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January 19, 2025
Weekly update, part 1: birthday! from With Strings Attached


123 cards
 and counting!  

Neighbors, relatives, church friends, Rotarians, AAUWs, P.E.O.s, Alpha Gams, FB friends, and QUILTERS

more balloons arrived a half hour later

Stevens was surprised at the stacks of cards in the mail each day.  Not only did he appreciate the many personal notes but I did, too.  I am most grateful to all of you!  

Daughter Julie and her boyfriend Josh drove from New Hampshire for the big weekend.  (They're certainly used to winter weather but the lake effect snow around Cleveland was new.) They arrived Thursday evening in time for dinner.  (They ...

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November 10, 2024
The Final Step from Romany Quilting

 The final step to quilt making is to stitch on a label.  (Although I don't do this on donation quilts).  Adding a label is like "signing off" a quilt, giving the details, and I always add one to those quilts I gift to family, and those I'm keeping for myself.  I've just finished hand stitching this simple label so Birthday Bouquet is now finished.

Like a lot of my projects, this one had a long gestation period.  Way back in the year 2000 I took part in Southern Cross Quilters Birthday Block Swap.  We were matched to ...

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November 3, 2024
My birthday socks finished, and gift from Romany Quilting

 I have finally finished this pair of socks for me.  This 4ply sock wool is branded Happy Feet, no colour named, just a number, and I received it as a birthday gift last year from Sew Wot friend Mary.    As most of you know, I knit my socks flat, two at a time, and packed the finished socks in my knitting bag on our recent caravan trip planning to get side seam stitched up.  That never happened, and I finally completed this task once we returned back home.  It's about time I finished them.

Although it is now Spring ...

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October 23, 2024
Caravan Trip and Another Birthday from Romany Quilting

 Last weekend we were getting ready to leave for a caravan rally.  Gemma decided to make life difficult for us, with all the hustle and bustle of packing the caravan going on.  "Why not give my people a hard time and hide for a while", she thought.  We were all ready to go and searched here, searched there, to no avail, then searched again.  Robin finally found her curled up and keeping low in a place I had already checked twice!  I don't know why she acts like this, after all she goes away in the caravan once a ...

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August 28, 2024
Doing things alone is a good thing! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There are several things I have learned over the years in setting expectations for how things turn out. 

  1. You can over-plan! You spend so much time planning the event that when it actually happens, it's melodramatic and a let-down. The event occurs in a flash, and there's no time to enjoy it, especially if you're constantly watching to see that everything happens as planned. I suppose part of the event is the planning, but that's not me. I like to wing things! 
  2. You can do anything alone! I do not know why doing things alone has ...

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August 27, 2024
Walking challenges update from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's a great day today! It's my birthday, and while we don't want to be reminded of how old we are getting, it's a huge reason to celebrate because we're here to talk about the birthday and look forward to many more! I am one of the lucky ones!!

I have a quiet day planned by myself, and I can't wait! DH is sick in bed, so I told him to stay away from me -- I don't have time for that! Since my previous list of things to do was almost complete, I ...

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August 25, 2024
Christchurch with Michael from Romany Quilting

 We traveled down to Christchurch to spend some  time with my son Michael to celebrate his 60th birthday.  He had a busy week as he had flown up to Wellington to spend a couple of days with his Dad, then flew back down again in time for our arrival in Christchurch.  I had booked a table for dinner on Friday night at the Platform Brew Barn, a riverside establishment in Kaiapoi, quite close to where we are staying at the NZMCA park.

Platform Brew Bar

This was a busy and popular establishment indeed, and we took a little time checking ...

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August 18, 2024
Stitched Sewing Bird for Kate from Romany Quilting

 My great niece Kate is turning 25 and having a get together to celebrate this milestone with friends and family.  Sadly we are unable to travel up to Hastings to join in the fun, as we had planned.  My son Michael turns 60 this month (gulp, how did that happen?) and we will be having a short caravan trip  down to the South Island to see him.  

I made Kate a cushion for her birthday and sent it up by mail.  She received it the following day, that was really quick, I though.  Kate likes blue, and she is one ...

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June 16, 2024
Happy Birthday Socks from Romany Quilting

 Now they have been received, I can show the birthday socks knitted for my long term friend from my schooldays, Merilyn.  These were rather special as I used Merilyn's double knit cream home spun wool which she had sent to me, plus a commercial sock yarn.  These two yarns knitted up to triple knit, or 12ply, and make a lovely cozy pair of socks.  This is what remains.

The left overs

I've hunted high and low for a photo of the completed socks, to no avail.  But I can show this one, looks like I have just finished ...

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April 21, 2024
Knitting for Jack, and Happy Birthday Gemma from Romany Quilting

 There's a new baby in the extended family.  Robin's siter Kaye recently became a grandmother for the first time, when baby Jack arrived.  That was exciting news, making Jack our great nephew, I think.  I had already sent the new Mum and baby a colourful baby quilt, and then decided to knit him something.  Time was moving on, and babies grow so quickly, don't they.

