I got up this morning feeling content! What a great feeling. I'm making progress on the list of quilts to be quilted, I have a few bindings that need to be put on, and I need to get back to writing those last blog posts. But I made phone calls yesterday to get on top of some upcoming events, and well, it just feels good to be in control! And if I can't, I need to learn to live with that. I think I do a good job, but sometimes things go awry. Right now, the stars are ...
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Thanks, everyone, for the comments. I will get them answered; I'm a tad busy at the moment. I didn't even get a chance to open my Adventure advent calendar yesterday.
However, I'm happy to report that I finished everything I had planned, which was good!
I sent Zoom links to everyone who wanted to sign up for the EQ8, mySewnet embroidery software and digital cutter discussions for TOMORROW. If you have yet to receive an e-mail, let me know. Some people put everything in the same e-mail, and it's hard to catch everything. I'm NOT ...
read moreHappy New Year!!
It will be another great year of decluttering, sewing, decluttering, sewing, maintaining our new uncluttered spaces, then sewing, sewing, sewing!
I want to outline a few guidelines because this decluttering business is hard work. Not only is it a physical job, but the emotional side is going to be challenging, and you need to be prepared. This can work for your house, in general, or your sewing space specifically.
- You will likely feel overwhelmed, ashamed, embarrassed, or all three as you go through your sewing room. That's OK. You can cry and leave the cluttered space ...
I LOVE all of you! And I truly appreciate your reading my blog, and I've received so many fantastic suggestions. Jan gave me a BRILLIANT suggestion for the two UFO Clubs. I will pick a project to work on in one of the UFO clubs, and the assignment for the second one will be to quilt and bind one of my quilts. That's BRILLIANT. I'm going to have to do that as soon, I'm going to run out of room in those tubs, and I really don't want to buy another one.
Yippeee!!! I love ...
read moreYesterday I spoke of writer's block. No need to worry about that this morning, but I noticed that I'm over 3,800 blog posts, and that's for THIS blog. Before this blog, I had another one that sat on LiveJournal, and I think it's still there. I should go back and see if I can link them -- just for my sake, and I should dig up the very first picture I posted on a blog. It was a heron at my pond in the backyard!
Anyway --- let's start with what I keep talking about -- the ...
read moreOH DRAT!!! I should have checked that the links I posted yesterday actually worked. There was an issue with the sound, and so that video was replaced.
Here are the NEW links. Just tested, and at least the Facebook one works. So sorry for that!!!!
Facebook Video Link:
YouTube Video Link:
As usual, I tried to cram too much into the day! In addition to the last class for two of the sew-alongs of this past year, I signed up for a Kimberbell class that I could participate in virtually.
I'll ...
read moreI haven't been reading much lately. My brain just goes into overload mode, and I really don't want to be distracted. And I have to say that having my thoughts entirely to myself is a good thing. I think a lot, I problem solve and just reflect on who I am and what I'm doing! Something I hope to do a whole lot more next year.
However, this morning, when I was loading a customer quilt, I listened to an audiobook. WOW -- The Midnight Library by Matt Haig finally came in! What a great concept, and honestly ...
read moreWell, there are days when things work like a charm, and then there are days when - well, yesterday seemed to be one of those days.
I had big plans to get so much done, but why does everything take so much time? I really can't complain because it was a good day, just a few frustrations thrown in to keep me humble.
And I'm a stress eater. When things do NOT go well, I seek food. Thankfully, we have almost no junk food in the house, or life would be different! I was tempted to stop at Tim ...
read moreI love the comments. Someone's Mother used to poke her between the shoulder blades if she was slouching! "Hey, Mom -- why didn't you do that for me?" But it's true -- our society as a whole is slipping into only doing things the easy way! We've lost our ability to cope with any kind of hardship (I'm grossly exaggerating there and generalizing), but you know what I mean.
I talked to my Dad yesterday, and he was telling me about my brother. Their microwave died. So he took it apart. He found one issue and fixed ...
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What a GREAT day yesterday was! I did spend quite a bit of time (hours!) on the phone chatting to several people, but sometimes that's a necessity! I felt better; hopefully, they did as well. And one call was extremely motivating, and well, I'm just like my Dad -- I LOVE to talk. I think that's why Zoom works so well for me -- I get to talk! I don't need hugs - I just need to talk. But I listen also!
