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February 6, 2025
Runner up blog hop – Μπλογκο-επισκέψεις με θέμα ένα ράνερ για τραπέζι ή κρεβάτι from Mania for Quilts

First challenge for 2025 for Island Batik Ambassadors Program. This month we had to use the Studio 180 Design tool we received in our Ambassador box in order to make a table runner or bed runner!   

Πρώτη πρόκληση για το Πρόγραμμα των Πρεσβευτών των Island Batik. Αυτόν τον μήνα έπρεπε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το εργαλείο από το Studio 180 Design που πήραμε με το κουτί που μας έστειλαν, προκειμένου να κάνουμε ένα ράνερ είτε για τραπέζι είτε για κρεβάτι!   

We had to use the Fall 2024 fabric bundle and as many collection SKUs as possible. While using the tool, we had ...

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Runner up blog hop – Μπλογκο-επισκέψεις με θέμα ένα ράνερ για τραπέζι ή κρεβάτι from Mania for quilts

First challenge for 2025 for Island Batik Ambassadors Program. This month we had to use the Studio 180 Design tool we received in our Ambassador box in order to make a table runner or bed runner!   

Πρώτη πρόκληση για το Πρόγραμμα των Πρεσβευτών των Island Batik. Αυτόν τον μήνα έπρεπε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το εργαλείο από το Studio 180 Design που πήραμε με το κουτί που μας έστειλαν, προκειμένου να κάνουμε ένα ράνερ είτε για τραπέζι είτε για κρεβάτι!   

We had to use the Fall 2024 fabric bundle and as many collection SKUs as possible. While using the tool, we had ...

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October 9, 2024
What’s in your bag – October challenge / Tι έχεις στην τσάντα σου – πρόκληση Οκτωβρίου from Mania for Quilts

As every year, ByAnnie sent us the pattern we had chosen from her patterns that have Add-On video. She also sent us everything we need in term of materials with Island Batik sending us the fabric we had also chosen.

Οπως κάθε χρόνο, η εταιρία ByAnnie μας έστειλε ένα σχέδιο που είχαμε διαλέξει από τα σχέδιά της που έχουν συμπληρωματικό βιντεάκι. Μας έστειλε επίσης και ό,τι χρειαζόμαστε από πλευράς υλικών με τα αγαπημένα Island Batik να μας στέλνουν τα υφάσματα που είχαμε επίσης προεπιλέξει.

I chose the pattern “Courtside” and received everything in my 2nd semester’s box in ...

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What’s in your bag – October challenge / Tι έχεις στην τσάντα σου – πρόκληση Οκτωβρίου from Mania for quilts

As every year, ByAnnie sent us the pattern we had chosen from her patterns that have Add-On video. She also sent us everything we need in term of materials with Island Batik sending us the fabric we had also chosen.

Οπως κάθε χρόνο, η εταιρία ByAnnie μας έστειλε ένα σχέδιο που είχαμε διαλέξει από τα σχέδιά της που έχουν συμπληρωματικό βιντεάκι. Μας έστειλε επίσης και ό,τι χρειαζόμαστε από πλευράς υλικών με τα αγαπημένα Island Batik να μας στέλνουν τα υφάσματα που είχαμε επίσης προεπιλέξει.

I chose the pattern “Courtside” and received everything in my 2nd semester’s box in ...

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September 3, 2024
Adventurus Applique August Blog-hop / Μπλογκο-επισκέψεις Αυγούστου με θέμα “Περιπετειώδες Απλικέ” from Mania for Quilts

For this month’s blog hop we had to make a quilt in raw edge and glue basted technique with no fusible used. The size should be lap or larger. You may see the technique proposed here.

Για το blog hop αυτού του μήνα, έπρεπε να φτιάξουμε ένα πάπλωμα με την τεχνική της ελεύθερης άκρης και κόλλας για στερέωση, χωρίς τη χρήση θερμοκολλητικού. Το μέγεθος θα έπρεπε να είναι για ριχτάρι ή μεγαλύτερο. Μπορείτε να δείτε την προτεινόμενη τεχνική εδώ.

We also had to use our Spring 2024 fabric bandle that we had received in our latest box sent to ...

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Adventurus Applique August Blog-hop / Μπλογκο-επισκέψεις Αυγούστου με θέμα “Περιπετειώδες Απλικέ” from Mania for quilts

For this month’s blog hop we had to make a quilt in raw edge and glue basted technique with no fusible used. The size should be lap or larger. You may see the technique proposed here.

Για το blog hop αυτού του μήνα, έπρεπε να φτιάξουμε ένα πάπλωμα με την τεχνική της ελεύθερης άκρης και κόλλας για στερέωση, χωρίς τη χρήση θερμοκολλητικού. Το μέγεθος θα έπρεπε να είναι για ριχτάρι ή μεγαλύτερο. Μπορείτε να δείτε την προτεινόμενη τεχνική εδώ.

We also had to use our Spring 2024 fabric bandle that we had received in our latest box sent to ...

