Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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January 2, 2025
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! from Quilting My Way

I was woken a couple times with fireworks. lol - We called it a night early. I was listening to an audio book and playing games till about 11 pm. Then called it a night. 

Was sorry to hear there was terror at the big gatherings.  Makes you wonder what life is coming to. 

I went walking 7 laps around the neighborhood. It felt good to get out and walk. Patrick went to meet with his golfing buddies to find out what is going on with the golf course. I guess they are raising prices, stopping yearly passes, and fixing things ...

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December 26, 2024

 Today I wanted to sleep in. First time since forever that I wasn't excited about Christmas morning. I used to wake up and get excited about Christmas day. Since it was just the two of us, I guess it wasn't top on my list. 

When I did get up, I worked on making blueberry muffins made. Patrick went to get a shower while I worked on the blueberry muffins.  He did help a little, but I could have used his help more. We opened gifts from Katt and called her. I got a beautiful Winnie the Pooh necklace ...

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December 25, 2024
Sending Christmas Cheer! from Quilting My Way

 This morning, Patrick and I enjoyed being able to sleep in - but I didn't. 

Got to enjoy a bit of time on the tablet and then need to drop of Christmas gifts. We headed to Nancy's first and gave her her gift. Then we went to moms and dropped off her gifts. I was going to go to the mail box, but had the wrong key. I had Nancy's. Too funny. I don't know where mom put her key, so didn't bother. Patrick watered her plants. Then we headed to Phil and Emily's. Patrick ...

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December 21, 2024
Tree Lighting Event from Quilting My Way

 Yesterday was one of those days, that when I got home, I went to bed. 

It started out with going grocery shopping and stopping to visit with Phill. It was good to give him a hug. We will trade gifts next week. 

Then we sat and watched TV and played games. I had to leave by 3 pm. I was picking Debbie up. 

I actually left a little bit earlier so we could check out the Brewery on helping us with donations. They were closed. We then went to Dutch Brothers and got our drinks. A couple of them are ...

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December 18, 2024
A Quiet Tuesday from Quilting My Way

This morning I slept in. Then we talked about what today and tomorrow will be like. I have stuff Friday to Sunday.  Patrick has his oncology appointment tomorrow. 

I pulled out my beaded ornaments and the bulbs for the Christmas tree. 

Asked Phil which one he was missing,  and found out he didn't get the snowman. So I will do one for him and then work on next year's ornament.  

Patrick pulled out the house boxes to put under the tree. We need to get another one, as this ones white sticks are falling off. There is one ...

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October 10, 2024
Easy DIY Little Witch Hats Garland: A Spooky & Fun Halloween Craft! from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

It's that time of the year again! Dust off your broomsticks and polish your cauldrons, Halloween is just around the corner! Get into the spooky spirit with a quick and easy last-minute witch hat garland project with your little ones. These adorable hats are fun to make with fabric scraps or our Fabric Wonders: 10” Square Packs, and they’re perfect for decorating your Halloween festivities!

We’ve whipped up some spooky magic with our 'Spooky ‘n Witchy' premium quilting cotton collection for these adorable little witch hats! Watch our quick how-to-video and download the Little Witch Hats Garland ...

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July 5, 2024
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY from Quilting My Way

Today started out with Patrick and I walking since Ron called to say he was going to Olympia. 

Then we waited a while before heading out to Nick and Joann's for BBQ and games. Patrick and Joann won the first set of games. Joann won the next 2 sets of games. Then we called it a night and come home. 

Sophie is hiding because of all the noise. We are going to sit and read in bed for a while. Then call it a night. 

The 4th isn't what it used to be, but we are thankful for ...

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May 13, 2024
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ALL from Quilting My Way

Things here were like any other day. With the exception of the phone calls wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. 

I really didn't want to do much today, so it wasn't that big of a day for me. I enjoyed being able to relax, but then I had to do a few things around the house to clean things up - not that this house is dirty. 

We cleared the table and put a new tablecloth on yesterday. So, I could pull out my beading and get it started all over again. I'm going to enjoy working ...

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May 11, 2024
Spending The Day At Moms & Quilting! from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was up early. I needed to work on the QOV information on each veteran that we need to honor. I wanted to do what I could for Carol. 

Then it was time to head out to moms. I stopped and got some Chai tea while I was on the way. Thought about washing the car at the car wash, but decided I would do it on the way back. 

There were 7 of us. It was pretty good. I worked on the blue and white block of the month that mom has. I pulled out moms' patterns ...

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January 1, 2024
Not Our "Normal" Christmas from Quilting My Way

 Since I had a cold on Christmas Day, we couldn't have mom over. If she caught the cold or even ended up with pneumonia, then it would be a game changer for her. So, she went to a dear friends house for Christmas Eve. She didn't want me to know who.  I'm just glad she was able to go somewhere. She did say it was the first time she had been alone for Christmas. That was a surprise to me. I was alone about 3 times in my lifetime. 

I slept most of the day. Patrick and ...

