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  • comfort quilt
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February 20, 2022
Small 30s quilt off longarm from Art In Search

      Yesterday, I finished a smallish comfort quilt that I put together from some small squares of 30s fabric someone donated to me. There was not enough squares for a big quilt, so I set the blocks on point with cream squares between them and white triangle for the row endings. I had this great periwinkle print I had bought to use as a border in my stash. I wanted it longer since it will be a comfort quilt, so I added the cream with tiny flowers, which are exactly the same color as the border. Here is the original post ...

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September 16, 2021
Lots of Color from Art In Search

      During the big quarantine, I did the quilt along with Gudrun Erla on Elvira. I thought it was a fun quilt and made a nice large one to give as a comfort quilt. It was pretty bold from fat quarters I had brought together as bright patterns.
     I found out that a secretary that worked at my last school had a rough summer battling a long running blood cancer disease. She always loved bold, lots of color. The quilt reminds me of her. I messaged her on Facebook to see if she would like it. I sent her the link ...

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September 4, 2021 from Living Water Quilter

Amanda’s Comfort Quilt, A Fidget Quilt for DementiaMaking a child-like activity quilt for my...

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July 23, 2021
Floral 2 x 4 Package from Art In Search

      The quilting had to be done quickly although the top was done awhile ago. I received a referral for a woman undergoing chemo and right after I dried up all the art show stuff, I started quilting the floral 2 by 4. So far, this is the third quilt I have made with this pattern. It uses strips and is so adaptable to any style of fabric. I believe the backing came from a donation by Gwen.
     I did a different type of quilting in each row the long way. I figure if you are sitting for hours during treatment ...

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March 26, 2021
Appreciation, help and friendship from Art In Search

      One of the hardest things this past year has been the lack of being with friends and family. Fear was mass communicated to keep us "safe" and locked down. People have not fared real well with this strongarmed message. Some have cut off all connections, watch news nonstop and review the numbers every day. I feel I lost them. Others will not get together even outdoors, distanced. 

     I am grateful I have this blog to communicate with dear people that I have not met or met briefly and they are willing to keep in touch. I have sent many cards ...

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February 23, 2021
Disappearing Hourglass ready to go home from Art In Search

      The requests for Comfort Quilts has not slowed. Cancer and illness (non-COVID) are too much with us. This Disappearing Hourglass (MSQC pattern) needed a border to make it a smidge bigger. I had a piece of yardage that never went with anything, but is perfect for the backing. I quilted it, just changing the center motif in each block row. It actually went flawlessly on the longarm. Sometime, I have to write a post on all my trevails and adaptations to make things work on the longarm.

All quilted, just need to decide binding


Detail of quilting

Final with ...

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February 3, 2021
More out the door from Art In Search

      The comfort quilt made from 10" squares (white paired with batik), has been finished, sent and received. The HSTs are made by sewing around all 4 sides of paired squares (10") and cutting diagonally from both sets of corners. I used the triangle ruler, Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmer, to trim the cuts while still a triangle before it is pressed open. This means you only have to cut the block on two sides, saving lots of time and cutting. The ruler works well, but I have to say it is a bit thin and I accidentally snapped the corner of ...

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October 22, 2020
Comfort out the door from Art In Search

      I found out via an email letter, that one of my cousins is being treated for breast cancer. I looked through my tops and found a 2 x 4 quilt that would be a nice generous size. I used some fabric donated to me by Gwen that had lots of character to it and was big and quick to sew together. 

      I loaded it and did a different design in every column of the blocks. I tried to keep the designs flowing and fun. The binding was a fun diagonal indigo print. Rather quickly I was able to sew the ...

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August 28, 2020
The Comfort Quilt from A Ditchin' Time Quilts

Completed the cutest little quilt. 
Thanks to @amyscreativeside for this adorable little pattern called the
Comfort Quilt. #comfortquiltqal ❤️❤️❤️

Made for my new cousin


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January 7, 2020
FMQ quilt quickly for comfort from Art In Search

     A few days before Christmas, a woman in my class at church asked if I had a quilt or book or resources for her cousin's daughter, Ana, who is 4 and in the last stages of brain cancer. I ransacked my tops for one to finish quick and found a top  a friend had made for a FMQ presentation we made to our guild and I had never finished. 
     It was not my first choice for a child, but I had to have something now. I was able to finish the quilting on one of my Singer 301s with ...

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  • comfort quilt
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