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December 23, 2019
Last-Minute Quilted Christmas Gift Tutorial! And Chanukah Stuff Too! from Gefilte Quilt

Need last-minute gifts? The tutorial below may be educational for beginning quilter, and pure recreation for the experienced. It shows how to make gift'-themed potholders/trivets/ kitchen art from strips.

I made them from a roll of  Christmas strips bought on the "Sew Its for Sale" email list - formerly a Yahoo group, now on, here. This list is a dangerous cyber-yard sale - folks buy and sell their good-condition sewing supplies, for reasonable prices.

I'd been wanting a little Christmas fabric, enough to make presents for friends. When the strips arrived, I was delighted - it was a ...

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December 18, 2019
Eat Chocolate, Drink Coffee. English Paper Piece the Trash into Holiday Decor from Gefilte Quilt

It is not an exaggeration to say that English Paper Piecing (EPP) is one of the most addictive quilt-related activities I've ever undertaken. It wasn't enough for me to do EPP with fabric, first to make quilts, and then to stitch polyhedra.

But then, a couple of years ago, after my DH caved to supermarket displays (always blame the DH!) and bought a bag of Lindt Truffles (no financial affiliation!) I found myself fascinated by the wrappers.  One thing led to parties, I started following people around to collect their wrappers....and here are tutorials for ...

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December 1, 2019
Hanukah Gift Ideas: Paper and Fabric Judaica to Make, Sell, or Fling from Gefilte Quilt

Is it a bird? Well, birds are involved....

Is it a plane? No, more like a Frisbee - if you fling it, it flies, but not well enough for a game of  Frisbee golf. Wait, I remember! It's one of the yarmulkes (little Jewish hats) I brought to last week's artisan fair at my nearest synagogue, Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center!

I rarely do fairs - it's nearly impossible for a fiber artist to charge enough for the hours we put in. Nobody wants to pay $60 for a potholder. But someone I adore asked me -  and here she ...

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  • chanukkah
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