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December 26, 2024
Christmas is over! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

What a busy month and Christmas day.  Chalk that day up for being done and enjoyed by family.

I was busy this month putting bindings on quilts.  It was a hard go with this guy plunking himself down on top of what I was trying to do.  I did get three quilts done this month.  Yeah me!

 Two almost identical quilts.  The borders are different blue fabrics. So, why two?  Read on.

Quilt Info:

Pattern name:  "Berry Smoothie" by Villa Rosa Designs
Size:  61" x 78"
Batting:  Polyester
Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham

So .... why two?  My grand nephews will ...

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August 16, 2024
A Pile of Quilts from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

This is the aftermath of changing out the quilts each month ..... a huge pile of quilts to roll up or fold.

Help is always appreciated when doing this job ...... but this fella kept getting in the way!  He really liked the rolling bit and the string tying.  Play time!  LOL
Sister and I went to the cottage for an overnight stay.  We saw a momma partridge and four babies.  Momma just sauntered slowly across the road in front of my car and her four babies flew across the road.  If you look closely to the left side of the road ...

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July 17, 2024
Almost there! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Well, my plan to try to get at least two blocks done per day is working.  Not many more to go now.  Just 16 full blocks ......

.... and 8 half blocks on both ends.

My sister and I went to the cottage a couple of weeks ago.  We saw autumn colours on the trees.  Say it isn't so!!!!  No, it was the setting sun casting a glow on the trees across the lake.  Whew.

Then, we saw something in the middle of the lake.  What in the world was it.  Was it a bird?  No, this thing was odd looking ...

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November 29, 2023
Oh hexie, hexie, hexie from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

The left hand side of this section has been added .... now onto the right side.

.... and, before I knew it ..... just like that ..... this section is done.  Three rows added to the top and bottom!  Just need to do the remaining three sections.
I needed to clear up my design wall to get this UFO up and running.  More on this for a later post.
In order to clear the design wall, all my hexies for the other sections were carefully removed and pinned and labelled onto this fabric.  Don't these hexies look wonderful on that dark fabric?  This ...

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November 22, 2023
Just a hexing away! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Not much got done on this UFO ..... busy doing more chores for the winter here at home and at the cottage.

As you can see, just a few hexies were added to the left side of this section with the right hand side still to be done.  This is a good take along project for this winter and I will work on it here and there.

These are the bits that will be added and they are grouped in sections so that I don't get confused.  They are just pinned onto an old machine quilting mat that I've ...

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November 2, 2023
Binding Challenge and a Bit of This and That from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

October was a good month for me and no-blog Mary.

Mary finished her quilt as well as adding some big stitch quilting to it.  I'm so glad the heat of the summer is over and Mary was able to resume her binding challenge with me.

Mary reached into a bag and viola .... this is her quilt to bind for November.
My October binding challenge quilt will be shown in a later post ..... so stay tuned for that reveal.

But, for November, these are the quilts that I will be doing.  For sure, the first two (they are for donation ...

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October 14, 2023
Oh, how rude of Mother Nature and a squirrel! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Rain, rain ..... lots of rain .... and then SNOW!  That was our Thanksgiving weekend here in Northern Ontario, Canada.  Our wood stove was constantly burning wood to heat our tiny cottage.  If you would like to know what our life is like at our cottage, then read on.

The rain didn't hold back the ATVers.  Out they went, all bundled up against the cold and the rain.  They came back drenched and cold, but quickly warmed up in our warm cottage.  There were a few times the sun came out but it didn't stay for long.  This is hunting ...

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October 9, 2023
Update on September UFO's from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Well, well, well ..... I had good progress working on these two UFO's last month.  They are not finished tops just yet, but they have been moved along from just a few blocks.

My log cabin turned out amazing!  I'm just in love with this project now.  All the blocks have their applique.  The chevrons have been trimmed on the sides.  Just need to figure out the length and then trim.  The fabric for the border and beside each chevron has been decided upon.  Yes, time to get this beauty sewn together now!  Amazing what happens when I concentrate ...

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September 24, 2023
In a Fog from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

The last three blocks for my red/white applique are now done.

I was at the cottage and finished them there.  In the morning, there was a heavy fog on the lake and thought that would be perfect spot for photos.

How about on the wood pile by the fire pit?

Or maybe on these concrete steps that my Dad built over 50 yrs. ago and are never used now.  The lakefront has changed over the years making these steps unusable.
Now, I can start playing around with sashings and my plan is for using different fabrics.  Or maybe not ...

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September 14, 2023
Red & White applique. from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Good progress has been made on this UFO.  There were 8 blocks to complete and while at the cottage, 5 blocks were completed.  How is that for just a few days of work!

This photo was taken at the bridge on the way to/out of our cottage.  The bridge is only wide enough for one vehicle.  Just as my blocks were being laid out ..... a truck pulling a RV came along and I just stayed in place and he got around me ok.  I didn't want to just leave my blocks there on the railing as they would ...

