The group ended up enjoying being ...
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The group ended up enjoying being ...
My Dear Jane Journey
Electric Quilt has re-released Brenda Papadakis’ Dear Jane software as a download specifically for EQ8!
And you can get it at a special Introductory Price for the month of April!
Details are HERE. read more
My poor Dear Jane must feel abandoned again. I had blocks with me on every one of my work trip but I did stitch one thread at all. No time on the way in or while away and no energy left after the business meetings so no sewing on the way back either. Finally I managed to pick it up again during the Christmas break and finished D2 Mouse in the Mirror. This one was started in October during our last holidays.
And ... read more
Yipeee - it's a FREE day today. I have one thing on the calendar and it's totally my call if I go or not. It's a used book sale - of course, I'm going!
I bailed from the meeting I was supposed to go to last night. After the three classes and all the stuff that went on in the last couple of weeks, I was tired. So I came home, had dinner with DH and then sat and read my book. It was glorious! I even ignored my alarm this morning. Well, after I shut it off ...
We were travelling this weekend so I finally managed to finish C10 - Patriots Lantern
1 more block and 1 more Row for my Dear Jane quilt! Baby steps for sure but progress is progress
Linking to Monday Design Wall, Wednesday Wait Loss, Midweek Makers.
Celine read more
Lange, lange hat es gedauert.
Nun ist er endlich fertig.
Begonnen im Jahr 2009!!!
Eigentlich sollte es eine Tagesdecke in Doppelbett-Größe werden.
Nun ist es ein Wandbehang geworden und er macht sich sehr gut in meinem neuen Nähzimmer.
Die einzelnen Blöcke habe ich mit der Quilt-as-you-go Methode zusammen gefügt.
Die Blöcke habe ich also bereits vorher gequiltet.
Manche mit der Hand, andere mit der Maschine.
Bei Pinterest sind noch einmal fast alle Blöcke einzeln zu sehen.
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A pesar de las numerosísimas tareas que tengo en marcha, no lo puedo remediar, he hecho otra incursión en el Dear Jane.Esta vez me he apuntado a un grupo español y a otro inglés, a ver si de esta manera me obligo a cumplir con los plazos y avanzo un poco la tarea.
Yo ya tengo muchos bloques hechos, algunos aún no los he publicado, pero precisamente el primero es el único que hice hace un montón de años cuando inicialmente proyecté hacer el quilt sobre fondo oscuro, así que lo he vuelto a hacer, esta vez sobre fondo ...
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