OK -- so I tried sleeping with the tape on my lips. It wasn't really a big ...
read moreOh my gosh!!!! A totally random question, but a good one. Who will play the duck? Thanks to someone for posting that on the blog yesterday. If you know what that means - well, then you are a fan of Louise Penny. I bet some ducks have agents!
WOW -- yesterday was another amazing day. OK -- in the sleep department, it wasn't amazing, but who cares -- naps are always good! OK -- why won't my Fitbit sync this morning? I'll figure it out later.
I had a super productive day, and then we had the Virtual Retreat from 6 - 9 ...
read moreWell, I guess you figured out by the title that I had an AWESOME day with technology. It was a fabulous day!! I love technology, and the more I learn, the better I become. Just don't mess it up!
I have to say that I'm happy with figuring out my body clock, and I'm not good if it gets messed up! Thanks to an upset tummy from Miss Murphy, I didn't get a good sleep the night before, but last night? Perfect! Hence, I was up at ridiculous o'clock (for you), and I got so ...
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Well, I did NOT get much done in the sewing department yesterday, and I'm OK with that. I went shopping instead! And there were two reasons for that. I have to take my car in today for a recall on the fuel pump. That requires that the gas tank be ¼ or less. I was at a half tank, so I had some gas to burn off. I'm just at the ¼ mark, so hopefully, that works for them.
It was a good trip as I found something that I didn't think I would find! Let's ...
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I'm all in a flap this morning. My computer is downstairs! I had to bring it down for a presentation - it's a long story. In short, my laptop is struggling with one version of the embroidery software, but that version works fine on the desktop. When I have a software presentation, I bring the desktop downstairs. I had one presentation yesterday, and I have one this morning. So it didn't seem worth it to take it upstairs.
I NEED to get that laptop working as this is just silly!!!
So have you ever been window shopping? Oh ...
read moreI've been sewing for many years. You would think by now that I've learned everything there is to learn. And you would think that I don't make mistakes. Hardly! I've barely scratched the surface of what's out there, and I make mistakes EVERY DAY.
Here's a couple of observations that drive me crazy!!
1. "Wow! Your stuff is perfect!" I get this a lot from people. My stuff is FAR FROM PERFECT. Points get chopped off, seams sometimes don't match, and colors - well, sometimes they don't work as they should. And I ...
read moreMonday's Strength: Song of Songs 3:2
Continued study of some of the verses shared in Lynn Austin's Until We Reach Home.
This made me think: What if all we had to communicate with our loved one was the Bible?
Wednesday’s Word: Psalm 66:2
I loved this part of Lynn Austin’s Until We Reach Home! On the entire journey thus far, Ludwig constantly encourages Sofia with Bible verses. This time, however, he is discouraged beyond words and, though she tries, no verse she shows him breaks his despondency. But then, she remembers her precious Mama. Thank God for spiritual Mamas!

Sofia remembered the above verse and then she thought of her mother’s favorite hymn. It’s a very old one, but so beautiful – and so true. Please take a moment to listen to it and allow ...
Monday’s Strength: Psalm 27 and Isaiah 40
Lynn Austin continued with her them of finding a home in Until We Reach Home. This verse has always brought me comfort in times of trouble.
Machine Embroidery: You're Sweet As Can Bee!
The next project I chose to finish from the Spring 2020 Kimberbell Bella Box was the second dish towel. They kept the bee ...
Monday’s Strength: Psalm 27 and Isaiah 40
Psalm 27:14 and Isaiah 40: 27 and 30 are the next verses presented in Until We Reach Home by Lynn Austin.
Test results?
A healing from abuse? from grief? from a physical ailment?
A loved one to come to know Jesus?
A court date?
A Word from God?
What are you waiting on the LORD for?
take heart and
wait for the LORD!
There is no safer place to be than waiting on the LORD.
I did accomplish a lot, but not really anything that I can share with you. Gosh - the secrets still abound. The QUILTsocial blog posts will be up next week, and it's been a wee bit of a learning curve behind the scenes, but all is good.
I got about a third of my "to do" list for the week done! How cool is that? Even if it mostly meant dealing with events in my calendar and making a few phone calls. It doesn't matter - those things are done now, and I can move on to the next bunch ...
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