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February 26, 2024
Tapestry Beading Coming To Life from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was up early but Patrick was up earlier. He went into Centralia and got some doughnuts for us. Not that I need more sweets. 

Then we got to cleaning. I got laundry started and enjoyed playing my games till noon. After that I decided to sit and bead. 

This is coming along. Her coloring is starting to show. There will be some white coming through in about 10 more rows. I've only done 4 rows today. She's almost the same color as the brick work, and I'm hoping that will start to change soon ...

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February 22, 2024
Rainy Day - Perfect To Stay Home from Quilting My Way

 This morning, I was up earlier than I usually am. Patrick didn't go golfing. Good thing, because it rained most of the day. 

I played games for a while and then decided I wanted to do some beading. 

Showed Patrick this piece and then had to tell him what he was looking at.

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February 11, 2024
Baking And Cross Stitch from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was up early. Just couldn't sleep. Patrick slept another 2 hours after me. So, I sat and played my games while he slept. I even tried to see if I could get the game on the computer but couldn't.  I was to be on the game at noon. 

So, while I waited for our "war game," I decided to bake Patrick his Magic Bars. He wanted them the last couple days. I even picked up the coconut for it. So, when he reminded me this morning, I decided to get it done and over with ...

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January 19, 2024
Trip To Olympia from Quilting My Way

This morning I didn't do a lot. I was just enjoying the morning. Patrick didn't go golfing because of the rain. 

My appointment in Olympia was at 2, so we left around 1. It was short and sweet. I wanted to see if he would remove some fluid under my arm pit. He said to remind him Tuesday when I have surgery, to remove some fluid. He will have a better chance to look at it then. I could have had it done today, but he said it would be better if I waited till Tuesday. Short and ...

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January 6, 2024
Quilting At Moms from Quilting My Way

 I headed over to moms today. I didn't take anything or do anything. My surgery stitches were sore today. I showed mom the surgery area. She was surprised at how big the stitches were. I told her it's just sore from time to time. Plus the nipple is really sore when I brush across it. That has to be because of those shorts. It was funny how a couple of the gals down play the surgery. It's a quick and easy surgery but the waiting to heal is the hard part. I'm still not 100% ready ...

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December 8, 2023
Hate After Affects Of Shots!! from Quilting My Way

 Yesterday I wasn't feeling 100% because of the COVID shot on Monday. But I did go to our WWII veterans' home to honor him with a quilt. I will try and post that photo later. Debbie was saying Chip mentioned we have lost all but one of the veterans from WWII that we honored this year. I was shocked to hear that, since we honored close to 10 or 15. I'm glad we were able to honor them when we did then. 

I pretty much called it a night around 8 pm last night, then found I couldn ...

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November 22, 2023
Celebrating 41 Years from Quilting My Way

This morning Patrick took off to go golfing. There was a card on my chair. We usually don't exchange cards anymore after all these years. It was so sweet!! 

Yep, we have been married 41 years today. So, we decided to go out when he got home. While he was golfing, Connie came over to get some fabrics for another quilt. She also took the 2 quilts that I had needed to do the backing and batting for. I did those while she was looking at fabrics. Debbie asked if I wanted to go to Yelm with her but ...

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November 10, 2023
Embroidery Class from Quilting My Way

This morning I slept in till 10 am. I needed it after the last 3 days of being up around 7 am. I love my sleep. lol - I would sleep better if I just didn't stay up till 11:30 pm! But, hay, I like to listen to my books and play games. 

After exercise and walking, Patrick was done with golfing. It was cold today! I don't know how he can stand golfing when it's that cold! I walked and got my relaxing in. I listen to the music on iPods. 

Came in and got lunch ...

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October 27, 2023
Had A List For Today from Quilting My Way

Last night I wrote myself a list to make sure I tried to get something done today. 

1. Do certificates

2. Cut backing for Connie

3. Cut backing and batting for 3 quilts

4. Work on getting Smiley's stuff ready.

5. Get the backing washed

6. Send photo of color catchers to Bob

7. Look for fabric for mom

8. Get to work on finishing the quilt top

9. Put labels on 7 quilts

Now that list was on the counter. I had to go walking first.  Ron and I walked for the last time before he leaves for ...

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October 25, 2023
Back On Track With QOV from Quilting My Way

Today was one of those rainy days. 

 Val came over to drop off a quilt and get her check. We chatted a good 30 mins. Ron called while she was here. We decided not to go walking till the weather was better. Yeah, no, didn't get better. 

So, I went downstairs to work on my labels. I have to have a few more labels to finish up the 8 quilts in the bedroom. 

