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October 24, 2020
On Being Efficient... from From the Strawberry Patch...

Each and every day I endeavor to be efficient. I live to make the best use of my time! So, a few weeks ago I volunteered to bring food for Fellowship Time between Sunday School and Worship for tomorrow. I knew what I wanted to make and planned out my times to make them. A batch of Jack O' Lantern Jumble, mini pumpkin muffins and homemade cinnamon rolls. I decided that I'd make a batch of the

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On Being Efficient... from From the Strawberry Patch...

Each and every day I endeavor to be efficient. I live to make the best use of my time! So, a few weeks ago I volunteered to bring food for Fellowship Time between Sunday School and Worship for tomorrow. I knew what I wanted to make and planned out my times to make them. A batch of Jack O' Lantern Jumble, mini pumpkin muffins and homemade cinnamon rolls. I decided that I'd make a batch of the

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  • efficiency
  • Page 1 of 1 ( 2 posts )