Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

June 28, 2021
#AGFMakersSpotlight - Stephanie from Bookends Quilting from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

Hi Makers,

One of the most amazing things about being a part of the quilting community is that we inspire each other! Thanks to social media, we creators get to share our art with the world and open our eyes to new techniques and designs. Being a part of Art Gallery Fabrics, I understand the impact good quality fabrics have on those who cherish their quilt art! We are constantly inspired by you as much as you inspire us. 

Every day we get to see the lovely creations that you share with us using the hashtag #artgalleryfabrics, and we love ...

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June 7, 2021
FOMO? How to follow Curlicue Creations from Curlicue Creations

Do you currently follow my blog by email notification?  If so, please be aware that in July, the Feedburner that provides this service will no longer be available.  I don't want you to miss out on new patterns and inspiration!  So, here's a few ways you can follow me.  

Sign up for my newsletter, here: 

Subscribe to the Curlicue Creations Newsletter

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I promise I won't bombard you with an overwhelming number of emails.  My newsletter will go out to you every month or so, depending on what's happening at Curlicue Creations.  Each ...

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May 18, 2021
Hexies galore and Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

I can't believe  it - I totally forgot that I had a post and a link up due today. I did vaguely think about it this week and then my sleep deprived brain skipped right over it. Such is life these days!

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April 22, 2021
Week 3 of #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt (Art) from Quilting & Learning

It's getting harder to keep up but I sort of did. I managed to forget to post on Friday (although I was sure that I had but didn't check...) Oh well, it's not really going to make any difference in anyone's life so I guess it's fine.

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April 13, 2021
Week 2 of #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt (Art) from Quilting & Learning

I've managed to stay organised and on time for week 2 of the #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt (Art). My next challenge is to do the same for week 3

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April 5, 2021
Week 1 of #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt (Art) from Quilting & Learning

The #AtoZchallenge2021Quilt started April 1 and I posted my first three letters on Instagram. If you didn't catch them, here is a recap.

A is for Art appliqué 

The piece is A White History of Art and the image that I used to illustrate Art Appliqué is the close-up of the representation of The White Girl by Whistler.

It was created for Art with Fabric Blog Hop, Fall 2018. It is based on a BBC series called History of Art in Three Colours. This piece is an interpretation of the White episode and the picture below portrays  The White ...

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March 23, 2021
Social Media Experiment from Tink Squared

I think I have weird chickens. Every time Jim or I muck out the coop and replace the bedding, the hens use all the nesting boxes to lay their eggs… for the first day. It’s like, “Hey look mom! New shoes! I can jump higher!” Do they think they can lay better? Faster?

And then they all go back to sharing just one box, like always.

What on earth does that have to do with social media? Nada. Zip. But it’s part of the little things in life I take pleasure in… again.

A week ago I decided ...

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February 19, 2021
A Biskit A Basket from Humble Quilts

I'm really not starting a new project, just doing a couple of test blocks. (famous quilter words!) 
I saw a great old quilt in reproductions with a wide double pink sashing. 

I wondered if I could mix it up and do it in the indigo blues that I have. The quilt was pieced but I also saw an applique option so thought I'd try both. 

This is a 6" finished pieced block. I got this fabric when I took a class from Lori Triplett on indigo resist. 

This is the appliqued version. 

It's a toss up for ...

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February 14, 2021
Who Doesn’t Love A Good Giveaway??? from Eric the Quilter

In celebration of the Eric the Quilter Facebook page getting 1500 followers, I decided to give something back! Here’s the kicker… 2 giveaways!!! One on Facebook, and one on Instagram!

Follow the jump to learn more!

First up we have the art roving! Who doesn’t love some good roving! This is a special art blend I whipped up on my drum carder. A friend pointed out the palette color is similar to Monet’s Water Lilies… So I think I’ll call it… I can’t come up with a name, so you guys give me one! It ...

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January 21, 2021
#AGFMaker Spotlight - Elizabeth Bolten from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

Hi Makers,

In every blog post that I share a collection with you all, I always encourage people to tag their makes on Instagram with us so we can see it! There is nothing more exciting for us than to see all you talented people create beautiful things with our fabrics. And how can we not share the love?! We dedicate our Mondays to shine a spotlight on those that tag their makes on Instagram using the hashtag #AGFMakerMonday so we can see them and we couldn’t be more grateful for everyone that participates. Not only do you inspire ...

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January 15, 2021
Sally Post Quilt from Humble Quilts

Good Morning! My office desk is covered in 1099's, W2's, and all other assortment of end of the year paperwork that I must get completed. The joys of owning your own business!  Many people pay an accountant to do this, but was encouraged during the 1980's recession to complete them myself and I've continued that until this day.  
With that said, I've done no new sewing since my Wednesday post and thought I'd share photos of my Sally Post quilt which I just took better photos of. 

