.
This fun one by Karen.
As usual, it's been way too long to show off the talents of my clients.
So sit back and enjoy!
By Dianna
This has been one of my busiest summers for longarm quilting. And there have been some fantastic quilts!
Here's a few favourites.
Love this one by Karin.
Here's some recent client favourites.
Adienna did this fabulous Diamond Ripples quilt.
It as hard to let her take this one back home.
Here's some of my recent favourite client quilts.
Love this one by SarahBeth
It's that time again.
Time to show some client quilts.
You know the drill, grab a coffee and enjoy!
Let's start off with one by Barb.
I have so many fun projects to show you; I've been busy!
But first, let's see some quilts!
Nomi pieced this lovely Irish Chain.
Grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy alllll these Christmas quilts!
By Shirley
Melody has been a client for about 5years now.
She does the most fabulous quilts and makes sure she uses up every single inch of a fabric which I respect and admire.
Here's some recent quilts of hers.
How fun is this chicken quilt?
Grab a coffee, I've got some great quilts to show you today!
Love this one by Melody.
It's been a while(too long of a while!) since I've shared some recent client quilts so here we go!
First up, this stunner by Hugette.
Today is going to be all about Bonnie.
I meet Bonnie about 12years ago at a quilt class, she became a client soon after.
And the following quilts are all hers.
One of my favourites.
Too soon?
Too late?
Here are some of the Christmas quilts I longarmed last Christmas and this year.
Such a fun one from Anna.
Because I am soooooooo far behind in posting client quilts, I'm going to spotlight/showcase a few clients who I see more regularly.
Today, it's all about Monica.
Melody's quilts are usually more on the modern side.
And a lot of them are favourites of mine.
I love this one
Sometimes I just don't feel like I've accomplished much when it comes to my quilting. I have so many patterns laid out that I want to make, but I've been challenging myself to finish some of my old UFOs and flimsies first. Then, I take a step back and look at what I did get done, and I don't feel so bad.
The first UFO I got done this year was Christmas Ribbons. You can bet I had it on the bed for the holidays! I loved this fabric line.
I was going to name this blog post "Lesson Learned". When I first opened the shop in 2003, Jinny Beyer fabrics were a 'big thing'. I ordered the entire fabric line. The shop was smaller and the only wall space I had to hang samples was the distance between the top of the fabric racks and the ceiling. I was scrambling to get samples made and found this pattern that showcased all of the fabrics in the line. It was perfect and I was excited to get it made up and hung.
A group of ladies came in to scope ...
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