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July 11, 2024
Unboxing for Island Batik – 2nd semester from Mania for Quilts

As you already know, this is my 7th year as an Island Batik Ambassador. Yeahhhh!!!! My second box sent by Island Batik arrived (in fact there are two boxes) and I recorded the unboxing. This time we were at our summerhouse and the boxes arrived there. My husband brought them to me. You see how happy he also is!

Αυτή είναι 7η χρονιά μου ως Πρέσβειρα των Island Batik. Ναι!!!! Το πρώτο πακέτο μου από τα Island Batik ήρθε και μαγνητοσκόπησα το ξεπακετάρισμα. Αυτή τη φορά τα παρέλαβα στο εξοχικό. Ο άντρας μου τα έφερε και δείτε κι εκείνος πόσο ...

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Unboxing for Island Batik – 2nd semester from Mania for quilts

As you already know, this is my 7th year as an Island Batik Ambassador. Yeahhhh!!!! My second box sent by Island Batik arrived (in fact there are two boxes) and I recorded the unboxing. This time we were at our summerhouse and the boxes arrived there. My husband brought them to me. You see how happy he also is!

Αυτή είναι 7η χρονιά μου ως Πρέσβειρα των Island Batik. Ναι!!!! Το πρώτο πακέτο μου από τα Island Batik ήρθε και μαγνητοσκόπησα το ξεπακετάρισμα. Αυτή τη φορά τα παρέλαβα στο εξοχικό. Ο άντρας μου τα έφερε και δείτε κι εκείνος πόσο ...

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July 25, 2023
Unboxing for Island Batik – July 2023/ ‘Ανοιγμα κουτιού για τα Island Batik – Ιανουάριος 2023 from Mania for Quilts

The second box for my 6th year of Island Batik Ambassadors Program came and it is amazing as always. Island Batik,  Hobbs, Aurifil and Accuquilt have been generous as always and look what they sent.

To δεύτερο κουτί για την 6η μου χρονιά ως Πρέσβειρα των Island Batik ήρθε και ήταν όπως πάντα καταπληκτικό. Island Batik,  Hobbs, Aurifil και Accuquilt ήταν γεννιαόδωροι όπως πάντα και κοιτάξτε τι μου έστειλαν.

And if you are not a video type, let’s see some photos. Look how many beautiful things I was sent!

Και αν δεν είστε τύπος βίντεο, ας τα δούμε και ...

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Unboxing for Island Batik – July 2023/ ‘Ανοιγμα κουτιού για τα Island Batik – Ιανουάριος 2023 from Mania for quilts

The second box for my 6th year of Island Batik Ambassadors Program came and it is amazing as always. Island Batik,  Hobbs, Aurifil and Accuquilt have been generous as always and look what they sent.

To δεύτερο κουτί για την 6η μου χρονιά ως Πρέσβειρα των Island Batik ήρθε και ήταν όπως πάντα καταπληκτικό. Island Batik,  Hobbs, Aurifil και Accuquilt ήταν γεννιαόδωροι όπως πάντα και κοιτάξτε τι μου έστειλαν.

And if you are not a video type, let’s see some photos. Look how many beautiful things I was sent!

Και αν δεν είστε τύπος βίντεο, ας τα δούμε και ...

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January 31, 2023
Unboxing for Island Batik – January 2023/ ‘Ανοιγμα κουτιού για τα Island Batik – Ιανουάριος 2023 from Mania for Quilts

You have already probably read that I was chosen as an Island Batik Ambassador for the 6th year. What a great honor for me and our country! And then came the first box!

Θα έχετε ίσως ήδη διαβάσει ότι επιλέχθηκα για 6η φορά ως Πρέσβειρα των υφασμάτων Island Batik. Τι μεγάλη τιμή για μένα αλλά και για τη χώρα μας!! Και μετά ήρθε το πρώτο κουτί!

The first happy time of the year! The time that we open our first boxes with all goods sent to us by Island BatikAccuquiltHobbs and Deb Tucker studio 180 Design for this ...

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Unboxing for Island Batik – January 2023/ ‘Ανοιγμα κουτιού για τα Island Batik – Ιανουάριος 2023 from Mania for quilts

You have already probably read that I was chosen as an Island Batik Ambassador for the 6th year. What a great honor for me and our country! And then came the first box!

Θα έχετε ίσως ήδη διαβάσει ότι επιλέχθηκα για 6η φορά ως Πρέσβειρα των υφασμάτων Island Batik. Τι μεγάλη τιμή για μένα αλλά και για τη χώρα μας!! Και μετά ήρθε το πρώτο κουτί!

The first happy time of the year! The time that we open our first boxes with all goods sent to us by Island BatikAccuquiltHobbs and Deb Tucker studio 180 Design for this ...

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November 3, 2022
Creative Christmas Stocking with Island Batik from Curlicue Creations

This month's Island Batik Ambassador challenge was to make a Christmas Stocking.  