I decided to knit the cozy little Jessie Jacket, designed by Kiwi Stitch and Knit Co..  This is knitted in a combination of stocking stitch and garter stitch, and has a little ...

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January 29, 2024
Reflections on January from From the Strawberry Patch...

I don't know where this month has gone. It's been filled with activity, not the least of which is keeping up with breadmaking from two different sourdough starters! What have I gotten myself into? Loaves are being gifted continually. I've branched out into English muffins, cinnamon buns and multi-grain breads too.Without a lot of words or explanation I'm going to catch up with a post 

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Reflections on January from From the Strawberry Patch...

I don't know where this month has gone. It's been filled with activity, not the least of which is keeping up with breadmaking from two different sourdough starters! What have I gotten myself into? Loaves are being gifted continually. I've branched out into English muffins, cinnamon buns and multi-grain breads too.Without a lot of words or explanation I'm going to catch up with a post 

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January 22, 2024
Weekly update: cold weather, a birthday, in the mail almost, WIP + reading from With Strings Attached

 It's been cold everywhere in the U.S. this week.  I took a very brief walk from the parking lot to the lakefront to take a few photos.  (I was on my way home from the grocery store and not bundled up (face mask) to walk any farther.)  

When the cold settles in I am grateful for central heat and a garage for the car.  

I had an ophthamologist appointment on Monday. Hooray! Cataract surgery is scheduled for February.

Stevens turned 84 on Thursday.  He was pleasantly surprised when I told him that my FB post about his birthday ...

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January 4, 2024
New Year Party, Berries and Peas from Romany Quilting

Generally, we spend New Year fairly quietly, but we had a family birthday celebrate.  This year we spent a very wet New Year’s Eve with my nephew Shane who was turning 60.  Shane is the eldest grandchild on the maternal side, the first child of my late sister Kathleen and hubby Dennis.   It is a tradition in this family to prepare and cook a hangi for special occasions, and this Shane did with a little help.  Not a “hole in the ground” traditional hangi, but rather one cooked in a stainless steel container, heated with gas, but still using ...

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January 2, 2024
Free Party Crown Quilt Block from Expect Moore

Happy New Year! Our theme for this month is “Party,” so I thought a fun and simple crown block would be the

The post Free Party Crown Quilt Block appeared first on Always Expect Moore.

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December 6, 2023
Collecting Quilts and Christmas Get-togethers from Romany Quilting

We recently attended the last Probus meeting for the year, held in the local Cossie Club, followed by a wonderful catered meal.  There was a big group of about 80 members present, and the restaurant certainly did us proud with the menu.  Hot ham and chicken, plenty of veggies and salad, followed by sticky date pudding, custard and cream, with meringues and fruit salad too. 


Enjoying our Probus Christmas lunch

There was talk around the table of going back home and having an afternoon nap, as most of us would not be used to consuming such a hearty meal in ...

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October 23, 2023
Good News, and a Birthday from Romany Quilting

There was excellent news for Robin at his appointment with the orthopedic surgeon last week to check on his knee replacement.   There were x-rays on the monitor showing the replacement pieces, and everything looked nice and straight, we were told.  The wound has healed nicely and Robin’s knee movement is excellent.  We were told that slow improvement will happen over the next year or so, but everything looks fine, and he can do away with the sticks.  Yes, he is cleared to drive, so a caravan trip will be happening in the near future.  Yippee to that!


We had ...

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September 17, 2023
Birthday Socks from Romany Quilting

When I first started on my sock knitting adventure a few years ago, I declared  I would never knit socks for others as it took so long.  That changed when my granddaughters asked if I could please knit them a pair of socks, so of course I did, making an extra pair for my daughter as well.  Knitting  three pairs of 4ply socks for Christmas really kept me busy.  All through this, my hubby Robin kept reminding me that I’d never knitted him socks either!  Oh dear, guess he was next on the list – so some extra secret sock ...

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August 31, 2023
battlecry: retreat . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

LOL!  Sometimes you just need to retreat . . . on a retreat . . . to a retreat.  That's exactly what I did last weekend! But it was my favorite kind . . . the kind I don't have to drive to.  A Camp MACOBA retreat! This was my Sassy Affirmation Sisterhood Sister's (SASS's) third annual summer retreat at the camp.  It was originally scheduled for July, but Todd's surgery happened, so we pushed it to August.  GOOD thing those cabins have A/C!!

It was Gail's (center) birthday weekend, so of course the appropriate signage was put in place!

I didn ...

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August 28, 2023
Barbie quilts are done! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!! I had a great day and spent it on the phone talking to family or on Zoom chatting with friends! Oh -- and I did spend time with DH and the girls! Now, how much more could one person want? 

I actually accomplished a fair amount, considering all the interruptions. I started off by quilting that Barbie quilt. 

Community project quilt - DONE

I started to quilt that darn thing well over 20 years ago! I remember at the college, we had just received the equivalent of what we would call a sit-down quilting machine ...

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