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December 27, 2023
It's Been A Rough Weekend - And Surgery Comes Thursday from Quilting My Way

I haven't been able to post the lost 3 days because of illness. I had/have a bad cold. I'm just now getting over it. It's been one of those weeks where I spend 2 1/2 days in bead sleeping, trying to get over this cold. It was a chill, then fever, chill, and fever the whole time. Today was the first day I felt what I can say is "normal" but not quiet. 

I had to call the nurse to let her know I was ill and getting over it. There was a slight possibility ...

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December 22, 2023
Merry Christmas! from Humble Quilts

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Hope yours is filled with peace and joy.

Merry Christmas my sweet friends.

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December 12, 2023
Celebrating the Fifth Year of Quiltmas! from Art Gallery Fabrics-The Creative Blog

To paraphrase Ebenezer Scrooge, "We will honor Quiltmas in our hearts and try to keep it all the year!" In fact, we'll keep in for several years, because this year marks the Fifth Year of the Quiltmas Spectacular! In case you haven't heard of the Quiltmas Spectacular, let me tell you! Twelve quilt pattern designers were busy in the Quiltmas Elf Workshop designing 12 quilt block patterns to celebrate the wonderful, wintery season! Every day, December 1 through 12, the Quiltmas Elves unwrapped one free quilt block pattern and shared it with everyone.

To celebrate the fifth year ...

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BE Christmas Party Today from Quilting My Way

 I got started on putting my stuff together in the crockpot for my artichoke dip. It didn't cook the full time here, so when I got to the grange, I plugged it in. First, I had to stop at the Church to drop off 2 quilts, then I went to Safeway for bread. Once that was done, I headed over to Connie's where she gave me 2 more quilts that need bindings on. It was a trade off since I gave her 2 quilts with backing and batting. I brought home one of her tops to see what ...

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December 8, 2023
Hate After Affects Of Shots!! from Quilting My Way

 Yesterday I wasn't feeling 100% because of the COVID shot on Monday. But I did go to our WWII veterans' home to honor him with a quilt. I will try and post that photo later. Debbie was saying Chip mentioned we have lost all but one of the veterans from WWII that we honored this year. I was shocked to hear that, since we honored close to 10 or 15. I'm glad we were able to honor them when we did then. 

I pretty much called it a night around 8 pm last night, then found I couldn ...

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November 26, 2023
Sunday Stash November 26, 2023 from Quilt Paint Create

No fabric in this week. I finished Love Inspired for a little fabric out.

We spent yesterday with family entertaining the children with activities like this.

Fun and laughter all around with a chance to enjoy my great-niece.

On the creative side, the sewing room is in that place where I finished one project and haven’t started the next one. There are several waiting in the queue and a couple in process scattered around. I’ll see what speaks to me the loudest when I get in there today.

Fabric In: 35.875 yards

Fabric out: 9.125 yards ...

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November 24, 2023
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! from Quilting My Way

I was up early this morning to get the rolls in the tins for supper. I had them raise for about 3 hours before putting them in the oven. We worked on trying to keep them warm. I worked till they took them out of the bag and set them on the counter. 

We went and picked mom up. She wasn't too talkative. That was fine. I think her hearing aides weren't working. 

We got down to Ridgefield and found the place where my niece lives. They are in a nice area. We all chatted and then sat ...

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November 23, 2023
The Stitchy Spot from Quilt Paint Create

We reveal our challenge quilts at the meeting next week. Rather than show what’s going on in the sewing room, I decided to post a stitch project update.

This pattern is appropriately called Gather and Give Thanks by Imaginating.

That owl was tough with all the brown tones and color changes. I’m happy to have moved on to the pumpkins. I’ll add the back stitch as I go to keep from having it all at the end. A lot of it highlights the design rather than outlining the motifs.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States. I ...

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November 12, 2023
VETERANS DAY! Presentation At The Veterans Memorial Museum from Quilting My Way

This morning I was getting the quilt and my box ready to take to the Veterans Day presentation at the museum. We didn't do our usual presentation, but we did do a presentation. We were honored to honor 5 veterans today. 

They were Thomas "Skip" Greenwell, Army Ryan Michael Foreman, Army, Steven "Skip" Craig, Coast Guard, Carl Stone, Army, Tabitha Hopp (guest speaker) Army. 

It was an awesome ceremony. We had most of our group there. 

Came home and played. First I got supper going since it was 4:30 pm when I got home. Then I sat to ...

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October 8, 2023
Sunday Stash October 8, 2023 from Quilt Paint Create

No change in the numbers, although I did finish two things.

The first finish was my great nephew’s afghan.

It was crocheted with Lion Brand yarn Mandala Ombre, maybe color 208AL. The label says no color number, but lists that number. I don’t believe there was a pattern for this. I just copied what my sister had done before she passed.

Next I framed Words of Joy Tree with a frame I picked up at Goodwill several years ago. It wasn’t my local store, might have been the one in Columbus. I’m super proud that I ...

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