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March 27, 2025
Mid Week Finishes from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I am so used to sharing quilt tops made by others, I was pleasantly surprised that I am sharing a quilt top I made months ago.

It looks like I sewed up this quilt top in July of 2024.  It has just been sitting in a stack of tops waiting to rise to the surface. I had forgotten how much I really liked this quilt.

I used a fun blue polka dot fabric sent in by Holly for the backing.

Mina sent in anther quilt top using this awesome box pattern.  Every time I see one get finished; I want ...

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January 27, 2025
Stars of Peace QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you ...

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December 3, 2024
Springhouse Retreat Day Two from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Late—I'm going to be late this morning. No, not because I was sleeping. Oh no—chatting! I accomplished stuff yesterday and actually accomplished what I planned. However, I did my fair share of chatting, and well, isn't that what a quilt retreat is all about? So I'm good with that!!!

I am still thrilled with what I'm accomplishing, and that's all that counts. So what did I get done? Have a look. 

I got all the flannel I brought sewn into squares. There are 107 squares measuring 6 1/2", so that's a ...

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July 28, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Rows Complete from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 This week, I had to spend a lot of time putting together kits for longarm quilters. It is a slow process because it usually means I have to prepare a backing too. But I made sure I found some time to advance my scrap quilt project.

I was able to get all the rows sewn on my scrappy HSTs quilt. Now I just need to press all the seams before I can sew the rows together. I am really happy with how this is turning out and am very motivated to finish it.

Maybe I will have a completed quilt ...

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July 21, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Assembly Begins from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I spent most of the week assembling quilt tops and sewing backings for flimsies for Many Hands and Many Hearts.  Now I have a nice queue built up to go on a longarm.


Really the only scrap quilting I did this week was to start to sew the blocks together on my scrappy HST quilt.  So far I just have the bottom two rows completed.  Hopefully next week I will be able to complete the top.

I have had a new distraction this weekend.  Meet Estelle.  Arthur and I went to meet her Friday and Saturday she came to our ...

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June 30, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Orange HSTs from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

 I found a little bit of time this week to make the last blocks I need for my scrappy HST project.

These last twelve orange 6.5" HSTs will complete the corners on the layout.  Now I can finally sew up the quilt top and clear it off my design wall.  I am thinking I want to get out some of my orphan blocks and make a few donation quilts from them.  I certainly have an abundance of them!

Most of this week was spent organizing my old office into the storeroom for Many Hands and Many Hearts.  All the ...

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June 29, 2024
Prioritize - Focus - Win from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh gosh—I'm not even sure where to begin or how to say it. The NEW Studio B is a dream come true! If only I had known years ago what I know now! Would I still have tons of UFOs? I might, but I sure would have looked at my buying and making habits a whole lot differently. 

I guess it's like trying to tell a teenager to do something differently based on your experience. They don't want to do it and must learn their way. 

Please do NOT be jealous of me and where I ...

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June 16, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Scrappy HSTs from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Hurray!  I finished up the last 12 scrappy purple blocks I needed for my scrap quilt.  These blocks measure 6.5" square.  Next, I need to make 12 orange blocks to finish up the quilt top.  It will be nice to get this one off of my design wall.

Boy, I sure must have whined a lot about having to make bindings.  When I got my packages this weekend, the first box I opened had all these lovely, prepared bindings from Jen.

Then I opened the next box and found these scrappy bindings from Anne.

The third package I opened ...

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May 26, 2024
Oh Scrap! : More Purple from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

First - sorry I did not get a Friday finish post published. I had some finished quilts to share but it was a long week and I decided to take a break and put my feet up.

 I did, however, make a bit more progress on my scrap quilt this week.

I finished another eight lovely purple HST blocks.  I am finding really enjoy making these 6” beauties.

I added the blocks to the design wall and it looks like I am going to need a lot more. This quilt is actually going to be quite big.  I just hope I ...

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May 19, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Purple from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Somehow, I was able to get out my purple scraps this week and make these 8 scrappy blocks.

 I put them up on the wall with the rest of the blocks and discovered I need twenty more!  I guess I just keep chipping away at them until I finish the quilt.

Wishing everyone a Scrappy Sunday!


It is now your turn to share what you are making with scraps.  Here are the details for linking up: 

  • This linky party is for any scrappy project - It can be in-process or a finished piece.
  • You can link up your blog post (not ...

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May 5, 2024
Oh Scrap! : More HSTs from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Yay!  I wasn't sure if I was going to find the time to play with scraps this week.  
But I decided dusting is overrated!

I made ten more of the scrappy 6.5" HSTs for my scrappy quilt.

Here is where we are now.  I really had to dig deep to find enough of these royal blue scraps.  Next up will be some purple for the corners.  But first I need to find some big chunks of more gray scraps.

