I finally set up a page on the website to sell the items Hubs and Prodigal Son are making in the workshop. So far, most of what they have made have been requested by yours truly due to customer requests. I have somewhat kept them from turning out the designs they have in their heart to do. While I should 'probably' leave them alone, I just can't help myself! :)
The first item I had them make was a garden dibbler. A dibbler is used to plant seeds or bulbs. The notches on it start at 1/2" and then ...
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The cold weather finds me sitting in front of the woodburner all nestled up and cozy. A lot of people start to feel depression this time of year. The days are shorter. The nights are longer. We don't venture outside as much and doctors attribute the "winter blues" to a lack of Vitamin D and lack of sunlight.
Yesterday, we had a bit of warmer weather. After spending all day Saturday in the kitchen working on this, that and the other....I needed some time outside. I have garlic that is late being planted, so I violated the rule ...
The metal shop is up and running. The wedding is coming in November....what??? Prodigal Son is getting married in November! I am blessed to love all the significant other's of our six kids. The theme of the wedding is Sunflowers. Auntie Mo Mo (what the kids call Prodigal Son's bride-to-be) loves sunflowers and even got him to wear a sunflower shirt to the shower.
You know I can't resist posting a pic of my Puddin Pop! |
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