Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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March 25, 2025
Finding Time to Stitch from Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

There’s no use trying to stitch until Oscar and Cooper are tired and sleepy. It usually happens between 7 and 8 p.m. It was 7:25 tonight. Look at sweet, little Cooper with his head on my tummy. He can be so snuggly but he can also be way too rough on Oscar. I hope Cooper...

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March 23, 2025
Sad Morning from Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

I’m going to put the sad news at the bottom in case no one wants sad news! Really, this whole post is sad news – more like aggravating news. Yesterday morning I cooked breakfast and I got some applesauce out of the fridge and it was moldy. I thought . . that hasn’t been in...

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Grand Opening from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Well, I made good on my threat to attend the grand opening of the new quilt shop near my home. It was a sunny morning, which made it nice. I stopped off at the quilt shop, and then walked across the parking lot to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items we'd forgotten the day before. It was all very uplifting and convenient.

So, let's talk about the quilt shop: Bobbins and Bits. First, I hadn't planned to be there when the doors opened. When I saw this image on ...

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Grand Opening from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Well, I made good on my threat to attend the grand opening of the new quilt shop near my home. It was a sunny morning, which made it nice. I stopped off at the quilt shop, and then walked across the parking lot to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items we'd forgotten the day before. It was all very uplifting and convenient.

So, let's talk about the quilt shop: Bobbins and Bits. First, I hadn't planned to be there when the doors opened. When I saw this image on ...

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March 18, 2025
A Fish Story from Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

I’m always proud of Chad. He aggravates me sometimes but I’m sure I aggravate him more than he aggravates me. They’re on spring break and he’s been fishing. Yesterday he caught three BIG big mouth bass. The biggest one weighed 8.5 pounds and he posted it on Facebook. I saw this discussion on FB. My...

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March 17, 2025
Conniving Puppy from Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

Oscar and Cooper are so different. Oscar isn’t sneaky. He goes after whatever he wants – doesn’t matter if I’m watching him or not. Cooper . . sneaky as can be. He keeps his eyes on me when he’s doing something he knows he shouldn’t be doing . . like he thinks if he locks...

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Enjoying Our Visit With My Sister-In-Law from Quilting My Way

This morning, everyone was up before me. lol I laid on Patrick for a bit and fell asleep. Poor guy didn't get to go back to sleep. 

We all watched how things are made on the TV. Sue was showing us how to work the Roku. Now we are set. Best part is that we don't have to mess with the tablet or the phones to turn on the shows we want. 

Later we went to Talking Cedar (Distillery) and had supper. I ordered a friend chicken salad, and he even asked me about the dressing. When the ...

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March 11, 2025
Visiting And Spending Time With Mom from Quilting My Way

 This morning, Patrick woke and went back to bed. He was going to golf this morning but decided it was too dark and cold to go. I got up a little later and the left to pick up Sandy. We (I) decided to go and have a drink. We went to Fiddler's in Centralia were people go to get coffee/tea and can sit in the lounge as long as they want. I found a couple people who were studying and then fell asleep. lol We were there a good 2 hours just chatting and munching. Sandy and I ...

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March 10, 2025
Had Other Things To Do Today from Quilting My Way

 This morning, Patrick was up before me. He came in to tell me it was 9 am. Of course, we had a time change to move forward. UGH I would have been better off going backwards in time. 

I made cinnamon rolls today. It turned out really good. A little on the sweet side for me though. 

I got a text from my sister-in-law asking if I found those photos of mom that she asked for. I had to go down to the boxes of photo's downstairs - nothing there. I saw some of the photos not too long ago ...

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March 8, 2025
Morning Meandering from ... Cat Patches

Good afternoon, my friends. I'm late for our chat today. Erik texted me late yesterday afternoon to inquire whether we "should" go to the farmer's market this morning. And, I'm always up for the farmer's market, even when I don't need anything. I just love hanging out with my kiddos, and the market is always fun too. 

So that's what we did. I stuck to my guns about not needing anything. Instead, I bought something I absolutely don't need...fudge. I believe my love of fudge is already well established, so how could ...

