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September 9, 2024
More Rope Sewing from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm having so much fun sewing with the new rope I received in my shop!

The first thing I made with the new rope from The Mountain Thread Company was this Basket with Handles. I used the kit shown in the photos that the basket is sitting on to make it. I wanted to test out their kits. They are excellent! Each kit includes the amount of rope you need to make the project, a denim needle for your sewing machine and the instructions for the project.

Basket with Handles

Basket with Handles

Next I wanted to try out some of the colored rope from ...

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April 2, 2023
From Apple Core Template to English Paper Pieced Bridal Vase from Gefilte Quilt

I'm been playing around with turning flat quilting templates into 3-D constructions. Here's one of my new experiments

It's 8" tall. I think it's a spinal column vase, and it started with a 2.5" template acquired years ago. 

Longtime quilters recognize this as a classic apple core shape. Google "apple core quilts" you'll find books, patterns and kits to make scrappy quilts with hundreds of pieces this shape. Especially "charm" quilts, with a different fabric for each piece.

The results are definitely charming - but never charming enough for me to want to make one ...

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February 23, 2020
My New Eye Bowl from Gefilte Quilt

Pass the Visine! Here's my new Eye Bowl!

The name is inspired by the orange Tula Pink fabric covering the small diamonds. I drove the point home (because too much is never enough for me) by placing glass eye beads on half the outer shapes. 

It's entirely English Paper Pieced. Before embellishment, it looked like this:
Afterwards, along with the beads and buttons on top, I added danglies below.
 The back: 
Pure fun! I showed a different polygon-based bowl in my last blog entry, here. All my techniques and many more ideas (but not this exact project ...

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My New English Paper Pieced Basket, Roof Optional from Gefilte Quilt

Here's my new thing! It's English Paper Pieced canopied basket...

....which can keep the dust off your giant, color-coordinated thread cone...

...or help you find your measuring tape...
Or stuff with faux flowers....

With you inside, it's a bulky bangle bracelet!

...which doubles as a wee, insecure handbag (needs a zippered lining)....

The shape is a modified truncated cuboctahedron. Here's what it would have looked like if it were a complete polyhedron (closed up, without the handle):

Can you see the family resemblance to this stuffed and complete truncated cuboctahedron pincushion?
I made the pincushion for ...

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February 14, 2020
Impulse English Paper Pieced Heart Dish from Gefilte Quilt

I always get in a Valentine's Day mood at the last minutes. Here's the impulse project I made yesterday, an English Paper Pieced dish that can serve as a pincushion:
...or a thimble holder:
...or maybe an embroidery thread basket....

Or, pile it with chocolates for your sweetie. Here's how I constructed it. There's stiff fusible interfacing inside each piece; both sides are covered with fabric. 
The bowl takes shape when you sew up the side seams. 
Last, I did a bit of embellishment with the variegated embroidery thread in the ball above.
If you'd ...

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