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June 29, 2024
Drunkards Path...Border from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full


At this point, the blocks are all

pieced together into circles...

I do love the cirles...

I think the border treatment needs some

straight lines.

I started playing around with some

improv X blocks...

The X blocks are super FUN to make...

The X blocks play together well

with all of those circles...

In between trips to the hay fields,

I will come home and make a block or two

for the borders.

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

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June 15, 2024
Drunkards Path Quilt Blocks... from May Your Bobbin Always Be Full


More than 15 years ago

I pieced a pile of Drunkards Path blocks

I pulled out my batik fabrics and had FUN

curved piecing...

I have to say, I have never been fond

of Drunkards Path quilts...

The layout and design of the

Drunkards Path puts me on edge...

so the blocks have been sitting in a drawer.

While I was searching for something else

in the Thread Shed I found the blocks...

I started playing around with them...

The full circle makes me happy !

Circles have always made me happy...

I like the way the circle really

jumps out ...

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June 14, 2024
Random Blocks from Becca's Crazy Projects

I've had these five churn dash blocks hanging around forever. I decided to trim them, add matching borders, and put them into a charity quilt. Some left over blocks and I had something I liked. Now to piece it together and add some borders.
I've been gathering some 3.5" by 6.5" bricks to make a super scrappy quilt. I really like being able to pull a quilt together from a large selection of prints. Expect to see more of these.

My favorite tools and supplies (affiliate links):

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May 30, 2024
Interweave top finished............... from Exuberant Color

It didn't take long to finish this top yesterday (Interweave - free pattern from Timeless Treasures).  It is all batik fabric.  I used 56 fabrics instead of the 42 called for.  I also didn't use the side borders which allowed me to cut the strips for top and bottom longer and to have more squares in each column for the center of the quilt.  It is 55" x 74" compared to the 48.5" x 56.5" quilt in the pattern.

In this collage you can see the difference between the measurements I used for cutting on the 2 ...

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May 28, 2024
12 more columns............... from Exuberant Color

Two hours of sewing created 12 more columns sewn together, 6 to go plus sewing the 3 sections together.  There is one green strip and one lavender strip in this second section.  I should be able to finish this top today.

Rain was predicted for yesterday afternoon and evening.  I check the radar on my phone app and every storm either split and went north and south of us or dissipated before it got here.  Same forecast for today........I wonder if we will get any rain.....

I spent the morning going through my blue and turquoise regular print fabrics ...

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May 27, 2024
A finish for May 2024................. from Exuberant Color

I needed a break from my other project so I sewed the binding on this Shoo Fly quilt. (directions for the block on Lynn's blog, Solids on prints on her label list.)

I'm considering this a child's quilt because I used several novelty prints in the blocks.

It is 36.5" x 56" so it could be a big sister or brother quilt when gifting a baby quilt.

I used Hobbs 80/20 batting.

I have had the backing fabric for quite awhile and I'm sure it was on sale for a good price.

There are ...

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May 26, 2024
Quilting............. from Exuberant Color

This quilt has been loaded on the longarm for over a week and is finally quilted.

I decided on loops on this one with a light color variegated thread.

I chose a multicolor stripe type fabric for the binding.  I cut it but haven't sewn it yet.

I finished sewing all of the columns for the center of the Interweave quilt and I think this is the final layout.  I sorted the strips that will be sewn to the top and bottom of each column to be in the same order as the center strips.

One batik was narrower ...

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May 25, 2024
Second quilt top for May 2024............ from Exuberant Color

The last seams were sewn on the pink/blue quilt top in the middle of the afternoon yesterday.  I got it pressed shortly after and took its portrait.  It's a small top, just 48" x 60".  I like to have small quilts available to gift to others.

Last night I started sewing the center columns for the blue batik interweave quilt.  This is 15 of 27 that will be in the quilt  This isn't necessarily the order of the strips.  That will be decided when I get the next 12 sewn and added to the group.  The strips ...

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May 22, 2024
Prep work................. from Exuberant Color

There were severe storm warnings last night so I unplugged the sewing machine and did prep work for this Interweave quilt while I watched season finales of the 3 FBI shows.  As of 11:15 last night we hadn't gotten a drop of rain although the wind was strong most of the day yesterday.  Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin got most of the big storms.  

I went out in the late afternoon to take a picture of this shaggy center peony.  I had to hold onto the stem to get an in focus shot because of the wind.

I'm ...

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April 23, 2024
A quilt top for April................. from Exuberant Color

I really like this quilt top, but then I like all of the quilt tops I have made with these neutral color batiks.

This one is 55.5" x 72".  The next one which will use the rest of the blocks will be larger.

Here are 3 of the others made with most of the same fabrics and a few different in each quilt.  Unfortunately the lighting on the one on the right is bad and I sold it so I can't take another photo.

I mowed grass for a half hour and then went to the garden center ...