This is another one that Gay at ...

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December 19, 2020
Top Nine 2020 on IG from Goer

I share my work over on Instagram @sarahgoerquilts. Top Nine combs a person's feed from the year to find the nine most popular posts. Here are mine.

1. My Sewcialites quilt along week 1 block.

2. Mini Series Sew Along Week 3.

3. My new board game closet. (Some of my favorite games can be found in this post.)

4. Mini Series Sew Along Week 1.

5. Blackwood Cardigan. (pattern from Helen's Closet Patterns)

6. Mini Series Sew Along Week 8.

7. Project QUILTING 11.3: Put a Heart on It. (2nd in Improv Log Cabin Mini Series ...

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December 2, 2020
stockings + top trend from Charm About You

You don't need me to tell you that the year so far has been crazy! I'm ready to settle down for a cosy, quiet winter. I still have a few projects to sew and if you're anything like me, you might have a few projects to sew this season too! 

Last year I created a tutorial for these simple patchwork stockings. A calm colour palette was called for by my girls (who are the users of these stockings!) but you could make them festive with Christmas prints or whatever colours fit your home.

The fun addition of ...

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November 20, 2020
Fun on A Friday! from Humble Quilts

Happy Friday Friends!

Here's a sneak peak at a vintage quilt purchase! Oh my goodness, it is darling as can be! Who doesn't love polka dots??!! More to come.

Here's my instagram from the last several weeks. 

A couple things:

I'm in charge of the Angel Tree program this year and we had a whopping 62 kids. In ONE Sunday, with less people attending (more watching from home these days) and a few texts on Monday all names were spoken for. With our "freeze" the next 2 weeks our church will not be meeting, so I ...

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November 6, 2020
This and That on A Friday from Humble Quilts

This and that on my design wall. I'm prepping some options for the string quilt class. I think the settings are endless!
 I finished my antique block quilt challenge! Whoop! Whoop! It is small, but everything else is unusual for me.  We will share our challenge quilt on November 25th. I'm looking forward to seeing them!
A bit of Instagram this week. 
And Elsa making herself comfy when nobody was looking!! She's looking at me like, "Oh Hi! What did you turn the light on for?" LOL


And so I had this crazy thought that Tuesday would ...

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31 Days of Digital Art from Becca's Crazy Projects

Even though the month of October is over I haven't stopped doing digital art following the great video tutorials offered by BeeJayDel. Sometimes I followed the tutorial very closely, other times I used different pose references or went a different direction. Can you spot the differences? 

I am so much more confident with Procreate but I have yet to find my own style. I'll keep working on it. 

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October 30, 2020
Sneak Peak from Humble Quilts

I got my quilt back from the quilter a couple of weeks ago and finally got a chance to get it trimmed. This weekend I'll make binding and get it attached!! Whoop! Whoop!
FYI, It is the Buhl Bushong quilt offered as a BOM from the Virginia Quilt Museum. 

After trashing a printer I'm afraid to try it again to make my quilt label. I do really need a better pen for labels. I'm using a Micron5 in black. Do you have any better recommendations?
Here's a peak into my latest Instagram.
Speaking of Instagram, I ...

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October 23, 2020
31 Days of Digital Art from Becca's Crazy Projects

You may have stumbled upon a thing called Inktober, or Drawtober, on social media this month. New art, like fall, is in the air. I love it. I've been following tutorials by BeeJayDel on YouTube and have been getting amazing results. 

He is presenting a new video every day in October. 

So many fun characters!
I'm learning how to use both Procreate and my Apple Pencil. 

Practice is how you get better. I'm getting better every drawing. And I'm loving the Halloween theme! Expect more of these before the month is out. Hopefully, long after that ...

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October 5, 2020
October Art from Becca's Crazy Projects

October is Inktober. While I'm not much of a pencil or pen artist, I am a big fan of digital art. I love my undo. Layers are also a super-handy feature. With paper and pen you only get the one chance. Based on tutorial by Art with Flo.  

I'm pretty much complete rubbish with following prompts for these sorts of things so I just do what makes me happy. This was done following a tutorial by Art with Flo. If you're new to digital art and Procreate I recommend checking YouTube for some tutorials to help you ...

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September 4, 2020
A Little Bit o' Chedda from Humble Quilts

 Cheddar is such a bold color to use in quilting. In this video I share a few of my cheddar quilts and talk about this terrific quilt color!

Here's a link if you are having a hard time watching it through blogger.  CLICK HERE

I shared on Facebook yesterday that I'm really missing guild meetings and talking about quilts!! My teachers always said I talked too much. I hope you enjoy it.

I haven't been too active on Instagram lately, but here's the recent photos.

If you are celebrating Labor Day, please do so carefully. 

Much ...

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