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December 17, 2019
Longarm Renters Show Off Beginner to Advanced Quilting Levels from Quilted Joy

There are many things that I feel make quilting one of the best hobbies to have. What we make is very useful. It can even save a life from hypothermia! Can a cross stitch do that? I don’t think so. There is room for all levels. A beginner can make a lot of mistakes and still pull together something beautiful they can be proud of. While an advanced quilter can take the time to make every seam and intersection perfect and create something truly impressive. It is also a craft that allows you to take scraps and perfect one ...

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October 30, 2016
Free Motion Quilting - What I have learnt from Quilting Along the Grain

As you know I love patchwork. I have made clothes and bags, but patchwork is my passion!
It all started back in 1996 when I spotted a patchwork quilt in a magazine and immediately bought a small cheep sewing machine. That fist king size quilt has pride of place in my bedroom and is still used to build dens!

Faded and worn, but a den building staple!
For  person who avoided sewing lessons at school because they were for girls that is quite an achievement!
When I started patchwork I was  determined hand quilter. I couldn't seem to get ...

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