I was able to sew 25 labels and turn 9 of them into labels. I was texting Hildi at the same time. I was having a ...

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October 21, 2023
Spending The Day Away from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was up and ready to go to my massage. I asked her to work on my hip and whole body. When she got to work on the hip and leg, man! was that painful. I'm a tight person to begin with but man oh man, that was letting me know I was tight! It really felt good after though!

Got home to find Patrick already home. He wanted to know if I would like to go to the casino. I figured what the heck, sure. We spend most of the afternoon there. Half the casino was ...

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October 5, 2023
Getting Ready For Tomorrow's Presentation from Quilting My Way

 Patrick left for golfing and I slept in. I woke a couple times but went back to sleep. Waking around 9 am. Guess I was tired. 

Next on my list (after getting up) was to get my exercises done and play a few games while I wait for Ron. We walked at our normal time of 11 am. I told him I would have to walk later in the day tomorrow since we have a presentation for QOV. He said that was fine. 

I came in and got busy with getting the pillow case done for the quilt that I ...

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September 21, 2023
Random Cat from Becca's Crazy Projects

Sometimes I am forgetful. Sometimes I forget to post. Here is a photo of a cat from a local colony as payment for my forgetfulness. I'll have something crafty for tomorrow. 

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Cleaning Up My Mess from Quilting My Way

 This morning I enjoyed time to myself before heading out to walk with Ron. My day goes fast when I'm walking with him. 

Patrick came home after golfing which was when I finished walking. He went out to get some veggies for Phil tomorrow. I will be dropping stuff off with him. 

I was doing the certificates downstairs when I realized that room was a mess. I really hate going into a room that is a mess - when it comes to my crafts. I start worrying more about cleaning it up then I do working on my stuff. I ...

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September 13, 2023
It's A Tuesday.....I'm Getting Back To Normal from Quilting My Way

 This morning we slept in. Then I got my exercise in and Ron called. He said it was going to rain around noon and wanted to go early before that. We decided on 10 am instead of 11 am. I was okay with that. We met up with Judy and chatted on the way back this direction. She only loops once. 

Afterwards I came back in and did my 5 mins on my stomach. 

Of course Sophie wanted her attention. This is the first time she climbed up on my back. She usually give me crap while I'm doing ...

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August 28, 2023
Sunday........Slow Day from Quilting My Way

 This morning I didn't want to get up. I kept waking up last night because of my reflex. I ate around 7 yesterday and I know better. It still hasn't corrected itself since our vacation. 

I worked on my exercises and didn't see Ron out there till he was on his 5th loop. I joined him. After we got the last 2 loops done, I continued till I was at 6 loops - had to come in and hit the bathroom. lol So figured I could get away with not doing one more loop. 

I did some cleaning ...

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August 10, 2023
Took The Day Off!! from Quilting My Way

 Patrick was out the door to golf and I was enjoying the time to myself. I pulled out the quilt that I need to applique stars on. I did get one done. It's not the prettiest but it's at the end of the boarder and it will probably be cut in half. I'm okay with that. 

Kathleen called me to say the embroidery at the fair isn't much, so would I be able to judge weaving and basketry. I told her I have made them and I could judge them. Plus she needed a judge to ...

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July 8, 2023
Took The Day Off! from Quilting My Way

 Today Patrick was up and out the door by 7:30 am. I enjoyed sleeping in - till 8:00 am. I played a few games and just enjoyed doing NOTHING! I thought about going downstairs but didn't. I got a call from Judy saying she has a box of fabric for me - QOV. She wanted to know if I was going to moms. Told her not today, I wanted to take the day off. She was trying to figure out how to get the box to me. I told her I'm home most days and she can drop ...

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June 28, 2023
Trip To The Vets And A Few Things from Quilting My Way

 Today I was up early to get ready to go to the vets. Sophie's yearly check up was today. We went with little problems. She meowed a lot before I got her in the car. Then it slowed down some. She was a lot better with the vet today then she was in the past. She lost a little bit of weight. 

Came home. Texted Debbie to get her to go to the museum for me. She is usually out and about. She was sweet enough to go. Had a call this morning from one of our veterans wife ...

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June 12, 2023
More Cleaning Than Anything Else from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was up and moving around. I went downstairs to see if I had any fabric left from the quilt I did yesterday. I did remember I was out of the blue and thought I had some red I could use. I wanted to be sure to have enough for a binding as well. My off white was down to a 6 1/2" strip. I decided to add another white to it and fold it over - showing most of the white I used on the quilt. I cut a small strip of the red to use as ...

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