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July 7, 2023
Cheating hexies from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Now that all the white hexies are complete and pinned in place, it is time now for the sewing together of those hexies.

After about a week of working here and there, the panel on the left is now complete.  Yippee!

This was the start of the harvest moon at the cottage this past weekend.  I went out later to try and catch a better photo, but the mosquitoes were so bad, that I quickly ran back inside the cottage.  So, this photo will just have to do, but take it from me, the red moon in the night sky ...

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June 22, 2023
Cheater hexies from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

In a bid to move this hexie project along, it got hung up on the design wall and the light bulb clicked on and I started to play.

As my idea was a happy thought, more and more white hexies were made.  This project is now moving along very nicely.  Why cheater hexies, you are wondering?  The centers are cut from a cheater panel and then appliqued into a hexagon frame.  If I didn't tell you this, you would think that hours were spent embroidering all those designs.  No, not this time .... but the panel did appeal to me ...

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May 22, 2023
Busy as .... from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

This past week was busy and so is this week.  My Hubby has one more week with the Parkinson's program and then he has homework to do to keep up the exercises and tips for getting up when he falls, for putting on a winter coat walking, writing and so on .....

He did have a memory test and didn't do so well.  Based on this, the Doctor is reporting him to DOT and they will send him a letter revoking his driver's license.  I'm happy about this as he was doing some funny things while driving ...

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October 26, 2022
Tick Off Another! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

This is a long awaited ufo that has finally been ticked off the list!  Thanks to Chooky and her Churn Dash Challenge ..... this was pulled off the shelf and the top is done and will be going to my favourite LAer, Kathy, next week.  It was so nice to show off this top when I zoomed with Chooky last week.  Oh, happy, happy days!

This past weekend and this week, we have been having glorious weather with the temps going up to mid-twenties Celsius.  So nice, that my sister and I and our brother and SIL made a trip out ...

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October 12, 2022
More blocks are a coming! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

I've made great progress on my Pyramids/Triangles but have decided to add just one more row and fabrics have been selected.  A few more weeks and this top should be ready to be assembled.

Cottage season is closed for this year.  We had a huge gang (15) out for our Thanksgiving weekend.  Groups went out on their atv's to hit the trails and do some hunting for partridge.  Instead of a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, we had a simple spaghetti dinner.  Our three cottages on the property were full to the rim with family.

Early ...

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September 26, 2022
It's been a while! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

My life is quite busy at the moment and will continue for another few more weeks.

Cottage season is winding down and my sister and I are trying to get as much done outside and inside while weather permits.  Our Canadian Thanksgiving is in a few weeks time and that is when we close down the cottage for the season.

The squirrel saga continues.  The cedar seeds have dried up and are now brown in colour.  We keep checking each time we go out to the cottage to see if the squirrel has stored away these seeds.  Come on, squirrel ...

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September 6, 2022
Oh, those squirrels! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Well, here are the 3 new projects that have been started.  It has been great working on UFO's, but this gal needed something new in her life!

First,  another 2" x 4" finished size block.  This is for a birthday gift in November.  Need to get cracking on this one.

Next, some stars.  Charm squares are being used up to make these blocks.
Finally, some triangles being done using EPP method.  Jocelyn at Canadian Needle Nana is making these too and they sure caught my attention.  This project is just the ticket as I was needing a new take-along ...

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August 21, 2022
Lazy days of summer! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Not much quilting is going on in my life right now.  This is cottage time and my sister and I have been busy doing a bit of redo ...... painting and flooring.  It never ends, but we enjoy our work done so far.  I even cut down a wee tree by hand.  It took about half an hour of sawing, but it got down.  This little cedar tree was blocking my sister's view of part of the lake and she asked if 'we' could cut it down.  I knew what the 'we' entailed ..... me!  LOL

A few weeks ago, I ...

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October 13, 2021
Wheels on the Cart! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

A lot of work has been happening over the past few weeks at our cottage.  One bedroom that had dark panelling was transformed with a couple coats of white paint.  A new floor was also installed.  What a change.  Plus the outside of our cottage went from beige to Wedgwood Blue.  Sorry no photos, but we are happy with the changes.

While driving to and fro from home to the cottage, the fall foliage showed us its' glory.  This section of the gravel road to our cottage is mostly yellows.  Other sections are beautiful reds and oranges but we didn ...

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September 1, 2021
What I've been working on! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

In an effort to reduce more of my UFO's, a four more projects have been pulled off the shelf.

I have just two more of these leaf blocks to make and then I can pin all the blocks on my design wall and see where I'm at with this project.

Then, fabrics have been pulled to make more of these red/neutral blocks.
More petals are being prepped to continue working on this green/blue/yellow blocks.  
Last, but not least, borders have been decided on my Got Dots top.  I didn't realize the centre had all ...

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