I am really pleased with how this is progressing!

What did you do with your scraps this week?


It ...

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April 21, 2024
Oh Scrap! : Progress from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Thanks for all your suggestions last week on how I should move forward on my scrappy HST quilt.

 I decided to make some orange blocks for the center and then purple blocks in the outer corners.

This week I was able to get the four orange blocks completed along with the six red blocks needed to finish the diamond. I have my blue scraps sorted so I hope to finish the ten blocks I need this week.

Before I know it, I am going to have a finished quilt top! 
Thanks for helping me move this project forward.


It is ...

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March 31, 2024
Oh Scrap! - Leftover Triangles from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I think some of you are getting to know me so well!

This week, I received quite a few big boxes full of blocks, fabric, scraps, bindings and thread.  It is always fun to open them and see what is inside.

One of the things I received were these bigger triangles.  I dropped everything to play with these! 
They are actually about 7".  It appears they may have been salvaged from a project because you could see stitching lines where someone had taken a seam ripper to them.  Of course I was instantly inspired by them!

I quickly got ut ...

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February 1, 2024
The green and gold! from Art In Search

      Another done quilt, this time the pieces and fabric from Quiltdiva Julie. This was part of a boxed set of goodies/quilt pieces from Julie to put together. My husband's high school colors were green and gold, so he really liked to see this one finished. It is a comfort quilt waiting for a referral to recipient who needs the comfort contained within.

Choosing Borders

Quilted and trimmed

With binding provided by Julie

Quilted details

Back, love that Blueberry Park fabric!

Back Detail

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December 17, 2023
Swirling Fish Block Tutorial from Sew Preeti Quilts

This tutorial will make two identical fish blocks. 

Background Fabric  - Five squares 5"
Assorted Green Fabrics - One square 9", five squares 5"
Contrasting Solid (choose a color different from background fabric) - One square 9"

Make two large half square triangles - Cut size 8.5", Finished size 8"
On the wrong side of the contrasting solid square (9"), draw a line connecting two diagonal corners. Place the large green square (9") right sides together with the contrasting solid square (9").  Stitch 1/4" away from the drawn line, on both sides. Cut on the drawn line. Press and square both HSTs ...

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November 14, 2023
Weekly update: sunshine, music, scraps + reading from With Strings Attached

 Just two walks last week -- Sand Pond (close to home at Illinois Beach State Park) and Greenbelt (on the border of Waukegan and North Chicago).   

On many days Stevens will declare right after lunch that he's ready to go out.   A good habit for both of us.  

Yesterday's baby shower (for which I made the quilt I showed last Wednesday) was cancelled.  The mother-to-be was having false labor.  (No baby yet, though.)    It was a good thing I hadn't given away our tickets to the LCCCA performance.   The Suits were great!  

# # # # #

In the studio:  the I Spy ...

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September 4, 2023
Tops sewn, borders on- bring on the backings! from Art In Search

      Two more tops were finished. I shopped at Joann's for the border fabric for the flannel batik squares quilt. I could not find batik flannel anywhere, so I bought a mottled lighter blue and a dark blue solid for the borders. After washing it, I cut and sewed the borders on and it is a big size about 70 x 76 now. I have to just accept it as it is instead of what it could be with the right fabric. It is soft and cuddly. When I was at Joann's, I was able to buy 5 yards ...

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August 8, 2023
Orange HSTs final arrangement from Art In Search

      I played around with the HSTs for a while, and finally decided to put the greenish, lightish squares in the center and the darker oranges around it. Sort of. I like the unpredictable quality of it. This layout is instead of the long skinny symmetrical one I showed in an earlier post. The fabrics are wonderful. I have it clipped together to web it soon.

     Also, here is the sewn green/gold HSTs top with border choice.

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July 23, 2023
Green/Gold HSTs from Art In Search

      The second gifted HST quilt is a green/golds one. I tried arranging the groupings of 4 in different directions, but I kept coming back to all of them in the same position. Somehow, that appeals to me. The varied tones of greens and golds seem to pull together this way. The quilt was a little small, so I added a 2" finished green border and now am picking a wider yellow one (4" Finished). I don't know why, but it reminds me of picnic tables in the park when I was a kid. They were always dark green.

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July 22, 2023
Hoping for loads of comfort from Art In Search

      Ninety five percent of my quilts are comfort quilts. They are made to be given, by referral, to those in need of comforting due to illness, treatment, bereavement, or serious setback. Most of them tend to go to those undergoing cancer treatment because that is the most common referral. I received a message from a friend whose cousin had just found out she had stage 4 lung cancer and has a short time to live. Fortunately, I had a done quilt that only needed washing and bag preparation. I was able to get it to my friend so she could ...

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