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February 6, 2023
Little Chicks from Quilt Doodle Doodles

I love little chickens; I think they are so cute! My sister and sister-in-law both have chickens and I love to visit the little chicks. So, in celebration of spring let's make some little chick mug rugs. These are quick and easy and perfect for a beginner appliquer. I thought it would be a good opportunity to show you all how to do fusible applique. It's quick and easy!

Trace your pieces onto the heat n bond. Make sure to draw on the paper side.
Iron onto the wrong side of the fabric.
Cut out your pieces and ...

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October 27, 2022
Fall Montage-GO! from Nestlings By Robin

Hello and welcome 
to a quick Fall update:)

After our last post, I went
to Georgia to lecture & teach
my Seahorse to the 
I stayed with my friend, Barb, of 
We gabbed and drank wine
and solved all the problems of 
the world...HA!
On my way home, I stopped
to present the same lecture
in Tallahassee, FL.

Once home, I found 
an email from a quilter
who had requested to use 
my shoes from Shoe Tree,
in an art quilt.
Dorothee's finished piece is shown
here from an ...

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October 10, 2022
Rhodie Removal... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full


This is the Thread Shed...

it is my happy place.

These gorgeous pink rhodies are 20 years old...

They are taking over the building...

it is time for them to go.

We are enjoying a dry and beautiful October...

a perfect time to remove the rhodies.

The Cowboy fires up the power saw and

gets right with it !

He cuts off the rhodie at the base,

hooks onto it with a tow strap,

then I haul it out with the 4 wheeler...

The Cowboy loads the rhodies

onto the dump bed...

This is just one rhodie bush !!!

You can now ...

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July 10, 2022
Summer @ The Kessi Ranch 2022... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full

 The first week of July

and we are finally getting summer weather

here in Western Oregon

Foxgloves growing by the barn...

We are making round hay bales...

Roses and Peonies blooming by the front door...

There are baby tree swallows living in the

2 story bird house the Cowboy built for me.

The chickens scratching through the iris bed.

They eat all of the slugs and bugs...

great for the flowers!

The second hay field is mowed...

I am raking....the Cowboy is baling.

Round Bale

We moved the main cattle herd to new pasture

last evening...

They are in ...

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April 21, 2022
Peep! Peep! from Lovin' Life At The End Of The Dirt Road

This week we had our usual Monday sale on Tuesday so folks could enjoy Easter. If the sale's on Monday, the sale barn crew has to work on Sunday, receiving cattle. It was a short sale, as holiday sales generally are, and we were finished at noon. That gave me time to run a few errands and bring home a dozen of theseEvery 3 years or so I replenish my flock as the older chickens move into

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April 16, 2022
Machine Quilting on Flannel... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full

Someone I know needs a quilt

for their baby dolly...

I found a hunk of flannel and spray basted

it together with some cotton batting 

& flannel backing:

3 bobbins later, it is done!

This was so much FUN...

I got my free motion quilting fix !

The flannel gives lots of definition 

to the stitching...

Now to trim off the edges 

and stitch on a binding...

No need for a hand made binding,

this ready made bias tape will do the job...

Back and front sides...

All ready to wrap up a baby doll !

We have a new rooster...

He is ...

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December 14, 2021
Day 13 My Christmas "Chicken" Tree from Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm

Blogmas 2021

My "Chicken" Tree 

I had made all this last year for Christmas
and to be in full disclosure, I haven't taken it down. It stayed up in the corner of the living room all year. That is how much I love it

Update here 12-13-21
I wrote those words and this post 9 years ago on this day. And that tree has remained up the whole time except a few years ago I changed the tree to a aluminum one.
You will see the original pictures of the tree. Except the first one and this next one ...

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July 9, 2021
Life in the Hay Field... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full


Now you see it...

Now you don't...

Tractors don't move very fast on 3 wheels !

How sad is this ???

The Cowboy is using the tractor 

to handle the tire...

Tractor tires are full of calcium 

to weigh them down,

which keeps the tractor from being top heavy

and tipping over while on un-level ground.

The calcium makes them very heavy and 

almost impossible to move.

It took several hours to get this tire back in place...

While the guys work on the tractor

I am heading for home...

and....the Thread Shed

This is waiting for me at ...

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April 16, 2021
Al Fresco Tablescape from From My Carolina Home

With the warming weather, we love eating on the veranda. Last weekend we decided to invite our neighbors up for a springtime meal to enjoy it with us. I set the table so the couples were a bit farther apart, just to make them more comfortable. It has been a while since I had some tablescaping fun, so I took the opportunity to use what I have in a new way.

This bowl was the inspiration for the color scheme and theme. It has red and gold as the main colors, with chickens on the sides. I made a delicious ...

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April 15, 2021
Chickens! from Quilt Doodle Doodles...

Spring is here, my sister has her new baby chicks! They are so adorable! I would like to show you a fun way to use the hen and chick designs on my Blue Ribbon panel from Marcus Fabrics. I have a limited number of panels and I also have the Blue Ribbon BOM quilt kit. Perfect to welcome spring! The quilt kit and panels can be found at the Quilt Doodle Website The design can be embroidered or left plain. It's totally up to you. I did not embroider the panel sections for the projects I'm showing you ...

