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February 3, 2025
Lots of Updates and Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Hello and welcome

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February 20, 2024
Round and Round on Ocean Waves V from Fret Not Yourself

186,000 miles per second is not just a good idea, it's the law.
~Albert Einstein


This is the fourth round and I think there's enough for a fifth. Wow. Someone cut way too many QSTs. At least they are all going into this final Ocean Waves quilt. Although I've complained about the repetitive sewing I want to finish this quilt. 

Ocean Waves V in progress, starting round 4 

And here it is with the next round of triangles sewn. 

Ocean Waves V in progress, round 4 finished

There's at least a yard of the ...

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February 4, 2024
BRNO /Brünn) Patchwork Meeting - ich bin dabei! from Quilt Around

 Farbverliebt 2

Ein Teil meiner Ausstellung Farbverliebt 2 in Friedrichshafen

Workshop Kawandi

Vom 19. bis 21. April findet das Brno Patchwork Meeting in Brünn in Tschechien statt, eine der größten Veranstaltungen zum Thema Patchwork in Europa. Ich habe das große Glück, dort ausstellen zu dürfen und Workshops zu den Themen Kawandi und New York Beauty für Anfänger zu unterrichten. Ich bin gespannt, wie das mit der Verständigung wird und freue mich darauf, neue Quilterinnen und AusstellerInnen kennen zu lernen. 

Workshop NYB für Anfänger in Belgien

Vorher werde ich noch ein Wochenende im Tuchmachermuseum in Bramsche ebenfalls die Kurse NYB für ...

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September 26, 2023
More Kawandi Placemats from Fret Not Yourself

We often think of joy as meaning "without pain," or  "without sorrow" - which our consumer culture has us believing is a state of being that we could buy.... What if joy, instead of refuge or relief from heartbreak, is what effloresces from us as we help each other carry our heartbreaks?
~Ross Gay


Occasionally Ocean Waves gets a few minutes of quilting but most of the time it's too hot. Instead, several household tasks called my name. For example, I replaced an older set of napkins with new ones. 

We’ve been traveling most of the month so ...

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June 7, 2023
Spring Kawandi 2023 from The Root Connection


Seems like it has been a slow start to this year when it comes to creating new works. I have hardly worked in the studio lately. It has been months since I finished my last quilt. Yet, the way time is passing by, something tells me I am extremely busy. I better sit down and really think about where it really goes. 

Here is the last Kawandi I finished early this year. This one started out as wanting to take a break from my usual palette of colors and needing to work with texture. The choices of fabrics were random ...

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October 28, 2022
Quilt Symposium - Kawandi Class from Wendy's Quilts and More

My Kawandi is finished!

I took a one day Kawandi class with Lorena Uriarte at Quilt Symposium 2022.  We learnt to make Kawandi and here is mine.  

Kawandi are meant to be scrappy, but I used a charm pack of Koi Pond by Ruby Star Society.  I knew the colours would all work together and I'm pleased with how it turned out.  

But the process used up the fabric more quickly than I anticipated, so I ran out of Koi Pond fabrics before it was finished.  I had a Ruby Star Society panel in my stash, so I bravely ...

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August 3, 2022
This and That on a Wednesday.. from Humble Quilts

Happy Day quilt friends!

I've got a few shares today.
Philine from Germany joined in our antique quilt block challenge and hers is complete!

I love everything about it!

Here's the block I sent her. 

Janny shared with me a Kawandi quilt she has started. 
She also shared a Youtube video with joe Cunningham and Margaret Fabrizio. It was great and if you have a little extra time you can see it HERE

We always have room to learn more about quilting! 

I rec'd an email the other day about a non profit in Orange County. Please ...

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May 13, 2022
Developing a New Class from Alamosa Quilter

 I made this notebook cover several months ago. I thought I had shared it with you but I can't find the post so I guess I forgot!

Stitched Notebook Cover front

Stitched Notebook Cover open

The notebook cover above is my first attempt. For it I used some Essex Linen Denim color, scraps and size 8 pearl cotton in four variegated colors. I just laid the scraps on the linen and left the edges raw. A running stitch holds everything in place. The scraps are not fused or appliqued to the linen, just sewn on with the running stitches. I like working with the pearl cotton but ...

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March 16, 2021
Placemats and Napkins from Fret Not Yourself

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Finally. Two more kawandi placemats complete. There were only three birds so these have none and the scrap colors are much louder. I decided to pull a smaller, coordinated collection of scraps from the bag to add cohesion... Maybe. Reds in the first round established strong perimeters. I tried adding tiklis but am still not good at it. They usually occur to me after a round of stitching. 

Kawandi placemat 4

The dark pink across the top {and on the right side} is a gift from Sujata. It ...

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February 2, 2021
Stories in Stitches - A New Begining from The Root Connection



I was quite certain to be able to offer workshops in the month of January but it took us few weeks to get our footings back in the home. I have spent last three weeks unpacking, arranging and rearranging our belongings. I am sure it is not the end of it all but excited that we have managed to make some progress towards normalcy of life. 

Here is a little peek at my sewing space. There is a lot to organize. I can not wait to get my hands on my stash!


Guess what? All the plant babies survived the ...

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January 19, 2021
More Leaves and my Light Table from Fret Not Yourself

Whoever is careless with truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
~Albert Einstein


String Tulip QAL will start the first Tuesday in February. Thanks for responding so enthusiastically. Like our usual prompts, I will post steps in successive months. 

February 2 - ESS string blocks
March 2 - Tulip petals
April 6 - Center details
May 4 - Putting it all together

The instructions are not a mystery; they will recreate the three quilts I made with this design. The mystery is what you make of them. Everyone is encouraged to alter the instructions to suit their own plans. I ...

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December 26, 2020
Another Kawandi Placemat and More Tote Bags from Fret Not Yourself

Life is not fair but government must be.
~Ann Richards

There was time to finish a second kawandi placemat. Sujata gave me the idea when she suggested an appropriate size for her class. And I need a new set and what fun to work on something small in the evenings for a change. 

Kawandi placemat

This time the fula were sewn between the layers at the first round of stitching - just as Sujata recommends - but I didn't make quarter circles. Instead, they are folded into thirds, making them very thick and difficult to sew. I won't do it ...

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December 1, 2020
Kawandi with Sujata from Fret Not Yourself

The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. 
~Jane Addams


Last month Sujata Shah presented a lecture and workshop to our guild. She has a new class on kawandi which are quilts made by the Siddi people - Indians of African descent. Because some arrived as early as the 7th century while others came as slaves during the African Diaspora, regions have differing customs.

Kawandis are uniquely designed from the outside in. Siddis begin with a sari as the backing, baste waste fabric on ...

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October 12, 2020
Stories in Stitches - A webinar from The Root Connection

A Quilt Story - I Really Want to Tell  

I still remember that day very distinctly. I was at my niece' house in Seattle and walking down the stairs. I had just received an email from Gwen informing me that someone name Kris will contact me and if she asked to teach, I should grab that opportunity. 

That very afternoon, I heard from Kris Cornell of Quilted Strait. The email said, Gwen who had been teaching at Quilted Strait was going to retire and she had suggested my name to be filling the spot to teach at that shop. I remember ...

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