Disclaimer:  The products used to make this stocking were given to me by Island Batik and industry partners.

I was inspired to use the Emperor's Treasures strip pack and the dark coordinate, Merlot, that I received in my Island Batik Ambassador second shipment for 2022.

Though the purples and lime green are not very traditional Christmas colors, I love the rich look of them paired with the dark purple Merlot coordinating fabric.  The first thing I did was cut 2-1/2" strips of the dark purple ...

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October 19, 2022
My turn for Pinktober / Η σειρά μου για αυτή τη δράση from Mania for Quilts

Today is my turn for this blog hop. I have already posted about it here. On top of the project we had to make, as I told you on my previous post, we had to talk a little bit about our experience on this issue.

Σήμερα είναι η σειρά μου γι’ αυτή τη δράση, για την οποία σας μίλησα εδώ. Και εκτός από το έργο που σας είπα ότι έπρεπε να φτιάξουμε, στην ανάρτησή μας θα έπρεπε να πούμε και δυο λόγια για την εμπειρία μας.

I have posted about my cancer here. I do not want to talk about ...

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My turn for Pinktober / Η σειρά μου για αυτή τη δράση from Mania for quilts

Today is my turn for this blog hop. I have already posted about it here. On top of the project we had to make, as I told you on my previous post, we had to talk a little bit about our experience on this issue.

Σήμερα είναι η σειρά μου γι’ αυτή τη δράση, για την οποία σας μίλησα εδώ. Και εκτός από το έργο που σας είπα ότι έπρεπε να φτιάξουμε, στην ανάρτησή μας θα έπρεπε να πούμε και δυο λόγια για την εμπειρία μας.

I have posted about my cancer here. I do not want to talk about ...

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September 7, 2022
Island Batik Ambassador Studio 180 Blog Hop featuring Beeswax from Curlicue Creations

Hello!  Welcome to day two of the Island Batik Ambassador Studio 180 blog hop.  This is my quilt, Beeswax.

Disclaimer:  The products used to make this quilt were given to me by Island Batik and industry partners.
This month's challenge was to make a quilt using the ruler we were given in the second Ambassador shipment, paired with a new Island Batik fabric collection that also came in the second shipment.  

I received the Beehive Buzz fabric collection by Kathy Engle.  Isn't it fabulous?  These fabrics are sweet as honey!  This project is the second quilt I made ...

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July 26, 2022
Island Batik Ambassador Unboxing Video ~ Second Shipment for 2022! from Curlicue Creations


Hello!  It's Island Batik Ambassador unboxing video time and today is my day!  Watch my video to see what wonderful supplies I received to use for my Island Batik Ambassador projects for the second half of 2022.

Disclaimer:  The products in this post were given to me by Island Batik and industry partners.
Here's a recap in photos of my boxes' contents:
I received two packages of stash builders.  I've already opened and used part of one package for my July Accuquilt Tree of Life challenge.  Each stash builder roll has four different fabrics, 5" x W ...

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February 6, 2022
Ringmaster Quilt and Pattern in McCall's Quilting Magazine! from Curlicue Creations

Photo by McCall's Quilting
Introducing: The Ringmaster quilt.  An intricate looking pattern made with two blocks and straight seams that gives an illusion of curves.

Disclaimer:  Products used to make this quilt were given to me by Island Batik and Hobbs Batting.
The Ringmaster quilt and pattern appears in the new issue of McCall's Quilting magazine.  It's the March/April 2022 issue.  Ringmaster is on pages 26 through 31.

This is one of the two blocks in the quilt.  It's made with a combination of half square rectangles and foundation piecing.

I was able to cut ...

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January 30, 2022
Step by Step featuring the Sunrise quilt from Curlicue Creations

Today I'm going to show you the gradations project I made for the January Island Batik Ambassador challenge.  I'm calling this quilt Sunrise.  I ended last year with Sunset Tree, so it was only fitting to begin 2022 with a Sunrise.

Disclaimer:  The products used to make this quilt were given to me by Island Batik and Industry Partners.
The January Challenge is aptly titled Step by Step.  This year Island Batik has put together 10 different colorways of gradation fabrics.  These beautiful foundation fabrics are available by the yard in local quilt shops.

I received Opulent Orange ...

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January 27, 2022
Island Batik Ambassador 2022 Unboxing Video from Curlicue Creations

I'm so excited to announce that I'm an Island Batik Ambassador for the 5th year in a row!  Here's my first unboxing video for 2022.

Thanks so much for watching!  Thank you so much, Island Batik and Hobbs Batting for supplying such beautiful fabric and batting for my projects.

Have you seen the list of Island Batik Ambassadors for 2022?  It's another great group!  I encourage you to visit all the ambassador's blogs and get to know them all.  Here's a list:

Brenda Alburl ~ Songbird Designs
Megan Best ~ Bestquilter
Pamela Boatright ~ Pamelaquilts
Elizabeth DeCroos ...

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  • hobbsbatting
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