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Chickens! from Quilt Doodle Doodles

Spring is here, my sister has her new baby chicks! They are so adorable! I would like to show you a fun way to use the hen and chick designs on my Blue Ribbon panel from Marcus Fabrics. I have a limited number of panels and I also have the Blue Ribbon BOM quilt kit. Perfect to welcome spring! The quilt kit and panels can be found at the Quilt Doodle Website The design can be embroidered or left plain. It's totally up to you. I did not embroider the panel sections for the projects I'm showing you ...

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April 7, 2021
Babies!!!! from Appalachian Quilts

Spring around a homestead is an exciting time.  As you watch the bulbs start to bloom and the seeds you started peek through the soil, hope and excitement fill your soul.  While trees start to bud out and grass starts to green, birds start building nests and breeding season brings even more life.  

Our first attempt at breeding the rabbits didn't "take".  Olaf had never been in that position before and really didn't know what he was doing.  Sadly we have no baby bunnies, but everything happens for a reason.  As we scrambled to make sure we had ...

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April 6, 2021
Rooster rides Sheep... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full

I was passing by my neighbor's house and 

look what I saw...


Yes, her rooster rides around on the sheep !

He follows the sheep as they graze in the pasture

and is known to hop up on them and 

take a cozy nap...

Enjoy the video:

Enlarge video click icon bottom right corner of video

p.s.  never leave home without your camera !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

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February 16, 2021
So Cold! from Tink Squared

This is brutal weather for Arkansas, and the state really isn’t equipped to handle it. It was -4 degrees this morning when I went out to feed and water the chickens. Their water finally froze up, despite the heat lamp. But that was the first time it has since the cold and snowy weather hit.

It was so darn cold my nose stuck together before I got back inside! I think this might be the coldest weather I’ve ever been in.

We ended with a total of nine inches at our house, with another 9-14 predicted for tomorrow ...

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September 18, 2020
Free chicken quilt pattern for beginners from Pieced Brain

Free chicken quilt pattern for beginners

Get this free chicken quilt pattern now and make a fun quilt with a vintage vibe. No special skills or techniques required – a perfect quilt for beginners!

Flock Party by Denise Russell for Dear Stella.

I designed “Flock Party” for the beautiful Poppy Prairie Collection by Rae Ritchie for Dear Stella Fabrics. The quilt measures 57-1/2” x 70-1/2” and each block finishes at 10”. This quilt is ideal to feature the fabrics in this collection, which I am loving!

This quilt would look great in any decor, yet with these fabrics, it has a country sensibility to it ...

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September 2, 2020
Happenings here in the boon docks from In the Boondocks


Happenings Here In The Boon Docks

Our daughter Ashley goes up and picks them with an apple picker.

This time of year the pears get ripe!
It is a family affair if your not picking out of the tree you are picking them up off the ground.

Then of course we have to have rides for the little ones!

Our dog George and our littlest granddaughter Sarah!

Sarah does love pears, she ate almost as many as she picked up!

Our chicken coop is a fun place for the little ones who love to feed them. 

We have 8 chickens ...

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March 25, 2020
So, How Are YOU Doing?? from Appalachian Quilts

A month ago none of us would have known that we were going to be where we are today.  If you had known, what would YOU have done differently (besides stock up on toilet paper...LOL)?  How are you doing right now?  My prayer is that you are all doing well.  I have watched the sometimes funny social media memes depicting everything from how parents are handling new-to-them homeschooling to concerns about grocery shortages.  Would you have lived your life the same way?

I never knew how to 100% explain the rationale why Hubs and I live the way we ...

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February 27, 2020
Eggs-cuse Me! from Appalachian Quilts

Chickens slow down in the egg laying department during the winter.  This was the first year for us they completely stopped.  Some of our hens were getting older, so this fall we sent them to freezer camp.  (Actually, I canned them to keep them from being tough.)  We ran out of eggs.  Although we only had to purchase one dozen, I was none too happy about it.  Why are we feeding these freeloaders?

(Image taken from Google)

I have vowed that this won't happen again!  So, I decided once they started laying again I would dehydrate eggs.  I should ...

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January 26, 2020
More Chickens....What??? from Appalachian Quilts

Our flock is now down-sized to 16.  Napoleon finally crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but he had a great life.  He was the only rooster who was spared through all the down-sizing.  We knew he was close to the end, but he was the best rooster we have ever had.  He was the one who practically knocked on the back door when the coyote came.  He was the one who would shuffle all the girls back in the coop when there was a hawk (or an airplane that looked like a hawk  LOL).  He did what a rooster was supposed to ...

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August 5, 2015
Non-secret sewing! Something for me (or rather, the cat…) from Dimple Stitch

Hurrah! I’ve found something else I can show you which isn’t top secret!

Firstly, a little update on the chickens. The line-up has changed somewhat over recent months, we lost Priscilla (to a tumour) and Betty (fox) within a few weeks of another, which was really upsetting (softie over here shed a few tears…) and meant we were down to just two. It probably would have stayed that way – they were confined to their coop much more often due to fox-paranoia, and I didn’t want to cram more in and overcrowd them. However, a couple of weeks ...

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