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Morning Meandering from Cat Patches

Good afternoon, my friends. I'm late for our chat today. Erik texted me late yesterday afternoon to inquire whether we "should" go to the farmer's market this morning. And, I'm always up for the farmer's market, even when I don't need anything. I just love hanging out with my kiddos, and the market is always fun too. 

So that's what we did. I stuck to my guns about not needing anything. Instead, I bought something I absolutely don't need...fudge. I believe my love of fudge is already well established, so how could ...

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March 4, 2025
Weekend of Family from Jo's Country Junction

The family was home this weekend. Of course, for me, that meant baking…Pies… and cinnamon rolls. The pie was Strawberry Rhubarb. It’s my son-in-law Craig’s favorite. I’m trying to use up food from the freezer. That determined the pie flavor. I had strawberries and had rhubarb. I also made a pan of monster cookie bars. …

Weekend of Family Read More »

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March 3, 2025
I Tried To Plan......But We All Know How That Goes from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was sleeping in. I couldn't seem to get up before 9:30 am. Patrick told me to go back to sleep when he got up, so I did. Then the phone was ringing. 

I checked my texts, as I had several dings around the time I finally got up. It was the family telling me my Uncle is on hospice and has cancer throughout his body. I wasn't surprised actually. This is my last Uncle, and the last time I saw him, he ticked me off so bad that I stopped being in contact. Which ...

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March 2, 2025
Water Woes from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It started as an ordinary day...playing word games, checking email, perusing the news to see if the United States is at war with Europe yet. (Just kidding about that last part...sort of.) When I'd had my coffee, I asked Mike if he'd like breakfast first or if I should write my blog post first. He opted for breakfast. And everything was going along fine until I went to wash out the bowl emptied of pancake batter (pancakes on the griddle by then). When I turned the faucet on...nothing. Not a dribble ...

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Water Woes from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It started as an ordinary day...playing word games, checking email, perusing the news to see if the United States is at war with Europe yet. (Just kidding about that last part...sort of.) When I'd had my coffee, I asked Mike if he'd like breakfast first or if I should write my blog post first. He opted for breakfast. And everything was going along fine until I went to wash out the bowl emptied of pancake batter (pancakes on the griddle by then). When I turned the faucet on...nothing. Not a dribble ...

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Trying To Move More Today from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was up and enjoying the morning. Patrick was going out to work in the yard and I wanted to get some walking in. I walked 3 laps around the neighborhood and was chatting with Ron on the phone. Made his day when I told him I was only getting 3 laps in. 

Came in to have the house to myself while Patrick was outside. Then halfway through my show, my cousin called, and I ended up spending close to 2 hours with him on the phone. We worked on the family history. I was entering information while ...

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February 26, 2025
The Family from Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara

Every time I start to share something here about Chad, I giggle a bit because I know there are a few of you here who remember Chad’s high school/college years. For those who weren’t around that long ago, he wasn’t a terrible kid but there were some difficult times – part of raising our kiddos...

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February 23, 2025
Fresh Start from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a good day of sewing yesterday. I was able to finish off the Circus piece. It just needs the binding hand-sewn now. Today's sewing will probably be mostly hand-sewing, although I'm going to make good on my threat to sew the Kittens blocks into a finished quilt top.

There still is no plan for these. I've been mulling it over, and I have a couple of ideas. We'll all just have to wait and see what my hands do with them. It's unlikely that I can finish it today ...

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Fresh Start from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a good day of sewing yesterday. I was able to finish off the Circus piece. It just needs the binding hand-sewn now. Today's sewing will probably be mostly hand-sewing, although I'm going to make good on my threat to sew the Kittens blocks into a finished quilt top.

There still is no plan for these. I've been mulling it over, and I have a couple of ideas. We'll all just have to wait and see what my hands do with them. It's unlikely that I can finish it today ...

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February 21, 2025
An interlude from A Prim and (not so) Proper Quilter

While struggling to baste the Down & Dirty Civil War Repro Quilt, I found myself experiencing an interlude of interruptions or, as I’m prone to say, life happens. 

The quilt became a flimsy last week—I think Wednesday. But the next day while accompanying a dear friend to the hospital for a heart cath, I ran into the bestie of one of our daughters-in-law, and learned that her father was in the hospital and not doing well. The next day one of our sons landed in another hospital and is still there. And the day after that, the father of ...

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