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April 20, 2024
Decision made................. from Exuberant Color

I made these neutral color 16 patch blocks in 2018 and there are 174 of them.  I had been trying to decide if I should make one almost king size quilt or 2 smaller quilts.  I did some figuring (for about an hour) last night and decided on one quilt 72" x 96" and another one 56" x 72".  There will be 3 blocks left over.  Now I can start playing with layouts.  I think I'll start with the smaller one because it will fit on my design wall on the mail level.

This is a quilt top I ...

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April 19, 2024
Busy hands, happy life.............. from Exuberant Color

I like to keep busy with fabric whether I have a project or not.  I have 2 project boxes full of Marcia Derse scraps and I keep looking at them and they don't look inspiring in the mess in the box.  I decided to loosely sort the strips by several lengths and slip them into plastic bags.  The odd shaped pieces will go in another bag.

Then if I decide to make blocks similar to this mock up, I will have an easier time selecting the strips.  Sorting is an easy job while watching TV.

There were a lot ...

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April 18, 2024
Layouts............... from Exuberant Color

There are more little 1.5" batik squares to make more 9 patches but I decided to play a little with layouts.  Edge to edge isn't very spectacular.  Since the blocks will finish at 3", this would only be 12" x 18", about the size of a placemat.

Spacing the blocks out with plain blocks between would stretch this to 18" x 24".

With the blocks on point they measure about 4.25" across so this would be about 21.5" square.  After sewing 400 of the 4.5" 9 patches I'm not very anxious to sew a ...

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April 17, 2024
More tiny 9 patches............ from Exuberant Color

I went through all of the piles of 1.5" squares and matched 5 dark/4 light for another batch of blocks.  In some there are 5 of the same fabric or 2 similar fabrics and others are 5 different fabrics that look good together.  The same is true of the groups of 4.

We had storm warnings last night which turned into nothing in my area so I sewed blocks.  This is 23 blocks, 8 of which were made the day before yesterday.  I haven't turned on the iron yet to press them.

The Redbud trees are pinking ...

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April 14, 2024
A finished top and garden walk................. from Exuberant Color

It made sense to go with 16 blocks instead of 15 to use up as many of the die cut pieces as possible.  It ended up at 39.5" square.  Square quilts are nice floor mats for little ones or this could be a wall hanging for someone who likes graphic designs on the wall.  Meanwhile the best part is that I emptied the box that held these pieces in an area that I am reorganizing.  

Last October I bought a sad looking Flare Hydrangea on sale for $8.50.  I planted it right away and hoped for the best ...

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April 13, 2024
Trimming and sewing.............. from Exuberant Color

Yesterday afternoon I trimmed the next quilt to finish.

Here is a peek at the back.  I had quite a bit of the border fabric left to use for a backing but not quite enough.  I had 2 other prints that looked good with it.  My longarm quilter pieced this backing for me because I didn't have it ready for her when she dropped of my Charley quilt.

This close shot shows the center fabric better.

I haven't decided on binding yet.  There is enough of the border fabric to use but I also have enough of the ...

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April 12, 2024
Easy way out.............. from Exuberant Color

There were enough pieces in that stack I showed yesterday to make 15 blocks.  I could spend hours trying to make something more spectacular but I think I'll take the easy way out and use this layout.  I think the blocks will be10" so this would be 30" x 50".  It would be a nice play mat size for a small child.  I have to move a few pieces to new locations so I'm not sure when I'll sew it together....quick decision and quick sewing or a couple days of moving pieces around.  The wall hanging ...

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April 11, 2024
First quilt top for April 2024........... from Exuberant Color

The quilt top was pressed and posed for its portrait.  It is 40" x 49".  The blocks are 4.5" finished and there are 99 of them so there are 198 different fabrics in this quilt top.  There are high contrast blocks and low contrast blocks in the mix.  I think it has softer contrast in person. 

I sewed 100 combinations of 2 fabrics and two 2" strips of batik was enough for 4 blocks.  This is the other 301 blocks.

This is the only block I didn't use.  It is in the early layouts that I showed on ...

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April 10, 2024
Charley is home................... from Exuberant Color

Charley in the Forest came home yesterday, quilted and ready to be trimmed and bound.  The trees are upside down in this photo.

I got this Charley Harper fabric, enough or a backing, on sale at a good price and I just love it.  You will see the whole quilt in a week or so, depending on when I'm ready to do some hand stitching.

In last night's sewing session I got this top sewn together but it isn't pressed yet so I'll do that today and post its photo tomorrow.

Most corners matched pretty well ...

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April 9, 2024
Ready to final scrutiny................ from Exuberant Color

A final decision: I would just make 2 more blocks and then sew it together.  I made the 2 blocks last night and now I will decide if any blocks need to be moved and then sew it together.  I will still have the option to make one or two more blocks if I'm not entirely happy with it.  The photos aren't totally accurate so what I'm seeing on the design wall looks a little different than the photo. 

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